What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

DLC.Extra-6. Macho Man's Long Vacation (6)

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Soon, the dinner ended in a harmonious atmosphere. When everyone left the table and Butler Harman started to put away napkins and plates, Li Yexing expressed to Alexa that he hoped to go for a walk alone. At the end, he also emphasized that She would not go to other floors, and Alexa said that as long as she didn't enter the laboratory or the garden casually, it didn't matter where she went. The environment in the laboratory is not very good. Without protective clothing, I'm worried about an accident... One hand was held by Alexa with her delicate, snow-white catkins. The queen in a black dress had eyes filled with tears. Eagerly, she whispered: As for the botanical garden, I'm worried that the cute children I raise will not recognize my dear......I understand. I have a hint of boldness towards the cute children in the botanical garden. Guessing, Li Yexing nodded and said seriously: Don't worry, I won't leave this floor.

In this way, separated from his girls, the adventure of the castle belonging to Li Yexing began. At first, Li Yexing just strolled casually out of interest, but after walking back and forth through the corridor, Li Yexing was surprised to find , I seem to be lost. The castle of the Ashford family has almost hollowed out the entire mountain of Queen Veronica Island. The internal area of ​​each floor is very huge. Coupled with the oil paintings that don't seem to be much different, Li Yexing is very He was soon lost in this huge castle. As far as he could see, he saw the splendor and splendor of the castle. - Exquisite works of art were displayed at intervals. Li Yexing even found some elements of the Celestial Dynasty in them, which made Li Yexing - This is a rather subtle feeling, as if you are in the mansion in Resident Evil or the Ashford family's rental house in Resident Evil Code Veronica. Obviously, the magnificent castle in front of us is much larger and more luxurious than the ancestral home of the Ashford family in Resident Evil Code Veronica. Moreover, it is much more luxurious than integrating with the military base. For the integrated Rockford Island, Queen Veronica Island must indeed be more like a place where traditional European old nobles live. At least, that's what Li Yexing thought before discovering the sensor hidden behind the blue and white porcelain bottle. From the moment he found the first sensor, Li Yexing's nerves became tense subconsciously. Out of professional habits, he began to subconsciously pay attention to his surrounding environment. As a result, more and more sensors were discovered by him, and , As his nerves tightened, Li Yexing felt more and more inconsistent. Vaguely, it seemed as if something was watching him in this corridor, but he could not find the source of the strange feeling. Then, Li Yexing discovered the room with the ceiling full of holes. Looking at the antique wooden chair at the end of the room and the blue enamel treasure box placed on the chair, Li Yexing fell into deep thought. Am I really here for a vacation? At this moment, the door to the room in front of me is so open, as if to welcome people passing by to come in and take a seat. By the way, take a look at what is in the blue treasure box? Which key is it? Okay. Which door to open? But Li Yexing just watched silently from the outside, with no desire to go in. In Li Yexing's opinion, according to normal people's thinking, no one would be bored enough to place a killing device in the house. It's understandable to put a few sensors. After all, the house is too big and I'm afraid of burglars, but it seems a bit outrageous to put such a killing device. However, there is one thing to say. The three Umbrella families are quite outrageous. Killing all the curiosity in his heart, Li Yexing forcibly suppressed his desire to solve the puzzle and get the treasure chest. He looked away and followed He continued to move forward in the corridor, but his steps were subconsciously much lighter. After all, now, he was not sure whether the sensors randomly arranged in the corridor were connected to some strange mechanism. Surrounded by a strong sense of crisis and being spied on, Li Yexing had completely lost the mood to visit the castle. He frowned slightly and walked step by step, always paying attention to the slightest movement in the corridor. In this kind of fear, he finally , he arrived at the rooftop leading to the outside of the castle. When he left the inside of the castle and held the cold stone railing with his hands, Li Yexing, who was blown by the sea breeze, let out a long sigh of relief. This feeling was surprisingly not bad. The tense spirit gradually relaxed. Li Yexing faced the sea breeze and silently admired the beautiful and breathtaking sunset on the sea in the distance. It didn't take long for Butler Harman to find Li Yexing, and so the beginning began. A conversation. As mentioned before, this castle is very big, very big, and it is easy to get lost. However, Li Yexing was not surprised that Butler Haman could find him quickly, even though no surveillance cameras were found in the corridor. , but with this extremely high-density sensor, even a cockroach can easily be found, let alone a living person. As the sun disk in the distance sank little by little into the sea level, the sky was finally shrouded in darkness, leaving only a faint purple-red color in the distance that was difficult to reach with the naked eye. Behind him, a beam of light came, covering Li Yexing The backlight of Butler Haman made the woods at the foot of the mountain appear more mysterious and dark. Li Yexing frowned slightly and said nothing. It was not until the sky was completely dominated by darkness that he turned around and faced That light comes from inside the castle. Are you going back? Mr. Li? Bowing slightly to Li Yexing, Butler Haman asked in a deep voice. Yes. Li Yexing nodded. Excuse me, do you want to go directly to the ladies, or stay alone again? -Yes? Housekeeper Haman continued to ask. Go find them... Li Yexing replied in a deep voice: 'To be honest, I always feel a little insecure when I stay here alone. Don't worry, Mr. Li. What I said before was just a joke for the elderly. Long before I prepared the rooms for you, I had already shut down all the institutions and systems in this manor... Butler Fenman chuckled and said, Both I and the lady, The distinguished guests will not be exposed to danger. This is against the Ashford family's hospitality. After finishing watching the sunset, Li Yexing returned to the corridor of the castle under the leadership of Butler Haman. , at this moment, all the crystal chandeliers hanging on the dome in the corridor are lit.

It looks dazzling at first glance, but due to the long distance between the chandeliers, the overall corridor looks slightly dim.

Speaking of which, Mr. Harman... After a moment of silence, Li Yexing couldn't help but ask in a low voice: Do you and Lisa usually live here? Yes, Mr. Li. Butler Harman replied. He said: This is the residence of the young lady, and I am a servant of the Ashford family. What do you usually do here? Li Yexing asked curiously. Taking care of the young lady, cleaning, and browsing files , ready to process intelligence at any time. After all, I don’t need sleep. I can work 24 hours a day. Butler Harman smiled and replied: “As for Miss, grow flowers, read books, make decisions on key issues, and occasionally make decisions with others.” I have read your relevant information over and over again, regardless of the new day. That's it. Li Yexing nodded and said nothing more. For a while, there were only footsteps of varying severity in the corridor. Li Yexing followed Butler Haman. , walking back and forth between the corridors, and then going down the stairs layer by layer, just like walking through a maze. I don’t know how long I walked. Suddenly, Butler Harman stopped and stood in front of two exquisite wooden doors. In front of the gate. Mr. Li, all the ladies are inside. He turned his head and bowed slightly to Li Yexing. Butler Haman said in a deep voice: The next road will be quite inconvenient for me. I forgive you for not being able to accompany me. .

Where is this place? Looking at the huge wooden door in front of him, Li Yexing asked subconsciously. Facing Li Yexing's question, Butler Haman's red eyes flashed with a trace of cunning, and he quickly covered up the... Wiping away his smile, he replied in a deep voice: It's a bathing place, Mr. Li.

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