What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

DLC.Extra-7. Macho Man’s Long Vacation (7)

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In the dressing room inlaid with white tiles, Li Yexing, with a white towel wrapped around his waist, silently looked at the mirror stained with light mist. In the mirror, the body was full of muscles. Although not bloated, it looked explosive. On top of that muscle, there are hideous scars. These scars are all left on the body from the previous life and have turned into old scars on the body. Unless the entire piece of flesh and scars are dug out, , otherwise these scars will never disappear

So, there is no difference at all from when I first came to this world. If I insist on saying that there is any difference, I am afraid that this face is the only one left. I remember when I looked in the mirror once, that face in the mirror His face was unshaven, his beard was unshaven, and his eyebrows were full of darkness and sternness. But now, the beard on this face was cleanly shaved, revealing the dry and smooth skin. After living with his girls for so many years, , the power of the virus keeps this body forever at the moment it just traveled through time. Suddenly, a sweet and playful sound came to his ears, which pulled Li Yexing out of his thoughts, so he turned his head, followed the sound, and looked at the huge frosted glass door next to him. Rita, don't be like this, don't... It's okay, Mu Qing, we are roommates... No, the people here are so nice... ah, it's so itchy. Wait, why is this body itchy? Do you still have it? Is Yu Li paying attention to this kind of thing? Ah! Wait, Rita, don't, don't do this, Miss Ashford is watching, you perverted girls! Listening to the strange noises that keep coming from the ears, Li Yexing's His face gradually became subtle. He raised his eyebrows and walked barefoot. He walked step by step to the frosted glass door, and then slowly pushed the door open. Suddenly, the scenery on the other side of the door came into view. The space on the other side is unusually open, even larger than a private room in a movie theater. Above the dome, white light shines down, and the light yellow tiles on the floor and walls reflect the surroundings. Moving forward, there is It was a large and intimidating bath, occupying almost three-quarters of the entire space. There was also a light yellow stone lion head statue hanging on the wall beside the bath. The statue had its mouth wide open and kept looking towards the bath. Hot water was pouring out of the room, and layers of white mist appeared, barely covering the figures of the girls from the Li family. As if she didn't care about the sound that kept coming from behind, Tililith exposed her upper body from the bathtub wrapped in a towel, lying on the side of the bathtub with an expressionless face, and played the game silently with her hands through the transparent pocket, letting her silver hair fall. Scattered on the water, and Tililian squeezed beside Tililith, staring at the screen of the game console in Tililith's hand attentively, and took off the hair condom, Tililian's silky blond hair was floating with Tilili's hair. The silky silver hair is mixed together. Compared to Tililith and Tililian who were quiet, the situation on the other side was much more subtle. Kanan was leaning on the edge of the bathtub, one hand resting on the light yellow tiles, and his short black hair was tied up on his head - Tuan, her expression looked quite subtle. Beside her, Mikishima's sitting posture looked a bit restrained, exposing the thin red lines on her skin. She put her legs together, clamped her straight arms, and looked at her face. She clearly had a shy Hongxia, but there was a faint light of eagerness in her eyes. As for Alexa, she was wrapped in a white towel, wrapping her wet blond hair around her chest and folding it at the same time. Legs, enjoying the scenery in front of me with great interest. Following the sight of the lively trio and the cooing cry, Li Yexing turned his head and saw water splashing everywhere, as if someone was fighting in the bath. The mist dispersed, faintly covering his beautiful figure. , the white towel has long been scattered, floating freely with the turbulence of the water, and the two people at the center of the storm, Li Yehang's royal maid Rita and Li Yehang's royal secretary Bai Muqing are entangled with each other, the former has a)-styled face Smiling, but the gray eyes with a faint purple light were full of excitement, while Bai Muqing, who was pressed underneath, turned red and looked extremely embarrassed. Although he was still quite interested in the scenery in front of him, Li Yexing couldn't help but covered his mouth with one hand and coughed dryly to emphasize his presence. Then the next second, time in the bath was stopped, except for morning Except for Tililith and Tililian who sensed Li Yexing, all the girls turned their heads and looked at Li Yexing who was standing at the door of the bath. After closing the door with his backhand, Li Yexing smiled and said, looking at Rita and Bai Muqing who had frozen expressions in the bath. I'm just telling you, you should do whatever you want when I come, don't pay attention to me. The next second, Rita's body suddenly shuddered. She hurriedly got up from Bai Muqing, and hurriedly covered her chest with a white towel. Her gray eyes were full of embarrassment, and even her smile was a little stretched. She stopped, while Bai Muqing kept the same posture and leaned silently by the pool. She remained motionless, her eyes were unfocused, her expression was indifferent, her lips trembled slightly, and after a long time, she whispered in a low voice: I'm going to die and get out of the bath. Touching Ti Lilith's head, Li Yexing met Rita's gaze and walked forward step by step. When he came to Rita's side, Li Yeyouxing smiled at Rita who looked embarrassed, and then bent down. Come, pick up the towel soaked in the water, gently cover Bai Muqing's face and whisper: Jie Aishun

A splash of water suddenly appeared on the white towel that outlined the shape of Bai Muqing's face. Bai Muqing pulled off the towel and covered it on his chest. At the same time, he raised his leg and kicked Li Yexing lightly, with a slight blush on his face. She laughed and cursed: You disgusting wild dog! There was a smile on her face again. Bai Muqing exhaled a breath of hot breath in the white mist. She did not put the white towel on her body again, but directly hugged it in her arms and curled up at the same time. He raised his legs and leaned his back against the edge of the bathtub while gently hooking his toes decorated with black nails. After coaxing Bai Muqing, Li Yexing turned his head, smiled and asked Rita, What were you playing just now? I'm just exchanging feelings with Miss Bai, sir. Seeing that the play between Kuang Mi was interrupted, even Rita couldn't help but blush slightly, and she gently teased the girl who was pricked by exercise.

He brushed off the gray hair on the side of his face, then smiled and said to Li Yexing: Just now, I was still thinking about whether my husband would come. After all, opportunities are hard to come by. It would be a pity if I couldn't bathe with my husband. Then, Rita gently patted her hand that was soaked in the water and motioned for Li Yexing to sit next to her. Li Yexing did not refuse and sat down directly. As soon as she entered the water, she saw Bai Muqing, who was sitting next to her, immediately turned around. Turning over, he put his feet on Li Yexing's thighs, and while shaking them gently, he said with a calm expression, Wild dog, rub it for me. Huh? Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and said, Oh, hurry up. Seeing Li Yexing motionless, Bai Muqing frowned slightly and kicked her feet lightly, splashing water on Li Yexing's face. In desperation, , Li Yexing subconsciously reached out and grabbed Bai Muqing's bare feet, but saw Bai Muqing raised her head suddenly, the arches of her feet suddenly tightened, she squinted her wine-red eyes, her face flushed, and she said with a look of enjoyment: Yes, Wild dog, that's it, just use a little more force. Seeing Bai Muqing's relaxed look, Li Yexing thought for a moment, gently placed her feet on his thighs, and then massaged them gently. - While observing Bai Muqing's reaction, and on the other side, feeling the caress from her own man, Bai Muqing closed her eyes with satisfaction, and murmured softly as if in a dream, I have been looking forward to this since I was in Lanyang. Okay, wild dog, you really made it easy for me to wait...

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