What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

DLC.Extra-8. Macho Man's Long Vacation (8)

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In a sense, Li Yexing is also quite contradictory. On the one hand, he always says that he hates willful women, but on the other hand, when faced with his own girl's occasional little willfulness, he wants to pamper her. Into the bones. Of course, Li Yexing would not refuse to fuck Bai Muqing's feet. After all, this was one of the reserved items between him and Bai Muqing. Just now, he just wanted to tease Bai Muqing, but now, he felt the jade feet dotted with black toenails being used on him. The delicateness and softness of the palm, and seeing Bai Muqing's expression of relief due to his own techniques, Li Yexing felt that his heart was about to be filled with the sense of accomplishment brought by his doting on his wife. The water rippled, the white mist was dispersed, and the smooth and soft touch squeezed his shoulders bit by bit. Li Yexing did not stop the work on his hands, but turned around silently, and Rita held her tightly through the white towel. She pressed against his body, hugged his arms with both arms, and looked at him with her gray eyes blinking. Li Yexing looked over, and she curled up the corners of her mouth with an elegant smile. is was speechless, letting Rita rest her shoulder on her wet gray hair, Li Yexing turned his head, while gently squeezing Bai Muqing's jade feet, while looking at the pair of jade feet between his palms Changing due to excessive comfort, she sometimes spread her toes and sometimes stretched her arches. When Li Yexing changed his gestures, they relaxed again and rested on Li Yexing's thighs. Not long after, Bai Muqing used a little force to pull her feet out from between Li Yexing's palms. She draped the white towel in front of her carelessly, exposing the black tattoo-like tattoo on her back given by the Ouroboros. The pattern rubbed against Li Yexing's side bit by bit, and then imitated Rita's example and hugged Li Yexing tightly, placing her hand firmly on Li Yexing's shoulder. Are you comfortable? Li Yexing asked softly. So comfortable... As if drunk, Bai Muqing, who looked red and squinted her wine-red eyes, whispered softly as if talking to herself. Said: Dog, you are so good to me...

Especially this? Hearing Bai Muqing's words, Li Yexing couldn't help but sneered softly: Are you satisfied with this? Not satisfied. Seemingly fainted, Bai Muqing said in a daze: Tomorrow morning, we'll see you again. I went to find you. I asked Mr. Yang to buy a few pairs of socks that you like. His expression was slightly stagnant. Li Yexing instinctively felt that he should not continue the topic, so the bathtub fell into silence. , was hugged by Rita on the left and Bai Muqing on the right. The two girls tightened their arms and clung to Li Yexing's body. From time to time, they gently rubbed their heads on Li Yexing's shoulders, hugging Li Yexing on the left and on the right. Ye Xing raised his head and looked around, only to see Tilijisi Yiri still playing the game and Tililian looking over from time to time. As for the other side, Tatenan, Mijima Hitomi and Alexa He never moved his eyes away, always staring here. Turning his head, he used his lips to push away the wet gray hair from Rita's forehead. Li Yexing patted Rita's forehead gently, and then whispered I'm going to Tililith and Tililian to have a look. Rita nodded slightly and let go of Li Yexing's arms. Li Yexing took out his arm and gently lifted the hair from Rita's forehead. Bangs, the other hand gently patted Bai Muqing's waist. Feeling the touch from the waist, Bai Muqing subconsciously let go of his arms. As a result, Li Yexing was freed. He stood up, boiled the hot water and Bai Wu walked towards Ti Lilis and Ti Lilian. Behind him, Bai Mu Qingtang, who had lost the object in his arms, rubbed against Rita, then hugged Rita in his arms, using his cheek Gently rubbing Rita's neck, looking at Bai Muqing's dizzy look, Rita turned around with a smile, and while catering to Bai Muqing's embrace, she gently stroked Bai Muqing's black hair. On the other hand , came behind Tililith and Tililian, Li Yexing pressed forward, letting his eyes go over the shoulders of Tililith and Tililian, looking at the game console in Tililith's hand, and saw on the screen, wearing a mixed-match Equipped with equipment, the silver-haired woman holding a bow and arrow was attacking a ferocious monster that was a mixture of purple and yellow-green. Sister, you are so powerful! Seeing Li Yexing approaching, Tillillian hurriedly moved toward Li Yexing. She squeezed her arms, and at the same time raised her little nose and said softly: Sister, I have never been hit by a monster even once! Is this... Broken Dragon? Listening to Tillillian's praise, he looked at the figure on the screen. After beating the chicken-like monster, Li Yexing couldn't help but whisper: Isn't this head a bit big?

Obsidian Broken Dragon. Staring at the screen of the limited edition 3DS intently, Tililith hooked her calf with Li Yexing's calf behind her and said expressionlessly: ~Super high blood volume and super attack power. High, even Tilly Jingsi can only score within thirty minutes. There is no doubt that the strength of the Obsidian Crushing Dragon is much higher than Mr. Simmons, and it is an enemy worthy of Tilly Lisi's seriousness. How did this get involved with Simmons? Li Yexing muttered subconsciously, and said with some confusion: And, to be honest, I don't feel that this monster is powerful at all. Isn't this completely under your control? Time?' As soon as she finished speaking, Tililith suddenly stopped operating. Then, the monster on the screen suddenly jumped up and punched Tililith's character to death. Ah! It turned out to be an instant kill! See the green on the screen The health bar was instantly cleared, and Tililith, who was good at M0BA games, couldn't help but lost her voice: What kind of equipment did this monster have? Even though there was still a chance, Tililith still quit the mission directly, and she ignored Tilili Anna turned her head with regretful eyes and said expressionlessly: Ren failed, it's Ye Xing's fault. Huh? Li Yexing raised his eyebrows when he heard what Tili was saying about making silk: Why is it my fault? You could definitely avoid it just now, right? Because Ye Xing was by his side, Tili Sifu missed it. Looking into Li Yexing's eyes, Tilithis emphasized: It's Yexing's fault. Yes! It's all my fault, my perverted brother-in-law! Although she couldn't figure out the reason, Tililian knew that at this time, as long as she followed her sister's ideas, she would definitely take advantage of her perverted brother-in-law.

You understand again... He poked Tililian's little head gently and watched Tililian's little face swell up like a puffer fish. Li Youxing turned his head to Tililith and chuckled: Okay, It's my fault, so what should I do to compensate Tililith? The magical girl Tililith needs the help of Grand Magister Ye Xing. Standing up with the game console, Tililith said expressionlessly: Sit down over there

Oh. Li Yexing nodded, turned around and sat on the edge of the bathtub. The next second, Tililith also turned around, and then sat directly in Li Yexing's arms across the towel, with her back Leaning on Li Yexing's chest muscles, she adjusted to a comfortable lying position. Tililith's ruby-like eyes shone slightly. She controlled the characters in the game to accept tasks, and said with an expressionless face: It's magic. The combination skill of the girl Tililith and the great mage Ye Xing, Charge of Love

E, power up! Oh! Sister, you are so handsome! I don't know whether it was to watch Tililith play the game, or simply to get closer to Li Yexing, Tililith clung to Li Yexing's body, and wrapped her arms around Li Yexing. Ye Xing's neck, his face excitedly said: You are worthy of being the sister of Magical Girl Ti Lilian! He started again. Looking at the golden and silver tyrant sisters turning into magical girls and squeezing in his arms, Li Yexing's face There was a subtle smile on his face. With the mission loading interface, Li Yexing stopped making any sound and focused his attention on Tili Jingsi's game screen together with Tili Lillian.

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