What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

DLC.Extra-9. Macho Man's Long Vacation (9)

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Different from the mature touch brought by Rita and Bai Muqing, the tyrant sisters Tililith and Tililian are more petite. Although they are equally soft, they are more like some kind of small animals, squeezed in the arms, with one arm Then she could wrap her arms around him, lie on Li Yexing's body, and rest her head on Li Yexing's chest. Tililith changed the character's weapon on the screen from a bow to a sword, and then started a new round of battle directly. Compared to Li Yexing, who was watching the battle quietly, Tililian was much noisier. With Tililith's various precise and bold extreme operations, Tililian let out bursts of exclamations from time to time, and her petite body became even more... She restlessly rubbed against Li Yexing's body through the white towel. After a while, perhaps because she felt that the posture was not restrained enough, Tililith stared at the screen of the game console intently while rubbing upwards until Putting his little face together with Li Yexing's profile. The towel fell off, Li Yexing muttered, and gently tugged the towel that slipped from Tililith's body to cover Tililith's chest. Tililith lost her sight as Tililith's posture changed. An Ze immediately stood up. After thinking about it, she sat directly by the bathtub. She raised the heads of Li Yexing and Ti Lilith and gently placed them on her slender thighs. After all this was completed, she While staring at the screen of the game console as intently as Li Yexing, he stretched out his hands to gently touch the cheeks of Ruo Li Yexing and Ti Lilith. It's in the way. Tililith said coldly. Her little hand shrank subconsciously. Tililian thought for a moment and took back the hand that was stroking Tililith's cheek, letting the delicate white jade fingers pass through it little by little. Li Yexing fiddled with his short black hair and muttered in a low voice: Touch the perverted brother-in-law's head, perverted brother-in-law, please don't grow taller...

Feeling the unique touch from the girl's thigh coming from the back of his head, Li Yexing raised his hand to catch Ti Lilian's soft catkin caressing his cheek, and while rubbing it gently, he said expressionlessly: Then I will Thank you so much. Hey. Tilly He'an fiddled with Li Yexing's short hair as if to demonstrate, and she burst into laughter. After a brief interlude, the bathhouse fell into silence again, and there was only sound in her ears. What was left was the sound of water coming from the mouth of the lion head sculpture opposite, mixed with the sound of the game console in Tililith's hand. With this sound, Kanan buried half of his face under his face, blowing bubbles. Hitomi Mikishima was soaking in the pool with her legs together neatly, seeming to be thinking about something. Bai Muqing looked like she was asleep. She was holding Rita, with her head resting on Rita through a white towel. Her chest, while Rita put one hand around Bai Muqing's waist, and gently stroked Bai Muqing's short hair with her other hand. There was still a touch of petting in her gray eyes. She spread her arms out and rested on the edge of the bath. , her long blond hair spread around her neck and spread across her chest. Sitting next to Hitomi Mishima, Alexisa, who was the farthest away from Li Yexing, looked in a good mood. She stretched out her arrogant figure that even the white towel could not hide. She had human curves, a slight smile on her lips, her eyes were narrowed and her legs were crossed like a queen patrolling her territory. After looking around for a week, she once again focused her attention on Li Yexing on the other side, on the water surface. Next, the pair of jade feet began to sway gently, as cute and cute as an innocent girl in love. Sister, you are so amazing! Suddenly, a burst of cooing broke the tranquility in the bath, attracting the attention of all the girls. Coming over, even Bai Muqing, who was deep in a half-dream state, subconsciously opened her eyes. There was a little confusion in her wine-red eyes. She turned her head and looked at the other side of the bath. She saw Sitting on the edge of the pool. Tililian twisted her petite body excitedly, and Li Yexing, who was holding Tili silk in his arms, sat up directly. He stared at the game screen in Tilili's hand with his eyes wide open, as if he was witnessing What a miracle.

In the strange scene, Tililith controlled the game character to squat on the monster's corpse, brandishing a short knife, and randomly used various disposable props as if to celebrate, until the mission settlement interface appeared, and the mission time was displayed. Defeat this obsidian monster. Dragon, Tililith took a total of 23 minutes and 49 seconds. With a soft pop sound, Tililith closed the game console directly and pushed it to the light yellow tiles next to the bath. She straightened up and sat on Li Ye Xing stretched his legs slightly, then turned around and lay on Li Ye Xing's chest, saying expressionlessly: 25 minutes have been scored. Sure enough, only monsters can defeat monsters. As a game player In his previous life, Li Yexing had also been exposed to the Monster Hunter series. Regarding the Obsidian Broken Dragon from the DLC mission of Monster Hunter 3G, Li Yexing was quite familiar with it. I heard that the monster had a very high fault tolerance rate. Low, even trying to score 30 minutes is extremely difficult, but now, Tililith has actually scored 25 minutes! That's amazing! - Holding Tililith tightly in his arms, Li Yexing worked hard She rubbed Tililith's face. After being rubbed twice by Li Youxing, Tililith forcibly turned her head and touched Li Yexing's lips directly. Ah! Sister, you ran away! Si and Li Yexing were chatting together, and Tililian couldn't help but start to gently pull Li Yexing's short hair. Until their lips parted, she rubbed Li Yexing's cheeks hard and said: Perverted brother-in-law !I want it too! Let Tililith sit on his left leg. Li Yexing straightened up with his back against the edge of the bath, and then gently patted his right leg. Tililith, who understood it, immediately slid down, She kicked away the water and sat on Li Yexing's lap. Li Yexing put his arm around Ti Lilian's waist and gently kissed her until Ti Lilian's breathing rhythm began to become chaotic, and Li Yexing let go. Lips and hands patted the waists of Tililith and Tililian at the same time. Li Yexing said softly: Okay, I'll go to the other side to have a look. After hearing Li Yexing's words, Tililith and Tililian stood up obediently. Come on, just when Li Yexing turned around and was about to leave, Tililith suddenly stretched out her hand and grabbed Li Yexing's hand.

OK wrist. Being grabbed by the wrist, Li Yexing was slightly stunned, and then turned his head, with a trace of inquiry in his eyes, but he heard Tililith say expressionlessly: Tonight, Tililith will go back to Yexing, Tietie.

Son, I'll wait... chuckled and nodded. Li Yexing responded to the faint desire in the red eyes without hesitation. Thinking about it carefully, from the end of the battle to now, he seems to have been accompanying others. is a girl, and Tililith has always been very close to Alexisa, and I don’t know what they were talking about. This has led to the fact that to this day, the two of them have no chance to be alone. As there are more and more girls in the family, this Li Yexing always felt guilty about this incident. In his opinion, Tiililith had indulged him and allowed him to give away all the love that should have belonged to Tiililith, even though Tiililith didn't seem to care at all, and even He was still very supportive, but Li Yexing was not sure what kind of thoughts Tililith was hiding deep in his heart. Looking at Tililith whose eyes were shining with happiness because he agreed to his request, Li Yexing felt distressed for no reason, so when Tililith looked at her in surprise, Li Yexing suddenly hugged Tililith tightly in his arms.

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