What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

DLC.Extra-11. The macho man’s long vacation (11)

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Facing Alexa's smiling gaze, Li Yexing walked forward step by step. He gently sat down against Alexa, then scratched his head and said awkwardly, You were busy just now. Isn't it? Smiling at Li Yexing, Alexa tilted her head slightly and said, Dear, you know, I'm not the kind of woman who doesn't know what to do. Looking at those orange snake eyes, Li Ye Xing knew that Alexa was telling the truth, but for some reason, after learning that the other party had seen everything he had done, Li Ye Xing always felt that the other party was acting strangely. After all, Li Ye Xing was in Alex In the bathhouse of Sha's house, he checked out all the girls except Alexa in front of Alexa. You actually care about this kind of thing, my dear, you are so cute that I I can't help but want to take a bite... Seeing that the embarrassment on Li Yexing's face had not faded. Alexa couldn't help but laugh. She leaned forward in front of Li Yexing, stretched out her white The jade hand gently brushed Li Yexing's cheek, then smiled and said: It's okay, dear, I don't care that much. That is to say, you still care, right? Li Yexingxian asked with a smile. Of course, you do care. Alexa chuckled and said, In front of my other sisters, you But I didn’t say so many words. At this time, you should kiss me directly and respond to my expectations. F. Seeing that Alexa really didn’t care, the embarrassment on Li Yexing’s face disappeared, and he squinted slightly She closed her eyes and pressed lightly on Alexa's lips. Suddenly, a trace of satisfaction showed in her red snake pupils. Alexa stretched out her arms and put them around Li Yexing's neck, between offense and defense. Switching back and forth, catering wantonly, after a moment, when the lips separated, with a flushed face, she gently stroked Li Yexing's cheek and murmured softly: My dear, you are so sweet, just like Dessert after the meal Can I only serve it as dessert after the meal? Li Yexing asked softly with raised eyebrows. It is both a dessert and a meal, my cute little lion. The catkin caressing Li Yexing's cheek slowly moved downwards, Her jade finger stretched out and gently lifted Li Yexing's chin. The sweet curve of Alexa's mouth seemed to melt away. She squinted her eyes and murmured softly: Anyway, no matter what you are, I will always eat you. Yours. You seem to be very patient. Li Yexing whispered: You looked impatient before. That's because I thought I was disliked by you, my dear. Alek Lisa chuckled and said: Now, I know that you are already mine, so I can be a little more patient. After all, you will spend a long time with me here, right? My dear? is That's right. He leaned in front of Alexa and gently rubbed the mole under the corner of Alexa's eyes with the tip of his pen. Li Yexing whispered with his eyes: This time, we have a lot of time to get tired of it. Together. Enjoying Ruo Li Yexing's hot breath on her cheek, Alexa raised her head slightly and ate like a dream. Although she said she didn't care that much, but if you think about it carefully, this feeling is quite subtle. After all, if you look carefully Get up, obviously I am the first girl to meet you, our fate started ten years ago, but now, I am the last one... After a slight pause, Alexa suddenly He chuckled and said, No, I may not be the last one, right? My dear? To be honest, I hope you are the last one. Li Yexing said softly: There are already too many girls around me. I know it's not fair to you, but I'm a selfish bastard and I can't let go of any of it... Is It's okay, honey, you're selfish and you don't want to give up on us, and we're equally selfish and we don't want to quit on our own. , let you share your love with other sisters... Faced with Li Yexing's entanglement, Alexa chuckled and said: In the end, we are all just monsters who join the group to keep warm. Who is higher than who? ?I don’t know if my dear can share love with us equally, but I know that neither I nor the other sisters are happy, and we are not willing to imagine life without you and other sisters. Not just a lover, but a family member. is family opened his eyes and faced Alexa's orange-red snake eyes that were overflowing with happiness. Li Yexing suddenly remembered that Butler Harman once said that Alexa has always been... Alone, as an artificial human being born through genetic engineering, with excessive talents and an unruly personality, she seemed out of place. After transforming into a non-human, the sense of separation became even stronger. Even though Ah No matter how strong Lexissa is, she still can't get rid of the loneliness that secretly grows in her heart over time. There is no friendship, no love, and even family affection can only be given by the housekeeper who is not a blood relative. In a sense, This powerful woman seems to have been abandoned in a corner of the world.

In this situation, a monster girl like Alexa and a man who seems to be born specifically for them and is willing to fall in love with the monster are simply Alexa's life-saving straw. No words or actions needed, just its existence itself was enough to pull Alexa out of the loneliness and darkness. Only by knowing the story of this lonely queen can Li Yexing truly understand why she is so persistent with him. Feeling the desire in her eyes, Li Yexing showed a smile. He nodded gently and said to Ah Lexissa said softly: Yes, we are monsters who join together to keep warm. We are not only lovers but also family. Suddenly, the orange snake eyes lit up, as if there was some kind of emotion stirring, Alek Lisa exhaled a trace of hot air, licked her lips and said: I found that I was wrong, dear, I thought I could bear it, but now, I find that I can't bear it for a moment. After taking a bath, I will give you instructions. Butler Man has prepared a bottle of fine red wine for us. Honey, I'm going to have it tonight. Sorry, Lisa, I'm afraid it won't work tonight. He turned around and glanced at the man lying next to the bath playing games.

Li Yexing said with a smile: Tonight, I have an appointment... Is it Miss Tililith? After hearing Li Yexing's words, Alexa was slightly stunned, and then she showed her understanding. With a smile, she said softly: You should forget about this matter. Because of me, it seems that Miss Tililis has never been able to spare time to have a good intimacy with my dear. Since it is this and that, I Just wait a few more days. Speaking of this, Alexa narrowed her orange snake eyes, smiled at Li Yexing and said, After all, we still have time, don't we? Although she failed to make an appointment successfully. It was the last train tonight, but Alexa still seemed to be in a good mood. Seeing Li Yexing fall into a brief silence, she stood up. Under Li Yexing's somewhat surprised gaze, she sat sideways on Li Yexing's lap and leaned against her. Li Yexing's chest, she stretched out her hands and put them around Li Yexing's neck again. At the same time, she smiled and said softly, Sure enough, I still like this posture. Without saying anything, Li Yexing just gently put his hands around Alekli's body. Sa's waist, and then leaned against the edge of the bathtub, closed her eyes, and began to enjoy this moment of peace.

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