What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

DLC.Extra-12. Macho Man's Long Vacation (Twelve)

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After finishing the long bath, Li Yexing and the girls left the bath, put on the nightgowns prepared by Butler Harman in the dressing room, and returned to the bedrooms arranged by Butler Harman. Mr. Li, this is Your bedroom. After sending the girls into the bedroom one by one, leaving only Li Yexing and Alexa, Butler Harman bowed slightly in front of the door: Take a look, if you don't like it I will immediately Change a room for you.

Nodding to the Hama housekeeper, Li Yexing stretched out his hand and slowly pushed open the antique wooden door in front of him. Suddenly, an unusually spacious large room came into Li Yexing's eyes. The area of ​​this room was almost the size of Li Yexing's office. It is twice the size of the room, and the ground is completely covered by clean solid wood floors. On that floor, in the center of the room, is a three-person bed with the Umbrella logo and various noble family crests engraved on the bedside. , the bed was covered with a beige bedding embroidered with strange patterns, and a bronze table lamp stood on the cabinet beside the bed. Centered on the big bed, in the corner of the room was a silver-gray custom-made table lamp engraved with patterns. There was a small refrigerator and a simple wardrobe, and in another corner stood a frosted glass door. Even without walking in, Li Yexing knew that it must be an independent toilet and 5 bathrooms. He looked past the three-person bed and the wooden The rocking chair, at the end of the room, is a floor-to-ceiling window as big as the entire wall. Both sides of the window are covered by dark red gold-patterned curtains that are gathered together. Along the window, you can see the trees at the foot of the mountain. With the sea in the distance, you can still vaguely hear the waves. How's it going? My dear? She gently put her hands around Li Yexing's waist from behind. Alexa put her chin on Li Yexing's shoulder, smiled softly and said, Are you satisfied? Of course. Satisfied... Li Yexing nodded and responded softly. To be honest, Li Yexing didn't have too high requirements for things like bedroom. He felt that as long as there was a bed and he could sleep in the so-called bedroom, it was enough. If Mr. Li is satisfied, then it would be great... Bowing slightly to Li Yexing again, Butler Haman said in a deep voice: Then, I will not hit Mr. and Miss Li anymore. If something happens to Mr. Li, You can press the button beside the bed to call me. I am always ready. At the moment, there is still unfinished work in the manor. Please forgive me for leaving first. After that, Butler Fenman stepped back and left. Before leaving, he did not forget to close the door. Opening the door to the good room, for a moment, only Li Yexing and Alexa were left in the large, empty room.

Feeling the softness squeezing his back, Li Yexing turned around after a moment and looked at Alexa behind him. At this moment, she was wearing a white robe like Li Yexing, with a white hem covering her calves and a quilt around her waist. Tightly tied, and then opened little by little from the lower abdomen, up to the shoulders, revealing two loose and full snow-colored voluptuous breasts, which looked extremely moving. Great room. After a moment, not knowing what to say, Li Yexing could only try to break the embarrassment and said: Very much your style.

Not only my style, but also my taste... Alexa chuckled and said, Can you smell it? My dear? Hearing Alexa's words, Li Yexing sniffed subconsciously. Sure enough, the room seemed to be filled with a faint scent of roses, vaguely present. Seeing a hint of doubt and inquiry in Li Yexing's eyes, Alexa smiled and said: Dear, this is my room. I often sleep here.

A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and Li Yexing asked in a low voice: I'll sleep here, where will you sleep? Of course I'll sleep with you, my dear. Alexa chuckled and said. Well, Lisa, tonight. Hearing Alexa's words, Li Yexing showed a hint of embarrassment in his eyebrows. Just as he was about to speak, he saw Alexa She waved her hand gently and said with a smile: I'm just teasing you, my dear, I still remember that my dear has an appointment with Miss Tillylis tonight. As she spoke, Alexa chuckled and said: , Don’t worry, my dear, I will sleep up there tonight. The upper floor of this castle is my botanical garden, where the scenery is better. In a few days, I will take you up there for a walk, and by the way, you can see the lovely flowers and plants I have raised. Putting his arms around Alexa's waist, and gently hugging her into his arms, Li Yexing kissed Alexa's lips, and then said softly: I'm sorry, Lisa.

You don't have to apologize, my dear. She gently pressed Li Yexing's lips with her index finger. Feeling the warmth brought by being close to Li Yexing, a faint blush appeared on Alexa's face. She smiled and said softly: Besides this, my dear, before I go back to bed, I have something else to say to my love.

It's not really that important... Her mouth curled up, Alexa slightly narrowed her orange snake eyes, her lips parted slightly and murmured: I wonder, my dear, do you still remember, at the bottom of the sea? When we were in the oil fields, what did I promise you? Build a submarine oil field for me? Li Yexing was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, Forget it, Lisa, don't spend money on a place like this. More important than the undersea oil fields, my dear, don't care about those things... She shook her head gently at Li Yexing, with a hint of anger in her tone. Under Li Yexing's gaze, Alexa said There was a hint of charm in the slightly narrowed snake eyes. She raised her hand little by little, put her fingers between the collar of the bathrobe, and slowly pulled it open while murmuring softly: I have said that when I get here, I will change my dear to something more convenient... Licking her cherry lips with the tip of her tongue, dyeing them with a faint glimmer of water, Alexa used her low voice to And the unique hoarse voice whispered: How? Is it square enough?

Convenient enough. Li Yexing, whose eyes widened, replied subconsciously. Then what are you waiting for? My little lion? She blinked at Li Yexing, Alexa chuckled and murmured: When it's convenient, make it as convenient as possible, whatever is convenient for you, my dear. ..

No waiting for Alek

When Lisa spoke, he immediately pounced on her. Immediately, the flushed Alexa raised her head, her face full of a smile of happiness and satisfaction. She spoke, not even laughing, just her breathing. The voice was thick and urgent, and the expression became more and more joyful. Looking at the bathrobe, the delicate white catkins stretched out from the sleeves and stroked Li Yexing's short hair back and forth, interspersing it until Li Yexing raised his head. There seemed to be a trace of questioning in her blurred eyes. Is this the end? Before her breathing had calmed down, Alexa used her hands to press Li Yexing's head back with a little force. My dear, there's another side... It wasn't until the sweetness in the air was hard to resolve, combined with the two's heavy breathing, that Alexa gently patted Li Yexing's head, and she chuckled, Okay, my little lion, that's it for today. Are you satisfied? Li Yexing asked in a low voice, raising his head again.

Of course not. Alexisa, who gently stroked Li Yexing's cheek and blushed, breathed lightly and murmured in a low voice: But if this continues, I won't be able to bear it anymore. Dear...Okay. Just like Alexa, there was a hint of regret in his eyes. Li Yexing stood up, bent down, and gently adjusted Alexa's collar. Sha stretched out her hand and stroked Li Yexing's cheek. Her orange eyes were filled with a happy smile.

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