What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

DLC.Extra-13. Macho Man’s Long Vacation (Thirteen)

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After sending away the reluctant Alexa, Li Yexing was finally the only one left in the room. Slowly came to the bed and threw his body directly on the bed. His cheeks were wrapped in soft quilts, with a faint scent of roses still lingering on them. After taking another deep breath, Li Yexing turned over and said in big words She was lying on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling and the exquisite and elegant chandelier on the ceiling. After a while. Li Yexing turned his head and looked at the floor-to-ceiling window next to him. The night sky outside the window was cloudless, and the bright moon hung high, reflecting a white light that shone on the sea and spilled into the room.

Suddenly, a strange feeling arose in Li Yexing's heart. He was a little curious. What were his girls doing at this moment? If Tilly came to Si, they were probably playing games, right? Of course, it could be anything. If he doesn't do it, he is pestering Tilly to make silk. Kanan and Hitomi Mikishima may be looking at the scenery outside the window like him, but Hitomi Mikishima is doing it out of sentiment and the trace of Yamato Nadeshiko's bones. Wait, and Kanan just wants to find a ventilated place to smoke. If it were Bai Muqing, she/\\would never be idle. Although she said she wanted to be fake, at this moment, she must be lying on the bed using a laptop. While doing business, as for Rita, there was no need to think about it. She must be staying in the same room with Bai Muqing, and she might even get tired of being together. The maid seemed very pleased with the secretary she had trained. The pink scene of Rita almost clinging to Bai Muqing's body in the bathhouse floated through his mind. Li Yexing's expression was subtle and seemed a little out of place. He turned over and got out of bed, took out his mobile phone from his trousers pocket, and then He lay on the bed again and opened the lock screen. The time showed that it was just after nine o'clock in the evening. Li Yexing thought that it would still take some time before Tililith's night attack, so he started to read the news. I have to say that the news these days is very boring. After the nuclear explosion in Tall Oak City and the bioterrorist attack in Lanxiang City and some areas, the news was overwhelming for several days in a row. As someone who has experienced all this, For people who know all the inside stories, Li Youxing just feels bored when looking at the official talk in the news. Fortunately, this kind of boredom did not last long. Just when Li Yexing was a little drowsy because he was too comfortable after taking a bath, suddenly, there was a sound of opening the door, followed by the sound of gentle footsteps. Listening to these footsteps, Li Yexing knew that the person coming must be a petite girl. Ha Li Yexing, who was lying on the bed, couldn't help laughing. He said softly: You came so early today, Tililith. Ti Lilith didn't get an answer, and all she heard in her ears was the sound of the door closing. Then, the footsteps sounded again, getting closer and closer to Li Yexing. With the bed shaking slightly, the soft touch gently pressed against Li Yexing. Li Yexing was very familiar with this touch on Ye Xing's back. It was the touch of Tililith's tulle underwear.

This touch feels wrong.

The size is wrong! The finger sliding the screen of the mobile phone suddenly stopped, and Li Youxing subconsciously widened his eyes. The next second, just as he expected, soft lips gently squeezed his auricle from behind, accompanied by With a hint of heat, the familiar and delicate voice whispered in the ear: I'm sorry, perverted brother-in-law, it's not my sister who is the elder, but my master.

What the hell?! He suddenly turned over and pressed Ti Lilian under him in a burst of exclamation. Li Yexing raised his eyebrows, his eyes full of astonishment, and saw Ti Lilian untied her ponytail. Her long golden hair was scattered randomly in the darkness, and her pair of heterochromatic pupils shone faintly. Her left eye was like a ruby, no different from Tililith, and her right eye reflected the gradient of purple and blue, as if hiding the starry sky. Facing Li Yexing's surprised eyes, she gently raised the corners of her mouth, stretched out her hand and stroked Li Yexing's cheek, and scolded: She's not a ghost, she's the sister-in-law who is the most beloved of her perverted brother-in-law...

Where's your sister?! Li Yexing couldn't help but raise his eyebrows as he was confused about the situation. Paohuan has fainted and fallen asleep. Tililian replied with a chuckle. Tililith Pao Huan's expression became more and more subtle. Li Yexing lowered his head, looked at Ti Lilian's white gauze underwear, and then asked in a low voice, Why are you wearing your sister's clothes? They are my clothes! Ti Lilian Lilian pursed her lips and said, Sister, you bought that generous face specially for me! The sisters have the same style! When talking about this, Li Yexing understood everything, and his body relaxed. He seemed to Deflated, she pressed directly on Tili Zhan'an's body, her face looking very awkward. What's wrong? Perverted brother-in-law? Seeing that Li Yexing's mood was a little strange, Tili Lian gently stroked Ruo Li. Ye Xing's short-haired man asked in a low voice: Isn't the perverted brother-in-law happy to be attacked by me at night? I'm so happy. Li Ye Xing murmured in a low voice: But, I always feel that I am not ready... Again Aren't you ready? Hearing Li Yexing's words, Tililian complained in a low voice: It's the same reason every time. Is the perverted brother-in-law really preparing for me? Yes. Li Yexing whispered: , I told you, wait two more years, at least until you are as tall as your sister, right? Kill you! He gently kicked Li Yexing with his delicate little feet wrapped in fleshy white silk. Ti Lilian frowned slightly and said, I'm not shorter than my sister. Then I'll wait until you get bigger. Li Yexing murmured in a low voice.

If my perverted brother-in-law doesn't work hard, my size will probably get bigger... Ti Lilian complained with her mouth pursed. If you said this to me on the street, I would be invited to tea by a police officer. Li Yexing whispered. No, the hand stroking Li Yexing's short hair moved again. Lilian whispered as if she was comforting Li Yexing: I have a birth certificate issued by the Idonia government. I am 24 years old. Okay. After thinking about it, Li Yexing raised his arms and sat up. Li Yexing stood up, Ti Lilian's eyes revealed

She felt a little disappointed, and just when she was thinking of a way to get rid of her, Li Yexing's arms were seen passing under her legs and neck. The next second, Ti Lilian was directly hit by Princess Li Yexing hugged her. Perverted brother-in-law. Looking at Li Yexing's side face, Ti Lilian couldn't help but murmured softly. Avoiding Ti Lilian's gaze, Li Yexing got out of bed, stood up, and walked step by step towards the simple and exquisite wooden rocking chair in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. When he got to the chair, he gently faced the scenery outside the window. Lying on it, Tililian, who was held in his arms, immediately began to adjust her posture and lay on Li Yexing's chest. Looking at the girl with heterochromatic eyes in his arms and the long golden hair scattered on his chest, Li Yexing unconsciously raised his hand and gently stroked Tili Zhaan's head. He turned his head and whispered softly: Tonight, let's sleep with you in my arms. Hey... The little face came forward and pecked Li Yexing gently on the lips. There was a hint of cunning in Ti Lilian's eyes, and she lightly He smiled and said, My perverted brother-in-law is still kind to me, I love you.

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