What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

DLC.Extra-14. Macho Man’s Long Vacation (Fourteen)

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Facing the moonlight and the sea tide, Li Yexing hugged the blond girl with heterochromatic eyes and lay quietly on the rocking chair. For some reason, Tilly Hean today was no longer as peaceful as usual. She seemed particularly quiet. She was like a girl. A golden-haired Persian cat, with slightly squinted eyes, lay lazily in Li Yexing's arms. Asleep? I don't know how long it took, but Li Yexing asked softly, feeling the warm and moist breath coming from his chest. No. Ti Lilian said softly: This is a rare opportunity to be held in the arms of my perverted brother-in-law. I can't sleep. When the silence is broken, being silent becomes an embarrassment. In order to break this embarrassment , Li Yexing gently stroked Ti Lilian's head and whispered: Why are you so quiet today? What are you thinking about? I don't know. Ti Lilian responded softly: I feel like I have thought about a lot of things, and I feel It seems like he didn’t think about anything... Really? Li Yexing nodded lightly and said nothing. ils By the way, perverted brother-in-law, do you want to drink? After a moment, Ti Lilian broke the silence again, she whispered softly :'The Smiling Girl has equipped each room with a water tank, which contains wine and drinks. Onee-sama is drinking vodka.

Didn't you say that your sister Paomanpao fainted? Li Yexing asked with a chuckle. Of course I'm lying to my perverted brother-in-law. Didn't my perverted brother-in-law also see it? Looking up, with a hint of sweetness at the corner of her mouth, Tili Zhan gently rubbed Li Yexing's chest, and then continued to ask in a low voice: Hurry up, do you want me to drink with you? I casually rubbed Ti Lilian's little head, and Li Yexing said softly. Then, sir, go get it. The perverted brother-in-law will wait obediently. It seems that he is here. Feeling interested, Ti Lilian's heterochromatic eyes regained a faint light. She supported Li Yexing's chest with her small hands. She got up, and then jumped up and down wearing the white gauze underwear that was somewhat incompatible with her petite body. She jumped and ran towards the refrigerator in the corner of the room. When she returned to Li Yexing, she took an opened bottle of wine, stepped onto the rocking chair, and got back into Li Yexing's room with a slight sway. Be careful, don't spill it... Seeing Ti Lilian's reckless look, Li Yexing couldn't help but whispered: The things in Lisa's house don't look cheap. It's a pity to be drunk. It doesn't matter. The woman with the fake smile has a great career and is not an ordinary person. Lilian gently shook the wine bottle in her hand and said with a sweet smile: Besides, I have the first drink, no. The wine comes out. Sauvignon Blanc Looking at the letters on the bottle, Li Yexing raised his eyebrows slightly and said: What kind of wine is this? I don't know, I've never drunk it. Ti Lilian said softly: F That's why I took it Come out and have a taste. There are no cups in the room? Seeing that Ti Lilian only took the bottle, Li Yexing couldn't help but frown and asked in a low voice. Yes. Ti Lilian chuckled and replied: My lord, I will take care of it.

How can you drink without a cup? Li Yexing asked in a low voice. It doesn't matter, I just need to feed my perverted brother-in-law. Her heterochromatic pupils narrowed slightly, revealing a hint of cunning. The childishness in Ti Lilian's expression disappeared. She lifted up her long golden hair from her ears and lay down. On Li Yexing's chest, she gently kissed Li Yexing's lips until her breathing became a little unsmooth, then she parted her lips, then asked with a slight smile: How does it taste? Kissing her sister-in-law's mouth It's too sweet. Li Yexing chuckled and responded: I can't taste the wine at all. The perverted brother-in-law's mouth is also very sweet, but I know everything. Isn't it just for the perverted brother-in-law to say such things? Do you want me to come here again with wine in my mouth? I am truly the most perverted brother-in-law in the world... A faint mist appeared in her heterochromatic eyes, and Tilly smiled lightly and said, However, Yes, although a perverted brother-in-law is just a perverted brother-in-law, I can make an exception and make a perverted brother-in-law once. Oh my god, Li Yexing just said this to please Ti Lilian, and had no other meaning, but seeing Ti Lilian happy Among them, Li Yexing did not interrupt her. He supported Li Yexing's chest with his small hands and straddled Li Yexing's waist. Ti Lilian raised the wine bottle, tilted her neck and drank a sip, then held it in her mouth and squinted slightly. She kissed Li Yexing's lips gently with her eyes, letting the wine flow out from between their lips, flowing on Li Yexing's cheeks and neck. It wasn't until Li Yexing drank all the wine that Tililian stood up again. , she asked with a chuckle, Does it taste good? I honestly don't know. Li Yexing shook his head and muttered in a low voice, It's sour and astringent, so why not drink some juice or something? 080...Bi Li Ye Xing's words made her laugh. Tirilian lightly covered her lips, her eyes were as curved as crescent moons. She chuckled and said, Master Shimoto didn't think it was good either. There's no way. A hint of helplessness flashed between his eyebrows, Li Ye Xing said softly: That's why I said, all the good wine will be wasted if I drink it. I don't know how to taste it at all. What a coincidence, I am the same, Ti Lilian said with a smile: Then, perverted brother-in-law Do you still want to drink? Li Yexing said decisively: The bottle has been opened. It would be a real waste if you don't drink. Hehe... She smiled sweetly at Li Yexing, and Ti Lilian repeated her old trick, but this time , only half of the wine in her mouth was given to Li Yexing, and the remaining half was drank by herself. Not long after, the wine in the bottle was reduced by half. Li Yexing didn't seem to have any reaction, but Ti Lilian looked slightly. Hong, seems to be a little drunk. Perverted brother-in-law, I heard from the steam engine that in Japan, there is a thing called vomiting wine. She looked slightly drunk, and even talked more, and was a little sarcastic, Ti Lili An lay on Li Yexing's chest, while gently drawing circles on the scars on Li Yexing's chest, he whispered: I can't remember what the steam engine said, blah blah blah. But there is one thing I have remembered, that is, the core of the mouth-opening wine must be a beautiful girl like me! Speaking of this, Tillillian raised her head again. He gently stroked Li Yexing's cheek and said with a chuckle: So, my perverted brother-in-law should be grateful. After all, like

The mouth-shaped wine made by a beautiful girl like me will definitely be snapped up, right? Hehe, Yes... Li Yexing nodded and agreed with a smile: Wherever it is sold, biochemical crises will break out. , we can still earn another commission, this is your entrepreneurial idea 0? Kiss sister-in-law is really awesome. is

She took Li Yexing's collarbone in her mouth and sucked hard until a strawberry appeared. Ti Lilian let go of her mouth and said with a flat mouth as if to demonstrate, Perverted brother-in-law is talking nonsense! I'll bite you! Under the moonlight, the two of them are talking nonsense. The two looked at each other, one with a subtle expression as if he was confused, and the other with glaring eyes like a cruel Persian cat. After a moment, the two who finally couldn't hold back the expressions on their faces laughed out loud at the same time. They rubbed their heads upwards, Face to face with Li Yexing, the smile on Ti Lilian's face disappeared little by little, replaced by a hint of loneliness. She said softly: My elder sister is very good, the cannibal maid is also very good, and the silly big dog is very good. The steam engine is also very good, the ice girl is very good, even the fake smile girl is also very good, and the perverted brother-in-law is also very good... Ti Lilian, I really want to stay by your side forever...

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