What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

DLC.Extra-15. Macho Man's Long Vacation (Fifteen)

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The moonlight shines through the white gauze, reflecting the petite body under the gauze. Through the light, you can faintly see the shallow marks on the girl's body. Li Yexing once clearly remembered that he had just stayed in Tili Zhan'an. When she was in Lopulus, the area around her right eye was severely ulcerated, and she had to rely on an eyepatch to cover it. Even her body was covered with scars and suture marks from fighting. Until she drank Li Yexing's blood, Ti Lilian's eyes It was getting better little by little, and those scars were also relieved little by little. Even today, they have not completely dissipated. Under the moonlight, the white gauze, the scars all over the body, the sullen expression, the drunken blond girl with heterochromatic eyes, beautiful And desolate, like a painting. He took Tililian's little hand and pulled Tililian into his arms again. Li Yexing gently stroked Tililian's back through the layer of gauze. While whispering: It seems that you are not having a good life there. Eating nutritional sounds, doing tolerance training, soaking in nutritional fluids, there is nothing in the room except a white bed, and all I can see every day is The parents squeezed Li Yexing's arms gently, and Tililian whispered: Compared with the perverted brother-in-law, it's really terrible. Unfortunately, Tililian was still thinking about why my sister didn't want to go with me. Ti Lilian is going back. Really, after seeing the outside world and being treated tenderly, it’s strange that she wants to go back. Brother, Ti Lilian turned her head and looked out the window. She whispered softly: Moon, The sea, the woods, and the snow of Idonia. Before meeting her perverted brother-in-law, there was nothing in Tirilian's world. There were only endless bullets and endless surgeries. No one liked Tirilian. Casimir doesn't like you? Hearing Tili Jing'an's words, Li Yexing frowned subconsciously. He whispered to himself: That guy is like a darling daughter, because Ti Lilian Being able to become a bargaining chip for Casimir's father to get closer to his perverted brother-in-law, that's why Casimir's father felt that Ti Lilian was a treasure. He focused his attention on Li Yexing's face again, Ti Lilian said with a chuckle. : Casimir's father and his perverted brother-in-law had a very unpleasant experience, didn't they? In order to be like now, so that the perverted brother-in-law would not bear grudges against Casimir's father, Casimir's father sold Tililian to his perverted brother-in-law. . Is this guy so real? There was a flash of surprise in his eyes. Li Yexing couldn't help but whisper: I thought he was a very romantic mad scientist... Casimir's father is indeed a very romantic mad scientist. So Casimir’s father won’t look twice at the defective product.” Ti Lilian chuckled and explained: “It just so happens that Ti Lilian is the defective product that no one loves. Look at the sad look on the girl’s face. Yan Yu's smile, for some reason, Li Yexing suddenly felt as if his chest was blocked, and he was a little out of breath, while the other Ti Lilian chuckled to herself: Ti Lilian was born as a defective product, and her eyes are broken. Problem, there is something wrong with the body, and there is something wrong with the transplanted parasite. Not only is she imbecile, but she is also prone to going berserk. According to the father's vision, Tilly is a substitute for her sister. As long as she can take back her sister or create a new one, Sister, Tilly Hean can be turned into research data. There is no need to go out or fight. As long as it is regularly checked and dissected, or some new experiments can be conducted, there is no other use. , its lifespan is not long anyway, so you won’t feel bad if you throw it away after using it.”

At this point, Tili Zhan turned over and lay on Li Yexing's body. Then she picked up the wine bottle in her hand and drank a lot. When she exhaled the breath, she wiped it roughly. He turned his head, chuckled and said to Li Yexing: P So, Ti Lilian wants to thank her perverted brother-in-law. It is because Casimir's father knew about the existence of his perverted brother-in-law that Ti Lilian was never loved by anyone. The waste became a valuable trading item, and he also had his own name like his elder sister. Girl, don't say... He suddenly spat out the turbid air accumulated in his chest, and Li Yexing sat down He stood up and placed Tillillian's wine bottle on the small round table next to the rocking chair. He stared hard at Tiillian's heterochromatic eyes, and said in one word in Tiillian's surprised eyes: Listen, Tililian is in my heart, you are just like Tililith, neither a defective product nor a trading item! Then what is Tililian? Tililian asked in confusion. You are my dear sister-in-law! Li Yexing answered resolutely. There seemed to be a faint light in the dim heterochromatic pupils. Like an uneasy little animal, Tilly Hean asked in a low voice, Really? Of course it's true! Li Yexing replied with a serious face. Really? As if she didn't believe it, Tililian continued to ask. It's really true! She sat up straight and grasped with both hands. Looking at Ti Lilian's shoulder, Li Yexing frowned slightly and said, Listen, Ti Lilian, I don't have the ability to change your past, but I have the ability to work with you to describe your future. From today on, who will If he bullies you, just tell me and I will take you and a towel to knock on his door! What are you doing with a towel? Tillillian asked a little confused. Wet it and wring it out again. , and then stuff it down your butt! Li Youxing said fiercely: When the time comes, I will stuff it as deep as you want! As long as you don't, we will keep going into the inner room. If the one is not enough, I will stuff another one! Room until you are happy!... The lonely smile on her face finally had a hint of warmth. Ti Lilian punched Li Yexing lightly on the shoulder and chuckled: Don't stuff it in if you yell. , The perverted brother-in-law is so disgusting.

Where is this? I know something even more disgusting! Bi seemed to be interested, Li Yexing was about to start talking, but saw Tililith quickly raised her hands to cover Li Yexing's mouth, and covered Li Yexing's mouth. Ye Xing pressed back on the recliner. She shook her head and spread her smooth blond hair. She smiled and said urgently: Don't say it, don't say it, don't say it! It's so disgusting! Let go of your hands, Tililian. Li Yexing is soft again

In her arms, her face was still tinged with red. She didn’t know whether it was because she was drunk or because she was shy. With a slight smile on her lips, she whispered: Perverted brother-in-law, I will give Ti Lilian food and talk about it, 0 food Chocolate, drinks, and even cooks food for Tiillian, helps Tiillian clean up the bullets that have entered her body, and protects Tiillian when she is bombed. Tiillian is unhappy. , the perverted brother-in-law will coax Tilly Hean over and over again, tie Tili Hean’s hair in pigtails, and give Tililian a kiss and a hug. Tililian, I like the perverted brother-in-law the most...

Then who do you like more, me or your sister? Li Yexing asked with a smirk. He rushed forward, took Li Yexing's collarbone between his lips and sucked hard until he sucked out a straw grape. Matching the grass seedlings on the other side of the collarbone, Tililian gritted her teeth and said angrily like a kitten: I'll bite you to death! Asking such an idiotic question! Haha. I couldn't help but chuckle. With a sound, Li Yexing picked up Ti Lilian. He got off the rocking chair and came to the bed. He threw Ti Lilian directly on the big bed with a burst of cooing. Before Ti Lilian could say anything, he got up. He got on the bed, held up his arms and pressed Tililian under him. He looked at Li Yexing and blinked the pair of strange-colored eyes. After getting over the initial surprise, Tililian chuckled and murmured Perverted brother-in-law, are you finally ready? Ready. He leaned over and gently touched Ti Lilian's lips, and Li Yexing whispered: Tonight, I belong to you.

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