What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

DLC.Extra-16. Macho Man's Long Vacation (Sixteen)

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Looking at the cloudless blue sky, the shining sun, the golden beach, and the endless sea, coupled with the red and white parasol above his head and the beach lounger below him, Li Yexing, wearing black sand pants, could only I felt an inexplicable sense of déjà vu. Suddenly, a burst of footsteps came from his ears. Li Yexing did not speak, but reached out and gently lowered his sunglasses. At the same time, he turned his eyes and saw Rita with a smile on her face and walking elegantly under the golden sunshine. Step by step, she walked towards Li Ye step by step on the sand with bare feet. On the beach, she finally took off her maid outfit and put on a bold swimsuit, with purple lace on top of the black fabric. The purple flowers squeezed the snow peak, and with the shaking, the tight and white skin went all the way down the blockage of the black cloth, exposing the mermaid line and smooth lower abdomen, and then was covered by the same purple-colored skin. Lace and

The Puwei flower pattern was only covered by a small piece of black cloth the size of Li Yexing's palm, and black saints were tied on both sides of his thighs. Sir. He chuckled and came to Li Yexing's side. He placed the tray containing a large glass of iced lemonade on the round table next to the lounge chair. Li lifted the broken hair from her ears and faced Li Yexing. He bowed slightly, showing off the deep canyon that was squeezed out, and said with a smile: This is the lemonade prepared for you, please take it slowly. Suddenly, the sense of déjà vu became even stronger.

Speaking of which, how many years ago was our last beach vacation? Li Yexing pushed his sunglasses back on his face and asked in a low voice. Seven years ago, Mr. Rita smiled and replied: Seven years Recently, I had a very pleasant vacation on Loana Island with my husband and Miss Tillilis. Oh, I have an impression... Li Yexing nodded slightly, looking at the intertwined red and white on the parasol, and murmured softly: That little yellow flower who is plotting evil against me has a bad mind and a bad mouth. There is also a smelly housekeeper, and a group of stupid thieves dressed like security forces. I even wore my feet chasing those bastards. That's it, sir. Li Yexing winked at Li Yexing. The curvature of the corner of Ta's mouth became more cunning. Then, let me guess the process for a while. Li Yexing gently pressed down his sunglasses again, chuckled and said to Rita: Next, you should let me I've put some tanning oil on you, right? If Mr. is willing, then I'll bother you. A trace of joy flashed in her gray eyes, and Rita replied with a smile. Okay. Turning around and getting off the lounge chair, Li Yexing casually picked up the sunscreen oil placed next to the lounge chair. On the other side, Rita's hands Behind his back, he unbuttoned his clothes and then lay on the ground with a chuckle. Opening the lid, squeezing the sunscreen oil between his palms and rubbing it gently, Li Yexing squatted next to Rita, and then covered Rita's smooth and tight back with the palms of his hands. Suddenly, Rita's face turned slightly. Hong Rou let out a low voice. This scene is exactly the same as seven years ago... Li Yexing let his hands cover every gap and blind spot, and chuckled to himself: I can't help it. It gave me the illusion that I was still young.

Even though she was as dignified as Rita, she couldn't help humming softly. She swayed her calves gently and said softly: However, things are always changing. Compared to seven years ago, we are indeed different. Yeah, it's different. As if he was feeling something, Li Yexing applied sunscreen to Rita and raised his head to look at the sea in the distance. He saw Ti Lilith wearing a cute white lace swimsuit. She was lying on the little yellow duck swimming circle and floating expressionlessly, but this time, there was a blonde girl with heterochromatic eyes in the swimming circle. She was wearing a light green lace dress, and she looked extremely excited. She kicked her legs under the water while waving her arms vigorously, knocking out a splash of water. That look was in sharp contrast to Tililith who was motionless. It's hard to imagine that after working hard all night, the third She is still so energetic two days ago. Compared to the two tyrant sisters, Mikishima looks much calmer. She is wearing a pure white swimsuit without lace, and her sides and back are covered with silver metal. The ring was locked tightly. At this moment, she was holding the long black alloy knife from a certain executive, standing in the sea, facing the waves - chopping again and again.

After trying to split the wind, are you finally going to attack the waves this time?

She turned her eyes again, searching for the figures of the other girls, and saw a figure speeding out between the waves in the slightly deeper water on a surfboard with red and white patterns, galloping freely, letting her long golden hair Like flames flying among the waves, she was wearing a bolder black quack. The two triangular pieces of cloth on her chest that barely covered her vitals were connected by golden locks. The black piece of cloth on her lower body exposed her smooth lower abdomen, tied with a knot. Connected outside the thighs on both sides, and then covered by the translucent black gauze around the waist, looming. As the current head of the Ashford family, the uncrowned queen of Black Umbrella, Alexa's seaside The activity begins with conquering this huge wave. Speaking of which, where is Kanan? After looking around for a week and not finding Guannan, Li Yexing asked subconsciously. Miss Mafal seems to be diving. Rita replied with a smile: She asked me to tell sir that she will take care of today's dinner. Turns out I went fishing... After figuring out the situation, Li Yexing nodded, then patted Rita's waist gently and whispered, Turn over and help you paint the front.

It seems that your husband has really changed. Turning over, Rita's face was slightly red, and she said softly: I still remember that seven years ago, when I asked my husband to help me paint my front, he was shy. Yeah, it's been seven years, Li Yexing said with a chuckle as he gently applied sunscreen. We're already an old couple, what else is there to be shy about?

Ah, sir... Hearing Li Yexing say old husband and wife, Rita's face became rosy. She chuckled and said: 'It seems that this time, it's Li's turn.

Ta was shy. After a while, Li Yexing applied sunscreen. He patted Rita's belly gently and said to Rita with a smile: It's done. Quickly standing up and putting on her swimsuit, Rita bowed slightly to Li Yexing and said, Thank you, sir. Then, as if she remembered something, Rita suddenly came up and whispered softly to Li Yexing, Just now, While my husband was applying sunscreen on me, Miss Bai kept looking towards us. I know... Picking up the sunscreen jar that had been thrown aside, Li Yexing smiled and said: P So, next, let me clean up that

Have a great time, Mr. Zhi. Rita smiled.

After sending Rita away, Li Yexing took a hard sip of lemonade. Until the coolness penetrated his heart, he turned around and walked towards the parasol on the other side of the black and white / \\angular parasol. Below, Bai Muqing, who was wearing a black suspender swimsuit, was lying on a beach chair. She seemed to have noticed Li Ye walking over, and her five fingers that were placed on the keyboard of the laptop immediately moved, which was quite a bit of a cover-up. . Seeing Bai Muqing's appearance, Li Yexing couldn't help laughing.

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