What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

DLC.Extra-17. Macho Man's Long Vacation (Seventeen)

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Stepping on the soft sand with bare feet and a faint smile on his face, Li Yexing walked step by step to Bai Muqing's side with his hands behind his back. Under the umbrella, he put his head against Bai Muqing's. In front of the laptop, I looked at the dense characters on it. The next second, I saw Bai Muqing raised her hand and pushed it gently.

He opened Li Yexing's head and said with an indifferent expression: You blocked me. Ye was pushed away. There was still a smile on Li Yexing's face. He asked in a low voice: What is this? Several plans case, and some things outside Lopulus. Her fingers were jumping back and forth on the keyboard. Bai Muqing did not raise her head, but just pushed up her black-rimmed glasses. She whispered: These are all things that have nothing to do with wild dogs. Just leave it to me. How can it be okay? Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and chuckled: I was so looking forward to the vacation before, but when the vacation started, I ran to the side to work. Secretary, you are so relaxed. 'Where? l's fingers tapping on the keyboard paused slightly, and then started moving again. Bai Muqing whispered: Of course I hope to have a good rest, but when I think of there are so many things behind me that have not been dealt with, I can't. Fa is free.

Sighing softly, Li Yexing bent down, kissed Bai Muqing's side face gently, and then whispered in a low voice: You also said you are not a workaholic. Don't blow into my ears, You wild dog! It will affect my state! Li Yexing whispered. Bai Muqing's face immediately turned red. She turned her head, as if she wanted to complain, but the next second, Li Yexing hugged her with one hand. Bai Muqing kissed her neck directly. The burgundy eyes instantly widened, and then narrowed slightly. After the initial surprise and resistance, Bai Muqing immediately softened, and the hands on Li Yexing's chest changed from symbolic pushing to gentle caressing. Li Yexing's hands lifted up from his chest and wrapped around Li Yexing's neck. Li Yexing loosened his hold on Bai Muqing's hand and gently closed the laptop on Bai Muqing's lap until Bai Muqing's cheeks were completely infected by the red clouds, and his hot breath It started to become less smooth, and Li Yexing let go of his lips. He saw Bai Muqing slumped on the beach chair, panting slightly. She raised her hand and lightly hit Li Yexing on the shoulder, as if she was complaining, but also as if she was saying coquettishly. : You wild dog, why are you so annoying? I'm so annoying. Stop guarding your computer... He let his fingers gently scrape Bai Muqing's cheek, lifted up the black hair, and Li Yexing said softly. Can I give you sunscreen? He closed my computer and asked me why? Bai Muqing gave Li Yexing an annoyed look and placed the laptop on the small round table next to the beach chair. , then turned around and began to untie the sling of his swimsuit with his back to Li Yexing. Looking at the lily-like black tattoo brought by the Ouroboros on Bai Muqing's back, Li Yexing asked softly: Don't you have to lie down? That's it. He tilted his head slightly and sat sideways on the beach. Bai Muqing on the chair whispered, seeming to have recovered from the heat just now. There was a hint of coldness in her tone that made Li Yexing feel more friendly. Okay, wait a minute. Squeezing the sunscreen oil into her hand , rubbing it with both palms, Li Yexing gently covered Bai Muqing's back with his hands, and then applied it carefully little by little, until Bai Muqing's snow-white back was coated with a layer of attractive oil. Li Yexing Then she whispered: Turn around. She spread her legs, turned around, and faced Li Yexing. She was still holding the swimsuit on her upper body tightly in her hands. The indifference on Bai Muqing's face softened slightly, and her eyebrows were lowered. He lowered his head and whispered: Isn't this a little weird? What's weird? Li Yexing quickly squeezed out new sunscreen oil in his palm, and while applying it to Bai Muqing's front, Li Yexing said: I've been doing this for three years. . This is the beach! Bai Muqing raised her leg and lightly kicked Li Yexing. Bai Muqing urged: It feels too weird to apply faster... Really, Rita won't even think... Bai Muqing urged, and Li Yexing subconsciously speeded up - saying, Rita is a pervert! In front of Li Yexing, Bai Muqing said bad things about his good sister without hesitation. Okay, okay, it's done... He hurriedly applied sunscreen oil to Bai Muqing, and watched Bai Muqing put on her swimsuit again with a slightly vacant brow. Li Youxing was about to leave, but saw Bai Muqing raise her leg again and gently kick Li Ye. The luggage was traveling at night, and she looked a little awkward and said: Legs. Oh, I forgot, it's all because you kept urging me just now. After hearing Bai Muqing's words, Li Yexing immediately turned around, and he subconsciously squeezed the sunscreen oil in Rushing, lowering his head, he bumped into Bai Muqing's burgundy eyes that were glistening with anticipation. After being slightly stunned, Li Yexing immediately understood. The corners of his mouth couldn't help but curve. Li Yexing knelt down on one knee in front of Bai Muqing, put the bottle of sunscreen aside, then raised his head and said to Bai Muqing with a chuckle: Are you ready? Hurry up. The overlapping little feet gently kicked Li Yexing's chest. Bai Muqing said with a slightly red face. Don't worry, it's coming... He gently touched Bai Muqing's knees, and Li Yexing stretched out his hands to let him take it. He took the sunscreen oil and applied it bit by bit along Bai Muqing's thigh. When it was coated with a layer of oil, he moved his position to Bai Muqing's knees. In front of him, Bai Muqing narrowed his burgundy eyes, condescendingly. She looked down at Li Yexing with a wicked curve at the corner of her mouth. Under the dual pleasure of spirit and body, she couldn't help but gently shake her calves and let her toes rub gently on Li Yexing's chest. .After a moment, Li Yexing stepped back slightly, squeezed out sunscreen oil on his palms again, and then slowly applied it on Bai Muqing's calves. Wherever his palms passed, a delicate and smooth oil shimmered inside, until his hands continued downward from the calves, holding Holding his ankle, Li Yexing raised his head again and saw Bai Muqing panting slightly. Her face was flushed, and her wine-red eyes were full of excitement, which even a layer of water mist could not hide. So, you and I Who is the pervert in Rita? Li Yexing lightly slapped Bai Muqing's raised little feet, and asked with a chuckle. Hurry up, hurry up... There was something in his eyes.

Seemingly anxious, Bai Muqing frowned slightly. She raised her little feet and gently touched Li Yexing's lips with her cardamom jade toes dotted with black nails, while urging in a low voice as if she was withdrawing from a spoiled child. I know, it's true... Feeling funny for no reason, Li Youxing gently grabbed Bai Muqing's feet to stop her from shaking. Then, he squinted his eyes slightly and looked at Bai Muqing's breasts that revealed light blue blood vessels. The white instep murmured gently. Holding Bai Muqing's ankle in his palm, Li Yexing could clearly feel that the moment he kissed her, Bai Muqing's body trembled suddenly. .'. Unable to help but let out a chuckle, Li Yexing moved his lips and kissed along the cyan blood vessels, then lightly touched the tip of his nose, feeling the faint scent of lilies, until Bai Muqing's body began to faintly With his forehead trembling, he turned his face and gently rubbed Bai Muqing's smooth and delicate instep with his cheek. When Bai Muqing's condition calmed down a little, he slowly lowered his head and looked at the pat of bright black cardamom dotted with it, little by little. Opened his lips.

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