What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

DLC.Extra-18. Macho Man’s Long Vacation (Eighteen)

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A moment later, when Li Yexing raised his head again, he saw that Bai Muqing had completely collapsed on the beach chair, her jade hands placed casually in front of her, covering half of her face, revealing wine-red eyes filled with mist, and the corners of her lips curled up. There is still a slight arc, and the snowy peak, which is squeezed by the arms and the beach chair, is still undulating slightly while breathing out. Isn't this going to work? Seeing Bai Muqing's dazed look, Li Yexing smiled. He once again applied a layer of sunscreen oil on his palms and rubbed it gently with his hands until the sunscreen oil was soaked by the body temperature. , he stretched out his hand and gently held Bai Muqing's jade feet. Suddenly, Bai Muqing's body trembled slightly, and her face was instantly filled with relief, while Li Yexing applied it carefully, letting his palms and fingers The tip swam across the sole of the foot, brushed over the ankle, squeezed the arch of the foot, and wrapped the instep. When Bai Muqing's snow-white feet were shrouded in oil, he inserted his five fingers bit by bit into Bai Muqing's row, lubricated by sunscreen oil. The cardamom toes are decorated with bright black.

With a low groan, Bai Muqing's body became stiff, the catkins spread in front of her face were slightly clenched, the arches of her feet were tightened, and the row of cardamom bit Li Yexing's fingers slightly. In this regard, Li Ye Xing didn't care. He just used the lubrication of sunscreen to move his fingers gently between Bai Muqing's toes. Following Li Yexing's movements, Bai Muqing's bright black toenails opened and closed sometimes. They moved them together again, until Li Yexing pulled out his five fingers, the five cardamom nuts were locked together at the same time, as if they didn't want Li Yexing to leave. Don't. After painting one foot, Li Yexing lightly slapped it, and then said: The other one. After hearing Li Yexing's words, Bai Muqing was speechless, and just straightened up towards Li Yexing silently. He took off the other leg, and when his face no longer looked so artificially indifferent, Li Yexing's secretary turned out to be unexpectedly well-behaved.

On the other side, Bai Muqing, who was slumped on the couch, saw Li Yexing standing up, and immediately stretched out his hands, whispering as if in sleep, Come here, wild dog. He smiled at Bai Muqing, and Li Yexing went directly to the beach. On the chair, she lay down next to Bai Muqing, while Bai Muqing put her arms around Li Yexing's waist and got directly into Li Yexing's arms. Finally, as if she was afraid that Li Yexing would escape, she lightly raised her legs and hooked him. On Li Yexing's calf. As if she was drunk, Bai Muqing squinted her eyes slightly, opened her lips slightly, and let her pink tongue gently lick the hideous scar on Li Yexing's chest. Then, she gently touched Li Yexing's chest. On his chest, facing the secretary who exposed his soft side, Li Yexing said nothing, but gently stroked Bai Muqing's waist and shorts, his eyes full of petting. Wild dog. After a moment, the state seemed to be like Turning around, but not escaping from this intoxicating beauty, Bai Muqing raised her head, looked into Li Yexing's eyes, and asked softly, You know, what made me decide that this life must be yours? I'm very curious. Li Yexing resumed softly.

Rubbing her body upward so that she could look at Li Yexing's eye level, Bai Muqing's jade hand around Li Yexing's waist moved up gently and gently touched Li Yexing's cheek. She said softly: Actually, it was that day. In Room 2, when you were putting on my shoes... This answer is really beyond my expectation... Li Yexing muttered in a low voice. I don't understand? Right? There was a gleam in his burgundy eyes. With a faint smile, Bai Muqing gently stroked Li Yexing's cheek and said softly: Sure, I don't understand. At that time, I thought I loved you, but I didn't want to speak, because I didn't I know what you really think of me, and I always feel that if I speak first, I will lose, not only my life and future, but also myself... Mu Qing's winning mentality It's a bit too strong, Li Yexing whispered. Don't talk, listen to me. Her jade hand gently pressed Li Yexing's mouth, making Li Yexing swallow all the words, and made sure that Li Yexing would not interrupt. After her, Bai Muqing continued in a low voice, Later, on New Year's Eve, when we were in the office, you rubbed my feet and put on my shoes. You were so gentle and put on my shoes so carefully. I can still recall it to this day. When I got up, the tip of your nose and lips felt like they were gently rubbing against mine through stockings. Perhaps, from that moment on, I felt that I could be a little more honest. Perhaps, there is nothing wrong with entrusting myself to you. . Then you lose. Li Yexing chuckled and said angrily through Bai Muqing's jade finger. Then do you love me? Bai Muqing asked in return. Of course I do. Li Yexing nodded decisively and replied. Can you leave me? With a hint of pride in his burgundy eyes, Bai Muqing continued to ask. You can't leave me, Li Yexing shook his head.

Then do you want to talk about me now? Bai Muqing asked with a slight smile as the tip of her tongue licked her cherry lips, stained with a trace of water color. I think. Li Yexing nodded without hesitation. Without saying anything, Bai Muqing just smiled and removed the jade finger covering Li Yexing's lips. The next second, Li Yexing hugged Bai Muqing tightly and kissed her fiercely. He walked over and put his arms around Li Yexing's neck. Bai Muqing closed his eyes and catered to him wantonly. Until their lips parted, Bai Muqing smiled and said angrily: Who loses now? I lost. With a helpless smile on his face, Li Yexing's eyes were filled with determination. He whispered: You won, Miss Elite. Of course I won, I have never lost. Bai Muqing, holding her lover in her arms, Her eyes were overflowing with happiness. She rubbed her body upward again and hugged Li Yexing's head into her chest. While gently stroking Li Yexing's short hair, she said proudly: I studied hard and passed the exam. I got the ideal degree from the ideal university, successfully entered Black Umbrella, worked hard, and tried to improve myself. I became an executive. All of this is just to meet you at the right place. Now, I All the efforts I have made before have paid off. You are in my arms. You love me and you can't live without me. Why do you say that I have lost?

It's as if meeting me is part of your life plan. Li Yexing murmured in a low voice. Plans can never change as quickly as they change, especially mine. After getting to know you, my plans have become faster and faster. The precision becomes more like a piece of waste paper. Speaking with a proud expression that made Li Yexing feel distressed, Bai Muqing said with a proud face: But, you have to admit, it is precisely because of my plan that we can now be here. At the same time, it can be seen that although it failed to achieve the tactical effect I originally envisioned, there is no doubt that my plan was successful! What I lost was + strokes. What I won was life! No, Mu Qing, don’t I said it. Shaking his head gently and making waves, Li Yexing said with a subtle expression: If you don't feel awkward, it's my turn to feel awkward.

Ha, I knew I couldn't be too nice to you. His face instantly returned to coldness, and there was a hint of disgust in his eyes. Bai Muqing let go of Li Yexing's arms.

He shook his arm and said to Li Yexing in a deep voice, Bring me the sunscreen oil. After hearing Bai Muqing's words, Li Yexing sat up, picked up the sunscreen oil that he had placed next to the lounge chair, and handed it to Bai Muqing chuckled at the same time and said: What? Do you want to apply sunscreen on me? Yes, you guessed it right. Hugging Li Yexing from behind, wrapping his legs around Li Yexing's waist, Bai Muqing opened the sunscreen. Then, the pair of jade feet rubbed each other in front of Li Yexing's waist, making bursts of sound until the pair were dotted with bright black Her white and tender feet were covered with oil, and Bai Muqing leaned into Li Yexing's ear and chuckled: Come to think of it, it's all because I'm too busy. I haven't tried any new ways to play with you for three years. Today, Just use this sunscreen oil as a lubricant and try the medicine on your ankles and feet. How does it feel?

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