What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

DLC.Extra-19. Macho Man's Long Vacation (Nineteen)

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In the end, the evil female cadre from Black Umbrella failed to implement her little plan due to Li Yexing's refusal. Seeing the resentment on the rejected Bai Muqing's face, Li Yexing knelt down again and evenly applied the sunscreen oil on Bai Muqing's feet. After sitting on the beach chair, he stood up and applied the sunscreen oil remaining in his palms to his thighs. , and then swaggered back under his parasol. Lying back on his beach chair, Li Yexing took out the sunglasses stuffed in the O-bag and hung them on his face again, and then breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, Li Yexing was quite impressed with the new gameplay mentioned by Bai Muqing. Interested, but when he thought about the long vacation, Li Yexing resisted the impulse and gave up. You know, he had just been tortured all night. That night, under the bright moonlight, he helped Ti Lilian complete the first After this time, Li Yexing, who was lying on the bed, caressed the blond girl who was lying on his chest and gasped softly, capturing the happiness and satisfaction revealed in the pair of strange-colored eyes. He thought the battle would end here, but instead Unexpectedly, she was pushed away from her room again. Tililith, who was wearing the same white gauze underwear as Tililian, walked in expressionlessly. She climbed onto the bed skillfully, and met the surprised looks of Li Yexing and Tililian. Zhong directly rode on Li Yexing. Ye Xing, the battle is not over yet. With a merciless light shining in her ruby-like eyes, Tililith said expressionlessly: Tonight is a big continuous crusade in the Night Xing Arena. The so-called man must do what he says, let alone Li Yexing still had plenty of physical strength, and without hesitation, Li Yexing and Tililith started the next round of fighting in tacit understanding. After Tililith fell softly, Tililian, who was gradually recovering, fell on Li Yexing's body again. , while caressing her, she whispered sweetly: Perverted brother-in-law, come again... Tililith squats after Tililian squats, Tililian squats after Tililith squats, the cycle goes on and on, endlessly, really. The sky gradually turned white, and a faint light shone on the other side of the sea. Li Yexing swayed and closed the curtains, and then fell asleep with Tililith and Tililian in each other's arms.

After experiencing the first night of vacation, Li Yexing fully realized that this battle was far more difficult than he had previously imagined. This time, with the increase in space and the number of places, his girls would no longer Due to the number of people, in other words, during the next vacation, no matter where he is, Li Yexing may suddenly enter a state of fending off the enemy, and even if he is suddenly asked to fight one-to-seven, it is not worth it. surprised. The fighting conditions are getting worse and the ammunition supply is a drop in the bucket. In order to win this tough battle, Li Yehang needs to ensure that in the next period of time, all small-scale conflicts that are abnormal exchanges of fire are avoided! No, this kind of thinking is actually meaningless. If just If Bai Muqing has a strong will, Li Yexing, who has always been a perfect wife, will definitely not be able to refuse. In other words, as long as the girls act coquettishly towards Li Yexing, small-scale conflicts will be inevitable. Forget it, who cares, the soldiers will stop the water. Come and cover me... Thinking of this, Li Yexing turned his head and took a deep sip of -0 Rita's special lemonade with ice. With the coolness that penetrated his heart, Li Yexing felt so comfortable that he couldn't help but hum softly, He closed his eyes, squirmed his body gently like a worm, assumed a comfortable posture, and then became motionless.

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded in his ears, pulling Li Yexing out of the tranquility instantly. He frowned subconsciously. Li Yexing sat up suddenly, stretched out his fingers to press down his sunglasses, and saw On the sea not far away, Ti Lilian, who was leaning forward slightly with a little yellow duck swimming ring hanging on her waist, carrying Ti Lilian Jingsi on her back, was waving her hands in a strange posture while facing Li The night walk came quickly. No way. Looking at Tili making an and Tili Jingsi, Li Yexing muttered in a low voice subconsciously: Come again? The white little feet stepped on the waves and were stained with the golden gravel on the beach. Not long after, Ti Lilian came to Li Yexing, her feet suddenly stood up and splashed with golden sand. She maintained Ruona's awkward bending posture, grabbed Li Yexing's wrist, and said excitedly: Perverted brother-in-law, perverted brother-in-law. Brother-in-law, perverted brother-in-law, let’s go play, let’s play, let’s play! Looking at Ti Lilian with an excited face, Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and looked behind Ti Lilian. It was only then that he suddenly discovered Ti Lilian The reason why Anna's posture seemed extremely uncoordinated was that Tililith and Tililian were still enclosed in the same swimming circle, but with their backs facing each other. Because Tililian was slightly bent over, Tilili and Tililian were still in the same swimming circle. Lilith's feet left the ground. Unlike Tililian who looked excited, Tililith at this moment was like a dead fish sunbathing behind Tililian's back. She looked at the sky expressionlessly, her limbs She naturally lowered her weight and swayed slightly with Tililian's movements. It wasn't until she noticed Li Yexing's eyes that she turned her head slightly. I don't know if it was Li Yexing's misunderstanding, but Tililith seemed to have a lifeless face. Really, don't bother your sister. He took out his wrist that was held tightly by Tililian and tapped Tililian's little head. With Tililian's silly smile, Li Yexing stood up. He let his hands support Tililith's armpits, and then exerted a little force. Suddenly, the wet Tililith was liberated from the little yellow duck's swimming ring. The swimming ring that lost its support also fell to the ground, and on the other side , Li Yexing raised Tililith high and looked at Li Yexing expressionlessly. It wasn't until Li Yexing couldn't help laughing that she stretched out her hands, signaling for a hug. Lying back on the beach rock, he placed Tililith next to him, followed Tililith into his arms, Li Yexing chuckled and waved to Tililian and said, Come here.

Hey hey hey... With a sweet smile on her face, Tililian got on the beach chair and lay in Li Yexing's arms like Tililith. She tilted her chin and smiled softly. Li Yexing said: Does the perverted brother-in-law want to do this? Li Yexing's eyes suddenly widened.

Hahaha, I'm kidding you! The perverted brother-in-law's reaction is so funny

Laugh! She couldn't help but let out a sweet laugh. Tililian buried her little face into Li Yexing's chest and rubbed it hard. Tililith, who was watching all this, frowned in a rare way. She thought for a while, and then He raised his head and whispered to Li Yexing: Compared with girls who don't like to talk, does Yexing prefer girls who can act coquettishly? Of course not... He raised his hand and rubbed Tililith's silver hair vigorously. Mao, until Tililith couldn't help showing a faint smile, he stretched out his hand to take the lemonade placed aside, handed the straw to Tililith's face and said: Want to drink? Not a little bit. Hesitating, Tililith bit down on the straw and sucked the big O. Tililian on the side also came over. The moment Tililith let go, she directly took the straw in her mouth and sucked the big O too. Then, in front of Ti Lilith, she suddenly came up to Li Yexing and pinched Li Yexing's crotch. Li Yexing raised his eyebrows in surprise and continued to drink the lemonade. Entering Li Yexing's mouth, watching this shocking scene, Tililith's eyes slowly widened, and she even forgot to swallow the big mouthful of lemonade that propped up her cheeks. After a long time, a water column came from Tililith. The lips flew out and splashed on Li Yexing's chest.

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