What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

DLC.Extra-20. Macho Man's Long Vacation (Twenty)

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It seemed that he was aroused to be competitive. After Li Yexing swallowed the lemonade in his mouth, Tililith also joined in. The two of them were fighting side by side just like last night. You took a bite and I took a bite. Not long after, a large glass All the lemon oak water was drunk. Putting the large glass with lemon slices and ice cubes on the round table nearby, and letting the ice cubes in the glass make soft noises due to shaking, Li Yexing resisted the desire to burp, frowned and said: You guys Aren't you going to take it off? Faced with Li Yexing's question, Tililith did not answer, but just opened her mouth and burped. Tililian rubbed against Li Yexing's body and said with a grimace: It's so bloated. Don't, don't rub it up. He raised his hand to stop Tililian's little movement. Li Yexing frowned and said, It's pressing on my stomach. Oh with a trace of reluctance on his face, Tililian moved. He opened his thighs. Perhaps it was because of drinking a large glass of lemonade that both Li Yexing and Ti Lilian had some abdominal distension. The three people on the recliner finally regained their composure. After confirming that Ti Lilian had no desire to speak. , Li Yexing closed his eyes again, and this time, his mind was a little dazed. In the sound of the ocean tide, Li Yexing, who was a little sleepless due to the tossing night, finally fell asleep. This sleep, Li Yexing did not know After sleeping for a long time, when his consciousness returned to his body, he only felt something pressing on him. Ti Lilith. Li Yexing subconsciously called softly. Sorry, dear, Miss Ti Lilith is not here. What responded to Li Yexing here was his unique low and slightly hoarse voice. Hearing this familiar voice, Li Yexing opened his eyes a little bit, and then he looked into those orange-red snake eyes. It's you, Lisa. After a moment, as his consciousness gradually awakened, Li Yexing whispered. That's right, it's me... With the faint smile on her lips, Alexa whispered softly. He said: What? Disappointed? No, it's surprise. Feeling Rouran squeezing his chest, Li Yexing asked in a low voice, Where are Tililith and Tililian? It seemed that he was looking for them. Miss Mafal... Winking at Li Yexing, Alexa chuckled and said, Listen to Miss Griffiths, Miss Mafal intends to solve our dinner problem. Just let her do whatever she wants. It's rare to be able to come to the beach once. Li Youxing gently patted Alexa's slender waist and whispered, Let me get up and I'll go to the seaside for two laps.

I know, honey. As if she understood something, Alexa sat up. She crossed her legs and held the edge of the beach chair with her hands. When Li Yexing stood up, she asked softly: Dear, will you come back to trick me? Of course... Li Yexing nodded. That's good, I'll wait for you. Smiling at Li Yexing, Alexa said softly: Although if I force myself, I can have some common topics with other sisters, but I still hope that my chat with everyone can be more sincere. So, I was the only one here just now, which was a bit lonely.

I told you, just go... He stretched out his hand towards Alexa's cheek and gently pushed back the long blond hair stuck to the side of Alexa's face. Li Yexing faced Alexa He smiled, then turned around and walked towards the sea, while Alexa sat quietly on the beach chair, watching Li Yexing go away. Step by step, he stepped into the sea until the sea was up to his thighs. Li Yexing dove into the water and disappeared from Alexis' sight. It was not until about two minutes later that he stood up from the water again. Come. Shaking the seawater off his face and head vigorously, Li Yexing turned his head and smiled at Alexa who was guarding the beach, then walked towards Alexa and on the other side, looked at the oncoming person. Alexisa couldn't help but laugh out loud at the unconcealable relief on Li Yexing's face. What's wrong? Stepping on the beach and sitting next to Alexa again, Li Yexing asked in a low voice: Why are you laughing? It's nothing, dear, don't care. Covering the corners of his mouth lightly, smiling like flowers, tears The orange-red snake eyes on the mole were like a crescent moon. Alexa said lightly, I just remembered something funny. Seeing the cunning hidden in Alexa's eyes, Li Yexing understood that his little move He couldn't hide it from the other party's eyes, so he changed the subject with a smile, Speaking of which, have you been surfing just now? No, not long after you fell asleep, Miss Griffith and Miss Bai and I had a simple conversation We talked about a few words. Alexa chuckled and said, Most of them were about work... When my brother came here, Alexa's eyes moved and she glanced vaguely at Bai Muqing who was still doing something in the distance. She was a little embarrassed and said: Miss Griffith is fine. After all, some of her views are surprisingly consistent with mine and Miss Tillylis's. But Miss Bai, she seems a little wary of me about our family business. , she never revealed much, and her attitude towards my all-round cooperation was somewhat ambiguous... Our family business? Li Yexing was slightly stunned after hearing Alexa's words. Huanya Armed Forces. Alexa reminded with a chuckle: My dear, you can't even remember the name of your own 4th Division, right? Of course I remember it. Li Yexing shook his head and said : This was just the first time I heard such an interesting statement, and I didn’t react immediately. My dear, what do you think about this matter? Alexa asked softly: I always feel that Miss Bai doesn't trust me... That's not surprising. Li Yexing shook his head gently. He shook his head and said: Mu Qing is smarter than me and always thinks a lot, so I almost never ask about this matter. You can just discuss these things with her. As time goes by, there will be enough time between you. Once you get to know her, she will be honest with you. She turns out to be that kind of woman with a very awkward personality... She narrowed her eyes slightly and lowered her eyebrows. Alexa was thoughtful, but then, her face returned to the smile that couldn't be taken away. Filled, she raised her head again and met Li Yexing's eyes. She chuckled and said, Speaking of which,

I suddenly remembered that in addition to work matters, Miss Griffith and Miss Bai and I also talked about other topics, which were much more interesting than work. What topic? Li Yexing asked subconsciously. Sunscreen oil Li Yexing got closer to Li Yexing little by little, almost chatting. Alexa whispered softly, dear, you put on sunscreen for Miss Griffith and Miss Bai, but not for me. I couldn't help but feel a little bit. Sad. Sunscreen oil? He looked up at the sky outside the sunshade. The sun was no longer as fierce as it was just after noon. Li Yexing couldn't help but whisper, Is this necessary?

The sun cannot burn my skin, and what I need is not sunscreen oil. What I really need is the feeling of my dear hands covered with sunscreen oil gently caressing every inch of my skin. The orange-red snake eyes With a trace of temptation emerging in her heart, Alexa raised her hand and - while brushing Li Yexing's cheek - whispered: I also want to have what other sisters have. You won't favor one over the other, right? ?Honey?

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