What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

DLC.Extra-21. Macho Man's Long Vacation (Twenty-one)

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In order to apply sunscreen to Alexa, Li Yexing spent a lot of time, perhaps because it was the first time he came into contact with Alexa's body carefully. Even so, even after Li Yexing stood up and said he was done, Alexa still didn't put on her swimsuit for the first time, lay on the golden sand, raised her jade legs to let her toes The tip gently slid over Li Yexing's calf. With a flushed face, she chuckled and asked, Can I touch it more? My dear? I am quite confident in my body. To be honest, I really want to touch it again. He let his eyes sweep over Alexa's perfect body lying in front of him. Li Yexing did not hide his desire, he chuckled. But, to be honest, if I keep touching it, I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself. Then don't control yourself. Alexa's eyes were slightly narrowed like orange snakes, and she whispered:' Come on, my dear, I think it’s quite romantic to have sex for the first time on the beach in the sea breeze. Don’t do it, Lisa... Before the toe could slide towards the vital part, Li Ye Xing gently slapped Alexa on the instep, then smiled and said: 'Put on your swimsuit. My dear, I really don't know how to be charming. There was a hint of sadness between her eyebrows. Alexa sat up and stretched out her hands towards Li Yexing, looking as coquettish as a young girl. Help me put it on, she said. Dear, Li Yexing thought for a while, but did not refuse. He knelt down and looped the strap between the two black triangle pieces of cloth from Alexa's back, then grabbed the ring and tried to fasten it. On Alexa's chest, but when the rings on both sides approached, Li Yexing was stunned. It seems that I can't button it up... What's wrong, dear? Seeing Li Yexing's expression of confusion, Alexa asked with a slight smile: Is there any difficulty? You are too big, you can't button it up. Li Ye Xing said bluntly: How did you buckle it up before? Squeeze it. She blinked at Li Ye Xing, and the corner of Alexa's mouth raised a sly arc. She whispered: Dear , squeeze, harder.

Following Alexa's instructions, Li Yexing stretched out his hand and squeezed. Finally, Li Yexing reluctantly put the swimsuit on Alexa's body. Alexa put her hand behind her body and hooked the strap with her fingers, then shook it gently. Immediately afterwards, she lay back on the beach, and while raising her slender legs towards Li Yexing again, she chuckled and said: Come on, my dear, the next thing is the small piece of black cloth that I picked up. , little by little, she put it on the place where it should be put. With Li Yexing squatting on the ground and tying the black forehead strap next to his swimming trunks, Alexis placed her thigh on Li Yexing's shoulder. There is still a faint charm in the red snake eyes. I always feel like you're trying to seduce me. After tying one side, Li Yexing turned his head and tied the strap on the other side and whispered, I'm just trying to seduce you, my dear. Putting the other thigh on Li Yexing's shoulder, Alexa chuckled and said, Are you really not going to think about it? I'm not thinking about it. She used a little force with both hands to tighten the straps. Li Yexing bent down and tied the straps. Alexisa picked her up, and then sat back on her Shaya lounge chair. Alexa in his arms squeezed hard into Li Yexing's arms, and then nuzzled Li Yexing's side. On her face, she leaned close to Li Yexing's ear and whispered softly: My dear, I want to eat you, and I want to eat you now. To be honest, I want to, too. She put her arms around Alek Lisa's waist, Li Yexing whispered: But you have to understand, everyone is at the beach now. Once the two of us start, they will swarm us. is My sisters are so enthusiastic? It seems a little bit. Surprised, Alexa couldn't help but asked in a low voice. It's much more enthusiastic than you think. Li Yexing replied in a low voice. Okay, dear. A trace of regret flashed in the orange snake eyes, Alexa seemed to have given up completely. She rested her head on Li Yexing's shoulder and gently stroked Li Yexing's chest while whispering: Although it's a bit torture, I'll save this dessert for last. Who makes me a reasonable woman? After a while, there was a short silence on the beach again. Although Alexa didn't want to speak, she didn't want to leave Li Yexing's arms, so she got tired of being in Li Yexing's arms. , sometimes kissing randomly, stroking and sometimes stopping, rubbing it with his cheeks, like a big cat just trying to please its owner. Feeling the soft touch squeezed in his arms, Li Yexing gently The head of Alexisa's head was resting on the side of her face, and the hand around Alexa slowly stroked Alexa's waist and blond hair. The two of them cuddled together. After an unknown amount of time, they saw that Dao was wearing A figure in a white swimsuit came into view. I don't know where she put the knife. Hitomi Mikishima walked over alone with empty hands, her cheeks still stained with a trace of blush. When she arrived at the beach beach, she tilted her head slightly and said, Let's go.

“Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” Li Yexing moved his hand to cover Alexa’s eyes and saw that Alexa had fallen asleep, perhaps because of the dream. What a good thing, her face no longer looked as arrogant as a queen, only a touch of coquettishness remained, and there was still a slight smile on the corner of her mouth. As if afraid of waking Alexa, Li Yexing stood up slowly, and then carefully placed Alexa on the beach chair. As Li Yexing pulled away his arm, Alexa's brows frowned slightly. , she stretched out her arms randomly and muttered: Luo Ya, don’t bother your father, go find your mother Griffith. She is baking small cakes for your sisters. After hearing Alexa’s words, Li Yexiao acted After a slight pause, she saw that the curve of the corner of Alexa's mouth became more and more evil. She whispered in her sleep: Okay, my dear, the troublesome little guy has left, and now you belong to me. So, what on earth did she dream about? ?The look on his face became a little subtle, and Li Yexing straightened up.

He turned around and looked at Hitomi Mikishima who was waiting behind him, only to see Hitomi Mikishima staring intently at Alexa on the beach chair. At this moment, after leaving Li Yexing's arms, Alexa's Her posture became a little inelegant, her face was reddish, and she twisted her body from time to time with a hint of intention - Bian Mengchi said: Dear, you are awesome... give birth to a son this time. My daughter is not cute at all. ..I’ve had enough of those little guys competing with me for my position..Miss Ashford in the dream must be very happy. Seeing Alexa in her sleep, she would burst into cute smiles from time to time, Qian Dao Tong couldn't help but narrowed her eyes and chuckled. Maybe. He looked back with some embarrassment, Li Yexing scratched his face, and then asked in a low voice: What's wrong? Tong? What's the matter?

Sure, it's nothing. Under the sun, the warrior girl wearing this white swimsuit shook her head gently, smiled and said to Li Yexing: I just want to go for a walk alone with Lord Yexing.

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