What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

DLC.Extra-24. Macho Man's Long Vacation (Twenty Four)

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(I’ve posted a reward, but readers’ reactions won’t be visible later, so let’s start with this... With Li Yexing’s return, all the girls around him gathered together. Except for Rita, who changed back to her maid uniform, all the girls They were still wearing swimsuits, Tililith had the same expressionless face as before, but she had an extra sunhat on her head that she found from nowhere. She was holding half a branch in her hand, and there were faint signs of burnt marks on one end. As for Tilili An, she was hanging on Ti Lilith's back, her little feet relaxed naturally, leaving two shallow traces on the ground. She glanced at Kanan with a cheerful smile on his face, and then at Li Yexing. , In the end, Tilly Jingsi fixed her gaze on Hitomi Mikishima. It wasn't until Hitomi Mikishima avoided her eyes that she turned her head and refocused her attention on the fragrant grilled fish.

Sister-sama... Hanging behind Tililith, she glanced at Hitomi Mikishima cryptically, and Tililian leaned into Tililith's ear and whispered: Tililian smelled it, and the steam engine was eating alone. It doesn't count. Eating alone... Using branches to draw unsuitable and unsightly patterns on the ground, Tililith said expressionlessly: Walking at night is everyone's friendly journey, and everyone who sees it has a share. Miss Tililith... Suddenly, a cold and surprised voice sounded from beside her. Tililith stopped what she was doing and turned to look at Bai Muqing beside her, only to see her staring. With his big burgundy eyes, his facial muscles twitched slightly, he asked with some uncertainty: Excuse me, what are you drawing? A good friend of Night Walk. Tililith replied expressionlessly. I'm sorry, Miss Tililis. Regardless of Tili's dissatisfaction with making silk, Bai Muqing stepped forward and stretched out her tender feet stained with a little sand to look at the weird pattern. She slid it over repeatedly and messed it up until the shape could no longer be seen. She breathed a sigh of relief, turned her head and looked at the expressionless Tililith. She frowned slightly and whispered: Miss Tililith. , Such behavior is against your identity. Boring. Tililith turned her gaze away and waved the branches again, outlining some strange curves on the beach. For a while, Bai Muqing couldn't distinguish those lines. So she turned her head again, looked at Li Yexing next to her, and then walked over quickly. Seeing Bai Muqing leave, Tililith's eyes flashed with red light, and she waved the branch again, in the disorderly A few more strokes were drawn between the lines, and a beach painting on the desk of the female secretary being pressed down by the male host took shape. Naturally, Bai Muqing didn't know what happened behind her. She came to Li Yexing In front of her, she glanced at Kanan with a silly smile on her face, and then took a deep look at Hitomi Mikishima, who looked shy. Finally, she sighed softly. There was a hint of dissatisfaction in her cold gaze, Bai Muqing said coldly, This is what you call 'saving ammunition'

Facing Bai Muqing's question, Li Yexing could only smile, his face full of embarrassment. Seeing Li Yexing's appearance, Bai Muqing frowned slightly. She grabbed Li Yexing's wrist and walked quickly to the other side. She didn't turn her head until she was far away from the other girls. Looking at Li Yexing. Even though she maintained a trace of indifference, the blush on her cheeks ruthlessly betrayed Bai Muqing's true inner thoughts. Staring at those burgundy eyes, she said coldly, You perfunctory me, but you went to make out with Miss Mishima. , I'm not happy anymore, wild dog.

Knowing that the other party was just withdrawing, Li Yexing still gently hugged Bai Muqing, kissed her gently on the forehead, and hugged Bai Muqing's waist, but he said, I said, there are too many people around. , prone to accidents. You don't think I'm annoying? Bai Muqing asked with a slight frown. Of course not! Li Yexing shook his head. You don't think I've become a pervert? Bai Muqing asked hesitantly.

It can't be! Shaking his head like a rattle, Li Yexing looked into Bai Muqing's eyes and said sincerely: You know the taste, I just like your tone. Really? You didn't lie to me? For Li Bai Muqing seemed a little suspicious of Ye Xing's too straightforward answer. Of course I didn't lie to you! Li Ye Xing nodded vigorously. As long as you don't dislike me. There was a vicious curve in his mouth, and Bai Muqing finally ran out of ideas. Seeing this, she sneered and said: I will bring sunscreen tonight.

I'll go to you and we'll finish the things we didn't do during the day, and do them a few more times. Li Yexing raised his eyebrows slightly, and felt as if the word danger appeared on his head. Before he could express his thoughts to Bai Muqing's shock, suddenly, Rita, who was wearing a backless maid outfit, suddenly jumped out of Bai Muqing's eyes. Rita appeared from behind, and with both hands, she grasped Bai Muqing on the spot. As Bai Muqing's face suddenly turned red and she let out a series of cooing calls, Rita came close to Bai Muqing's ear, showing an evil smile and said: Mu Qing is really... Yes, how can you not call me when you have such a good thing? Am I not your good sister? No, Rita, stop fucking. Twisting her body desperately, Bai Muqing - while struggling - said: Today Tonight, I'm going to sleep with a wild dog under the same quilt. Who cares about you... When you have a man, you forget about your good sisters. Mu Qing is really too much. He suddenly increased the intensity, making Bai Muqing squeamish. Crying, Rita bit Bai Muqing's ear lightly, and then said angrily in her greasy, almost salty voice: Think about it carefully, Mu Qing, think about it again, do you want to eat it tonight? Alone? ...I know! Rita! I know! Under Rita's fierce offensive, Bai Muqing gasped and said urgently: 2! Together! .... It's just us. Two. Can't. Can't be more! Okay, Miss Bai... She suddenly let go of her hands, letting Bai Muqing, who almost fell to the ground, gasp slightly. Rita smiled and said to Li Yexing: Miss Bai said I feel lonely tonight and want to take me with me to accompany my husband. Li Yexing nodded expressionlessly. He could feel that the word danger above his head had turned blood red. Seemingly giving up the struggle, he threw the topic of tonight to the back of his mind, raised his eyebrows and said:

You came here to talk to me and Mu Qing just to talk about this? Of course not... Rita smiled and said: 'I just want to tell Mr. and Miss Bai that the fish is almost cooked and ready to eat. For tonight's dinner For fish, I specially got a lot of condiments from Harman’s butler. It’s a sign of confidence. So, I think the quality of tonight’s dinner is worthy of your expectations. “Really? Then I want to taste it.” . Smiling and nodding to Rita, Li Yexing looked around, and then asked in a low voice: Speaking of which, where is Libi? Miss Ashford is still asleep... Rita whispered softly. He said: Still sleeping? A hint of casual surprise appeared on his face. Li Yexing turned his head and looked at the beach chair in the distance. Sure enough, Alexa was still lying on it.

He was soundly asleep. Because the sky was getting dark, Li Yexing didn't notice it immediately. He thought about it and then whispered to Rita: 'Forget it, I'll call her. I understand. Rita bowed slightly to Li Yexing and showed a smile. She turned around and left with Rita. Looking at the backs of Rita and Bai Muqing, a happy smile appeared on Li Yexing's face. After a moment, he turned around and walked towards the beach lounger step by step.


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