What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

DLC.Extra-25. Macho Man's Long Vacation (Twenty-Five)

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Following the tide and stepping on the soft sand, Li Yexing came to the beach chair under the umbrella. Although the light was dim, Li Yexing could still see clearly. He saw Alexa stroking her arms. Lying sideways on the beach lounge chair, exposing her seductive curves, her eyes were closed tightly, her brows were slightly frowned, and her lips murmured from time to time, as if she was talking in her sleep. However, looking at Alexa's expression, she was dreaming things don't seem wonderful. Seeing Alexa's appearance, Li Yexing couldn't help but think of Sleeping Beauty. However, Alexa was not a princess, she was an out-and-out female.

Perhaps out of fun, Li Yexing stretched out his hand and gently tossed Alexa, causing Alexa to moan. Then, he leaned down and touched Alexa's lips. , after a while, Alexa's brows relaxed little by little, but there was still a hint of sadness. She moved her lips and whispered in her sleep: My dear, something bad is going to happen. What's wrong? Li Yexing He asked with a slight smile.

Royaloa said she doesn't want a boyfriend anymore... Alexisa, with her eyes tightly closed, frowned slightly in her sleep and said: She said she wanted to marry you...it's all over...there's no way to get married. Daddy's daughter, this is the curse of the Ashford family. 9. Later, it was Li Yexing's turn to look wrong. Her Majesty, what on earth were you dreaming about? Instinctively, you felt that you shouldn't let Alexa continue to sleep. After going down, Li Yexing stretched out his hand, gently shook Alexa's shoulder and called in a low voice, Lisa, get up and have dinner...

Her eyes opened slightly, revealing the vertical pupils embedded in orange-red. There was still a hint of confusion in her eyes as if she had just woken up from a big dream. When she saw Li Yexing's face, she sighed.

Consciously, he stretched out his hands to wrap around Li Yexing's neck, then stood up and kissed Li Yexing on the lips. Li Yexing didn't speak, but actively catered to her, stretching out his arms at the same time.

After a moment, their lips parted, and there was finally a trace of clarity in Alexa's snake eyes. After looking at Li Yexing for a long time, she raised her hand and asked in a low voice while gently covering her forehead, Dear Yes, how long have I slept? Not long, Li Yexing replied softly. Not long? His eyes wandered, looking at the sun disk sinking into the sea a little in the distance, Alexa whispered: It will be dark. It seems that I slept a lot.... As she said that, Alexis turned her head and met Li Yexing's eyes. When her brain gradually got rid of sleepiness, she seemed to be able to remember something, and she frowned slightly. He frowned and said dissatisfiedly: Speaking of which, dear, if I remember correctly, I should have fallen asleep in your arms, right? You fell asleep in my arms and woke up in my arms. Li Yexing held Alexa's arm and chuckled, Is there any problem with this?

I was obviously woken up by that shake! Alexa said with some displeasure: After I fell asleep, you left on your own, right? Went to Dark Eye to chat for a while. Li Yexing smiled. Then you shouldn't have shaken me up, you should have woken me up, Alexa said with some dissatisfaction: Just like Sleeping Beauty. I've kissed you, but you don't wake up. Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and chuckled: Sleeping Beauty is a prince and a princess, and we are a wild dog of war and a biological queen. There is a big difference.

It's still your fault. Finally there was a slight arc in the corner of her mouth, and Alexa pretended to be unreasonable and said: If the kiss is fierce enough, I will definitely wake up. Without saying a word, Li Yexing went straight to him. This time, he was extremely rough. However, Alexa didn't seem to care at all. She catered to Li Yexing's offensive in an understated manner while letting out bursts of sweet smiles. It wasn't until her lips separated that she narrowed her eyes and chuckled: My dear, you are so cute.

Okay. Seeing that Alexa's face was flushed and her expression was happy, Li Yexing, who wanted to see her shrink, felt it was boring. He hugged Alexa and turned around, walking towards the yellow fire not far away. Go - he said expressionlessly: Let's go and eat. Speaking of it, my dear. Holding Li Yexing's shoulders and enjoying Li Yexing's attention and embrace, Alexa asked unexpectedly: Do you like boys or girls? I don't like children... Li Yexing replied in a deep voice, at least not now. That's good. As if she breathed a sigh of relief, Alexa whispered, I know, people in China seem to be very particular about 'family happiness', but I was worried that my dear would be in a hurry to have a child... I remember you were the one who said you wanted to have children, right? Li Yexing couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and asked: What's wrong? Change of mind? Of course not, I still long to give birth to the fruit of our love for my dear. , and then raise them little by little to become excellent people. Alexa lowered her eyebrows and whispered: But, I am afraid that a large group of daughters will be born. There are already enough sisters. If another group of daughters are born, , that's bad. Hearing Alexa's worry, Li Yexing couldn't help but asked in a low voice: Lisa, what did you dream about just now? Nightmare, terrible. Mentioning the dream just now, Alexa's face immediately turned ugly, and she said with lingering fear: I dreamed that I gave birth to a large group of daughters for my dear, and they didn't bother other mothers every day. They insisted on getting together with my dear, and even gave birth to a daughter. Someone said he wanted to marry his father or something

It's too scary...Brother, Alexa raised her head and said with some gloomy eyes: Dear, if I really gave birth to a group of daughters, would you choose the daughters or the daughters?

You're thinking too far. Li Yexing said expressionlessly. In this way, chatting about topics that seemed too far away for Li Yexing, the two came to the vicinity of the fire and started dinner for a few nights. Rita not only prepared rich seasonings for the grilled fish, but also thoughtfully prepared them from Harman The butler got a lot of drinks. It can be seen that Rita spent a lot of time preparing for tonight's beach dinner.


Fragrant grilled fish, drinking wine, Li Yexing had an indescribable happy smile on his face. He chatted with the girls around him and was occasionally teased by the girls. After a while, the girls The dinner ended amidst the petite and snoring noises. After dinner, they helped Rita clean up the fish bones, fires and debris left on the beach. The girls packed up their things and returned to the Ashford family's castle with Li Yexing, putting away the miscellaneous items. After picking up their things, everyone headed straight to the bathhouse. On the way, Li Yexing never met Butler 0Bman. However, after entering the locker room of the bathhouse, he was surprised to find that the bathrobes he wore after bathing had been prepared. In this way, Li Yexing and his girls soaked comfortably in the bathtub, washing away the faint salty smell from the sea. Perhaps because they were playing in the afternoon, everyone didn't say much and just soaked in silence. Li Yexing was also happy to be free and able to find a corner to rest quietly for a while. He didn't know how long he had been there. Just when Li Yexing felt that he was about to be overcome by sleepiness, the familiar sweet voice suddenly sounded in his ears. Sir, don't sleep in the bathtub. It's not good for your health.

Subconsciously opening his eyes, Li Yexing looked up and saw Rita and Bai Muqing, who were wrapped in white towels. They surrounded Li Yexing in the corner, with a smile on their face and eyes full of tears. The other one has a cold expression, but the expectation in his eyes cannot be concealed.

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