What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

DLC.Extra-26. Macho Man's Long Vacation (Twenty-Six)

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Slamming his body wrapped in a bathrobe against the soft bed, and letting the moonlight shine on his back through the floor-to-ceiling windows, Li Yexing reached out, grabbed the phone on the bedside table, and opened the lock screen. He saw that it was just after 9 p.m. Suddenly, I lay on the bed, exhausted physically and mentally, motionless, waiting for the night attack. Speaking of which, was the plot last night the same? I clicked on the news habitually with my fingers, flipping through the news pages aimlessly, Li Yexing's It was obvious that his eyes were a little out of focus, and his attention was not focused on the phone screen at all. After all, he knew very well that he was going to have a fierce battle tonight, which was different from Tililith and Tili Zan last night. As Li Rita and Bai Muqing, who play the role of Happy Night Travel, are not easy characters to dismiss. With his head facing the floor-to-ceiling window and half of his chest sticking out of the bed, Li Yexing lay on the bed, flipping through the news aimlessly and muttering in a low voice: Really, this feeling is like waiting to go to the execution ground. ? I don't know how long it took. Finally, a soft sound of high heels hitting the ground came from the corridor outside the door. Li Yexing, who was lying on the bed, subconsciously relaxed his brows. After a while, the sound of the room's i The door was gently pushed open, and the crisp footsteps finally entered the house. It was only then that Li Yexing was slightly stunned.

Only the sound of one person's footsteps?

Although he wanted to turn his head to see who had entered the room, the faint feeling of fatigue in his body held back Li Yexing. He was too addicted to the softness of the bed to get up. Li Yexing made a rough guess and felt that the person coming might be Bai Muqing. After all, She's been emasculating since before dinner, and as for Rita, she'll probably join the fight midway through like Tililith did last night. With confidence in his heart, Li Yexing breathed a sigh of relief, and behind him, with the soft sound of the room being closed, the sound of high heels began to move again, getting closer and closer to Li Yexing until it disappeared. , followed by the slight shaking of the bed, and then, the soft touch squeezed behind with weight, followed by a pair of delicate snow-white catkins, they surrounded Li Yexing His neck gently covered Li Yexing's hand holding the mobile phone. Looking at the bright black nails dotted on the green jade fingers, Li Yexing couldn't help but smile knowingly. He said softly: You're here... The girl behind did not answer, but buried her face in Li Yexing's neck, rubbing it gently while sniffing hard. The catkins covering Li Yexing's hands were also withdrawn little by little. They stroked upwards along Li Yexing's wrists, across his forearms, back to his shoulders, and then climbed up to Li Yexing's cheeks from both sides. Then, Li Yexing felt a soft and moist touch on his auricles. covered, the hardness from the shell teeth is gently squeezed from time to time

His nose twitched slightly, sniffing the faint floral fragrance in the air that was hard to tell whether it was lily or lily. Li Yexing, enjoying the gentle touch, squinted his eyes slightly and said softly, Mu Qing, I always feel that you are different today. With Li Yexing, Ye Xing whispered, and suddenly, the girl behind Li Ye Xing came forward and took half of Li Ye Xing's ear into her mouth. She sucked hard while letting the tip of her tongue explore and wander around the ear hole, It wasn't until he opened his mouth again, his cherry lips touched his ears lightly, that the strange voice that was a mixture of sweetness, moisture and coldness and indifference chuckled and said: You guessed it wrong, Master~ His eyes widened instantly, and his pupils suddenly shrank. Listen. Hearing this familiar but unfamiliar strange compound voice whispering in his ear, Li Yexing felt his scalp numb and his hairs standing on end. He threw away the phone and turned over suddenly. He wanted to see what kind of monster was pressing behind him, but unexpectedly, the moment he turned over, the plain white jade hand decorated with black nails suddenly grabbed his collar. Before he could see the attacker's body clearly, Li Yexing's mouth was blocked by that soft touch. Being pinned directly to the bed and being roughly raped, Li Yexing's eyes widened, but he could not see the attacker's full face. He could only look at the tightly closed eyes. He tried to reach out to fight back, but unexpectedly the other party reacted faster and directly Lining up with his fingers and pressing his hands firmly on the bed, he thought of kicking his legs. However, the moment he stood up, the attacker used his own legs to tightly clamp Li Yexing's legs. Stay, making Li Ye unable to move.

¥A long time later, until Li Yexing began to breathe confusedly due to poor breathing, the attacker moved his lips. Before Li Yexing could see her face clearly, she smiled coquettishly and dragged her tongue with her before she could retract her lips. Yinsi buried her face fiercely into Li Yexing's neck, sniffing, kissing, and biting like crazy, from neck to collarbone, and to chest. When the teeth marks and scratches were everywhere, she He raised his head suddenly and gave Li Yexing a charming smile while panting. At this moment, Li Yexing finally got a glimpse of the attacker. Her long, silky black hair is spread down, with only the bangs on her forehead carrying a sudden wisp of gray, decorating her delicate face that is indistinguishable from race. On top of her snow-white skin, she is embellished with gray eyes. There is also a shimmering burgundy ring, which exudes a strange aura like watching prey. Under the nose, the moist cherry lips are slightly open and hooked, with a hint of evil arc. On the neck, there is a green The veins in her body showed a hint of snow-white, and then were wrapped by a pure black lace collar. Following the collarbone, there was the extremely seductive curve, and then wrapped by pure black lace underwear, and an eye-catching vest. Under the line, the black Puwei pattern and lily pattern twist and emerge on the smooth lower abdomen. Two long legs that are familiar yet voluptuous stretch out from both sides of the black lace butterfly, one leg carrying the other. The skin is covered with translucent black silk with traces of fishing nets, while the other leg is smooth and white. The only modification is the pure black lace leg ring on the thigh. Shocked by the appearance of the attacker, Li Yexing forgot to struggle for a moment. He stared blankly at the face with a wicked smile in front of him, and after a long while he said in a vague voice: You are Mu? Qing... it feels like Rita... but it's not right... wait, what on earth is going on?

?! How is it? Our lovely master? Do you like our new appearance? Looking at Li Yexing with a shocked face, the curvature of the corners of his mouth became more and more weird and evil. The woman whose identity was difficult to identify said with an evil smile. :'Mu Qing hopes to have the master alone tonight, and Rita is eager to get a piece of the master's pie. In order to reasonably solve this problem, we have no choice but to spend the night with the master in this form. You guys. Facial muscles Twitching violently, Li Yexing said with some disbelief: Are you the fusion of Rita and Mu Qing? That's not accurate, our lovely master. Rita and Bai Muqing tilted their heads, eyes wide open, With that weird compound voice, the face was delighted, We are not the fusion of Rita and Mu Qing, we are Rita and Mu Qing. It is still us who come to enjoy the pleasure with the master tonight, but we choose to change

It's just a way! No. Li Yexing shook his head and said with a confused expression: Let me figure it out. I don't understand it... It's okay, Master, if your brain can't understand it, then use your body to do it. Feeling. Loosening the limbs that tightly bound Li Yexing, Rita and Bai Muqing bent down sideways, picked up half a can of sunscreen oil from the floor next to the bed, and then spread the pair of beautiful feet with evil smiles. In front of Li Yexing, they gently squeezed and dripped the sunscreen oil on the pair of jade feet, while smiling and saying to Li Yexing: Master, you must still remember what Mu Qing said before, right?

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