What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

DLC.Extra-27. The macho man’s long vacation (twenty-seven)

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Under the moonlight, the slightly reflective solid wood floor was covered with traces of sunscreen oil. The quilts and sheets were covered with watermarks. They were torn randomly and piled up in a ball on the bed, hanging straight to the ground. On the rocking chair in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, there were black dots. The liquid was still dripping from time to time, making soft sounds on the black water stains on the floor.

On the surface, Li Yexing lay with his limbs spread out on a mattress soaked in various liquids, looking at the ceiling expressionlessly, looking a little confused, while the woman with different-colored hair who exuded a strange aura had her chin raised. Pressing half of her body on him, her face was still flushed with pleasure. Although her breathing was a little confused, the wine-red rings in her gray eyes still revealed enthusiasm. Rita and Bai Muqing asked with a chuckle. Said: Master, can you come again?

Without answering Rita and Bai Muqing's questions, Li Yexing frowned slightly and struggled to reach for the phone on the bedside to open the lock screen. It was just after three in the morning. He exhaled a thick breath, turned to look at the ceiling and said, Get up, what should I call you? Withdrawing the arm that was holding the chin, Rita and Bai Muqing turned over and pressed on Li Yexing. While stroking Li Yexing's cheek, they chuckled and emphasized: It's not me, it's us. Okay. Li Yexing asked again: What should I call you...? Rita, Mu Qing, master, whatever the master likes to call you, then call him whatever you want, Rita and Bai Muqing responded with a chuckle. : “Whatever the master thinks I am, I am what the master thinks I am.

Speaking of which, how did you integrate? Even though it had been up and down all night, Li Yexing still couldn't accept the situation in front of him. Core connection, consciousness sharing, the physical part is the easiest. Rubbing her body upward, her forehead was close to Li Yexing's, Rita and Bai Muqing - caressing them back and forth with their hands. Li Yexing explained softly on his cheek: Our bodies are not fixed at all. We just need to fit our bodies in the right places, and we can also exchange some of the abilities that each of us is good at. The physical parts are mostly made of Rita came to support, and the costume completely relied on Mu Qing to change... On the hands caressing Li Yexing's cheeks, black liquid quickly seeped out from the skin, connected, and turned into a pair of delicate The black lace hands were embarrassed, while Rita and Bai Muqing chuckled and said, How about it? It's a very convenient ability, right? As long as it is pure black, no matter what style of sexy lingerie the owner likes, we can quickly generate it.

This is really outrageous... Looking at the pair of gray eyes and burgundy rings that were close to each other, Li Youxing was about to ask something else, but saw Rita and Bai Muqing suddenly closed their eyes and kissed directly. Li Yexing's lips were undoubtedly much gentler in this kiss than before, but they still had a strong aggressiveness. It wasn't until Li Yexing couldn't help but frown that she moved her lips away, and then used that weird Her voice sounded like a coquettish one: I'm sorry, Master, I don't know why, but once I look at the Master, I can't suppress my desire and want to kiss... Having said that, Rita and Bai Muqing didn't forget to stick out their tongues. Li Yexing lightly licked his lips. I can see it. After being tortured for several hours by this desire monster whose entire body structure was created to cater to him, Li Yexing had already understood it deeply. , he still put his arms around the waists of Rita and Bai Muqing, and while breathing softly, he asked in a low voice: So, whose consciousness is leading this body of yours now? Master, you are wrong again. The core connection and the synchronization of consciousness do not mean that one of us has to hand over the dominance... Rita and Bai Muqing chuckled and said: This body is controlled by our consciousness together. Yes, it’s just that our consciousness is synchronized at this moment. All problems caused by deviations in the understanding of the master can be solved by switching expression methods. Speaking of this, Rita and Bai Muqing seemed to be interested. Their eyes became excited, and they spoke faster: For example, Rita usually likes to call her master 'Sir', but the master is Rita's master, and Mu Qing usually likes to call her master 'Wild Dog, Mu Mu' Qing is the master's secretary. Since the relationship between the master and Mu Qing is quite special and has a certain master-slave nature, Rita and Mu Qing's names for the master are unified into the last one. It seems that they are worried that Li Yexing will not understand. , Rita and Bai Muqing asked softly: Master, do you understand? I seem...to understand a little... Li Yexing nodded thoughtfully. In fact, Li Yexing didn't understand it at all. This explanation may be suitable for written understanding, but for Li Yexing, who has spent time with Rita and Bai Muqing and knows their personalities and tempers well, this explanation is a bit abstract. , However, regarding Rita and Bai Muqing's words, Li Yexing had other thoughts. Hiding the smile at the corner of his mouth, Li Yexing pretended to be serious and said: In other words, this body of yours is not strictly leader in the sense of

That's right. After giving Li Yexing a slight nudge on his lips as a sign of encouragement, Rita and Bai Muqing said happily: As expected of the master, they understood immediately. No, I don't fully understand. Li Yexing pretended to be troubled, frowned and muttered in a low voice: According to what you said, you

This intention of ours is not unilaterally dominated, that is to say, it should be the consensus of your consciousness to toss me like tonight, but according to my personal knowledge, although Rita likes to be tired of me, but But it was very frugal and Mu Qing could not express such enthusiasm. As he said that, Li Yexing squinted his eyes slightly and said: If you want to analyze it from Rita's perspective, what is going on? Because Rita is really I love the master so much! There was a restlessness in the connected core. Rita and Bai Muqing instinctively felt that something was wrong, but they still smiled and replied: Rita likes the master. Rita is always tired of the master. In the arms of Rita, I want to pamper my master into a useless person who can only withdraw from Rita.

But Rita is a perfect maid. A perfect maid must be temperate and know how to cherish her master. Therefore, Rita usually cannot act arbitrarily in front of her master. This is really a pity. Damn! I seem to have heard something terrible. Speak! Trying hard to suppress his facial expression, Li Yexing pretended to be serious. He continued to ask in a deep voice: Then... what about Mu Qing's angle? Because Mu Qing can't live without his master! The core of restlessness It became so intense that the smiles on Rita and Bai Muqing's faces became weird. Despite this, she still answered honestly: Mu Qing is a girl who is not frank and has an awkward personality. She obviously can't live without her master, but But when she was under the bed, she couldn't help but act coquettishly, so she could only stare at the second lady who knew how to withdraw from her coquettishness. She always deliberately put on a cold face, hoping that her master would take the initiative to pamper her, and she would be happy every time she was loved by her master. It's amazing, I'm obviously very happy but I can't show it. Every time when I say I'm going on a business trip, I hide in an alley where the owner can't see me and kick the wall hard. I've already broken several pairs of high heels. Not only that, Whenever before they finished speaking, Rita and Bai Muqing's expressions froze a little bit, and their mouths blinked meaninglessly like dead fish. Then, in front of Li Yexing, Rita and Bai Muqing... Bai Muqing's body trembled violently. As the tremors became larger and faster, the bodies of Rita and Bai Muqing exploded violently.

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