What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

DLC.Extra-28. The macho man’s long vacation (twenty-eight)

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Leaning against the door frame and crossing his arms, Li Yexing wore a black vest on his upper body and military green trousers on his lower body. Although he had already washed up, his face still looked a little haggard, and there were heavy dark circles under his eyes. , After a long time, he asked in a low voice: How much do you know about Rita and Mu Qing's little secrets? Ah? What little secrets? Leaning against the doorframe on the other side, he was like Li Yexing. Crossing his hands, when he heard Li Yexing's words, Kanan, who was wearing only a black sports bra on his upper body, was slightly startled, then raised his eyebrows and said doubtfully: Maid Shi and Xiaobai finally got together, yes, I won't play with you anymore. Forget it, it's okay... Seeing that Kanan's stupid look didn't look like he was faking it, Li Yexing shook his head and whispered, Boss, speaking of which, your face is not ordinary ugly today... See, Li Yexing didn't When he spoke again, Kanan turned his head and asked in a low voice while looking at Li Yexing's face, Are you letting Maid Se and Xiaobai get drained? ls It's not that bad, but I didn't sleep all night. It's true. Pointing to the dark circles under his eyes, Li Yexing whispered: Now, I just want to sleep. Isn't it? Hearing Li Yexing's words, Kanan's face showed a hint of surprise. He whispered: Although Senu Xiao and Xiao Bai are better, they won't make you look like this, right? I remember they are quite measured... Maybe. Li Yexing whispered with a look of resentment. He muttered: Bringing his thoughts back to last night without getting angry, after being hit by Li Yexing's two questions in succession, the fusion body of Rita and Bai Muqing suddenly exploded, pulling Yan's black and red hair in front of Li Yexing's face. The thread turned into two balls of flesh, and then gradually condensed into two naked girls in Li Yexing's shocked eyes. Lying on the bed and panting slightly, Rita raised her head with a shy look on her face. There was a rare hint of complaint in her eyebrows. She lowered her eyebrows and said, Sir, you are so mean-spirited. You even asked such a question. Forget it! Compared to Rita's verbal complaints, Bai Muqing's reaction was much more intense. Her face turned red, and tears almost flowed from the corners of her eyes. She picked up a pillow and hit Li Yexing's head hard, while doing so. He stopped loudly and said: Forget it! Wild dog! Forget it all! Forget everything Rita said in that perverted girl's novel! Forget it! Forget it! Of course it won't hurt to be hit on the head by that soft pillow, but Li Yexing was hit. His expression became more and more subtle. For Li Yexing, seeing Bai Muqing looking so embarrassed and angry as if he was about to commit suicide, it was very difficult just to hold back his laughter. On the other hand, after hitting Li Yexing with a pillow for a long time, , Bai Muqing suddenly turned her head to look at Rita, glared and complained loudly: It's all your fault! It's all because you insisted on doing some maid-secretary integration! You perverted woman is full of lust! It's so stupid! I just want to show our combined form to Mr., wouldn't it be a pity if that body can't be enjoyed by Mr.? Seeing Bai Muqing complaining on her own head, Rita immediately Showing a formulaic smile, she squinted her eyes, raised the corners of her mouth and chuckled: Also, I think Miss Bai is not qualified to say that my mind is full of lust. If I am a perverted maid, then Miss Bai is XP is a weird, perverted secretary who thinks about having sex with her husband. What's more, you also agreed to the plan of merging, didn't you? I didn't! Bai Muqing retorted loudly. Yes, it is true that he did not agree, but he did not object, he just lay there Just let me do whatever I want on the bed... Rita smiled and said: Obviously the core took the initiative to come closer, but in the end you blame me, a poor little maid? Miss Bai, shirk your fault with your elite words... Is there some discrepancy? Then...then you shouldn't tell everything about me! For some reason, Bai Muqing, who usually does not forcefully find reasons for winning or losing, unexpectedly refused to admit her mistakes. She kept her mouth shut. Said: It's all your fault! How could you tell the wild dog everything?! Then it's your fault first, Miss Bai. After all, you were the first to tell my story, wasn't it? Hanging there delicately The smile on the face appears more and more

Danger, Rita curled her lips and said: How can the worries in the heart of a perfect maid fall on the shoulders of sir? Admit it, Miss Bai, you have been grudges for a long time because of my training, and you plan to find an opportunity to let me in In front of Mr....

Looking at the two girls in front of him who were bickering like cats with fried hair, Li Yexing, who was watching the battle, finally couldn't help but laugh out loud, but the next second, he couldn't laugh anymore, because he was accompanied by Laughing, Rita and Bai Muqing turned their heads at the same time, staring directly at him. I had so much fun arguing with the perverted maid that I forgot about you as the culprit. Looking into Li Yexing's eyes, Bai Muqing sneered. Really, I never realized that your husband can be so bad before. While talking to Bai Muqing, Rita smiled and said: As your daughter, I think I have the obligation to guide him back to the right path. Just like that, A new round of battle began. This time, Li Yexing fought hard until dawn. Seeing Rita and Bai Muqing leave the room while it was still early, Li Yexing breathed a sigh of relief. He threw himself on the already chaotic - Tuan fell asleep on the bed, but he was shaken awake not long after he fell asleep. With a trace of anger, Li Yexing gritted his teeth and forced his eyes open. He was about to see who touched him, but unexpectedly, he turned around and faced Bai Muqing's sneering face, which had already been changed. The secretary in professional attire kicked off her high heels, got on Li Yexing's bed, and then sneered: Wild dog, it's time to get up and apply medicine every morning. This time, Li Yexing finally experienced what... 0 is called double physical and mental torture. Bai Muqing helped and took care of me and washed up in a daze, and then was forcefully dragged out of the room by Bai Muqing with a sneer. Li Yexing was just about to escape back to the bedroom while Bai Muqing was not paying attention. Unexpectedly, Housekeeper Harman and Rita were already waiting outside the house with cleaning tools. I heard from Miss Griffith that you had a lot of fun last night, so she specially asked me to help with the cleaning.

Bedroom. There was a smile hidden on the face under the bandage, butler Harman said solemnly: It's great to be young. You can still get up so early after a hard night. I hope you can love me as much as you love other girls around you. Hold the lady. They could even think of such a vicious torture method. Looking at it this way, Rita and Bai Muqing were really a little angry about Li Yexing's random exploration of their little secrets. Seeing Haman hanging up the phone and carrying cleaning tools into the bedroom, Rita, who was following Harman's housekeeper, smiled sweetly at Li Yexing, as if the evil plot had succeeded. Li Yexing said, Do you think Rita and I can't guess what you are thinking? My dear wild dog? Come on, don’t think about sleeping. Be good and get up with your favorite Mu Qing to have breakfast... The above is Mr. Li Yehang’s morning. Considering that the process was too embarrassing, he He did not tell Kanan these things. Kanan... After a moment of silence, Li Yexing waved to Kanan, and he greeted in a low voice: Come here. Huh? What are you doing? See Li Yexing. After greeting himself, Kanan immediately walked up. As soon as he came to Li Yexing, he saw Li Yexing hugging her, then lying behind her, touching her abdominal muscles and burying his face in her. At the same time, he squinted his eyes slightly and said: Good brother, lean on me... Oh, how pitiful, so pitiful. Listening to Li Yexing's words, Kanan guessed what Li Yexing looked like/ \\ Cheng was angry because she made Rita and Bai Muqing angry, so she raised her hand and while gently stroking Li Yexing's short hair, she whispered that if your bedroom is not tidy, then go to my bedroom, wait. After watching the good show in front of me, I will go back and look for it. No Li Yexing shook his head. He forced his eyelids to hold up and raised his head and said, We will go back together later. I have to watch this show too.

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