What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

DLC.Extra-29. Macho Man's Long Vacation (Twenty-Nine)

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Under the wooden dome with Japanese-style chandeliers hanging, the four sides of the room are wrapped by solid wood walls. On the wall, a huge Chinese word 武 is swayed on the hanging paper, dripping with ink. Along the four corners of the wall, you can I saw a variety of quaint weapon racks, with various weapons such as crutches, long sticks, spears, moon swords, small swords, large swords, bayonet swords, heavy swords, hammers, and battle axes leaning on them. From the east To the west, you can find everything. Following the surrounding walls toward the middle, there is a wooden floor made of the same material as the walls. On that floor, there is a huge dark red blanket, which takes up almost half of the entire room. area, with the emblem of old Umbrella and the crest of the Ashford family embroidered in a Japanese style. It is hard to imagine that there is a Japanese-style dojo hidden in a typical European-style castle like the Ashford family manor. Although to Li Yexing, this dojo seems to be slightly smaller than that of Hitomi Mikishima's family. Moreover, the Japanese flavor is not that authentic, but this still does not prevent Li Yexing from being surprised and admiring it. At this moment, Hitomi Mikishima, wearing a white samurai uniform, was kneeling on the dark red carpet with her bare feet. , her eyes were closed tightly, she put the long black alloy knife in the sheath with the black e Umbrella logo, placed it in front of her knees, and behind her back, she also slung the long black alloy knife made by a Japanese craftsman. The Odachi sword in her hand is a wild bone. Compared to Hitomi Inkishima, who looks serious and full of Japanese flavor, Alexa, who is standing opposite Hitomi Inkishima, looks much more relaxed. She is wearing a black In samurai attire, walking barefoot on the red carpet, he also held a very delicate-looking Japanese katana in his hand. It seemed to be a bit higher than the black Umbrella executive sword, but it was far shorter than Hitomi Mijishima. The crazy people behind the scenes. This is the show that Li Yexing wants to watch despite the group's wishes, the fight between Hitomi Mishima and Alexa! After a long moment of silence, Hitomi Mishima finally slowly opened his eyes. , she stared at Alexa not far away in front of her, and then focused her gaze on the long knife in Alexa's hand that struck the ground from time to time. Ms. Ashford's knife is very beautiful. After a moment, Hitomi Inkishima praised softly. It is made by a famous craftsman. The name of the knife is 'Nonset Sun Wheel'... Seeing Hitomi Inkishima seemed to be interested in the knife in his hand. Interested in the knife, Alexa smiled and introduced, However, I prefer the name my grandfather gave it - 'Immortal Kingship'. Royal Power... The corner of his mouth raised a slight smile, and Hitomi Mishima slowly stood up. , holding the scabbard of the alloy long sword in her left hand, she asked softly: Miss Ashford, do you really not want to change to a wooden sword to compete? Don't worry... She danced the unsheathed martial sword in her hand A arc flashed with cold light, Alexa smiled and said: I can hold it back, it won't hurt you. It seems that I have been underestimated by Miss Ashford. Fortunately, I am very confident in swordsmanship... He lifted the scabbard of his left hand little by little, and slowly pressed the handle of the knife with his right hand across his waist, and took a stance. , the corner of Hitomi Mikishima's mouth curved with a hint of confidence, and she asked softly: Miss Ashford, are you ready?

I can do it at any time. Still maintaining her nonchalant attitude, Alexa said with a smile. After receiving Alexa's answer, Hitomi Mikishima's eyes narrowed slightly, and she exhaled a breath, allowing herself to Entering the state, the next second, I saw those eyes suddenly sharp, as if they were about to release the sword energy. As the murderous intention spread, Mishima Hitomi suddenly shot out. The speed was so fast that it was almost difficult to catch it with the inner eye. The pressure The right hand on the handle of the knife is even more difficult to determine, making it impossible to judge the angle of the knife. And this knife, no matter where it is pulled out, will be pointed directly at Alexa's neck! - In the red picture, The vertical black snake eyes suddenly tightened. The moment Mijima Hitomi held the handle of the knife with her right hand, Alexa suddenly moved. There was a ding sound, a cold light suddenly appeared, and sparks flew everywhere. , Hitomi Chishima's thunderous sword was actually stopped by Alexa! Nice eyes, good speed, but if you want to deal with me, I'm afraid... He steadily caught Hitomi Chishima's blow. The hand holding the knife was still trembling slightly. Alexa was about to take the opportunity to say a few words, but she saw a trace of fierceness flashing across Hitomi Mikishima's eyes. He held the knife in his hand. Not only did she not pull away. Instead, he stepped forward and flew straight towards Alexa's calf. This blow was beyond Alexa's expectations. After the moment of surprise, she immediately retreated, while Hitomi Mikishima pursued the victory, slashing all the way. In just a few seconds, the two long knives were hard to follow with the naked eye. The speed was flying up and down, and the cold light danced back and forth amidst the rapid sound of hammering. - Time, Li Yexing, who was too sleepy and unable to lift his spirits, could only see sparks exploding in the air until it was almost over. After being forced out of the red carpet and disrupted by her rhythm, Alexa looked stern and groaned. With her sudden exertion, Hitomi Mikishima was pushed directly out, taking five or six steps back. It seems that I have indeed underestimated Ms. Qianjima. I didn't expect Ms. Qianjima's offensive to be so fierce, just like a real fight. There is no such thing as the slightly exaggerated and tiring beauty of traditional Japanese swordsmanship. He shook it off a little. At the hair salon, Alexisa chuckled and asked, It's within my acceptable range to fight for your life with one move. However, could you please explain to Ms. Mikishima? Why did you compete in the sword hall competition? A sudden kick? Swordsmanship is the art of killing, kendo is the way to kill, and the same is true for Iai, which I am good at. He put the sword back into the scabbard and took a stance towards Akrisa again, Hitomi Mishima He chuckled and responded, Ye Xingjun once said that as long as you can kill someone, you can punch with Iai, kick with Iitai, and even shoot.

It's Iai. This is really... a novel understanding, and it reminds me of the West... Turning his head, he glanced at the dojo [O Li Yexing hanging behind Kanan, Alexa chuckled and said:' Look. Come on, my dear, I have taught you a lot of fighting concepts that are more suitable for fighting. At this point, maybe you will really be better than me, a rich lady hiding in the depths. Ashford

Miss, do you want to admit defeat? Hitomi Mikishima asked with a smile, If you do, the Lord of the Night will be mine tonight. Huh?! Li Yexing, who was watching the battle while half asleep, suddenly woke up. Sorry, Miss Mikishima, I've been waiting for too long tonight, and I don't intend for anyone to step in. The orange-red snake Her pupils narrowed slightly, and the corners of her mouth became more aggressive. After looking squarely at the enemy in front of her, Alexa finally took a stance. She spread her legs slightly forward and back, holding the blade with both hands. Pointing at Hitomi Chishima, he chuckled and said: Furthermore, I just admit that Miss Chishima has richer fighting experience, that's all. I never think that I am weaker than Miss Chishima, and I never think that I will lose to Miss Chishima. Miss Mikishima, rather, if I follow Miss Mikishima's rules, I will definitely be stronger than Miss Mikishima. After all, there are some things that skills cannot make up for. Really? In his sharp eyes, the fighting spirit became stronger. Hitomi Mikishima said with a smile: Then let me see - what Miss Ashford said cannot be compensated for by skills! Accompanying With the fighting spirit between the two rising, the second round is about to begin!

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