What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

DLC.Extra-30. Macho Man's Long Vacation (Thirty)

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With her right hand holding the hilt of the knife, Hitomi Inkishima stared at Alexa, with a hint of solemnity in her eyes. Even though she had gained the advantage in the first round of the fight, at this moment, Hitomi Inkishima's heart had gradually sunk. Going down, from the moment Alexisa easily caught her first knife, she realized that the noble lady in front of her, who exuded a strange sense of oppression, was definitely not a showman, especially in the following series of fights. , even if her rhythm was disrupted, the opponent still firmly caught every move of her sword, and even had the strength to push her away. There is no doubt that Miss Ashford is quite proficient in martial arts! For Alek Lisa had a certain understanding. This time, Hitomi Inkishima no longer acted rashly. She was posing, nervous, silently waiting for the right time to use her phone. On the other side, seeing Hitomi Inkishima no longer attacking directly, Alek Lisa narrowed her eyes. She chuckled and said, Aren't you going to take the lead this time? If there is a suitable opportunity, I will take action. Hitomi Mishima replied in a deep voice with a smile. Okay... After receiving Hitomi Mikishima's answer, Alexa shrugged and said, Then this time, let me do it. As soon as she finished speaking, Alexa leaned forward and rushed towards Hitomi Mikishima. In the past, she waved the katana with one hand, with a hint of sternness in her eyes and an intoxicating madness in the corner of her mouth. Her speed was obviously not as fast as Hitomi Mikishima, but for some reason, every move she made was carried with An irresistible sense of oppression had not yet reached Hitomi Mikishima. She suddenly took action and let the samurai sword, which was slightly longer than the executive's sword, draw a cold light in the air, and struck Mikishima Sleep hard. On the forehead. Seeing that Alexisa's sword seemed to have no intention of stopping, Hitomi Inkishima was startled, and quickly drew out the sword to block it. Along with the sound of iron, sparks exploded, and for a moment, Hitomi Inkishima only felt a A huge force pressed on the long knife in her hand, and even the arm holding the long knife couldn't help but tremble slightly. She raised her head and met Alexisa's eyes. She was about to fight back, but saw Aleksha Lisa smiled slyly, and in the next second, she imitated Hitomi Mikishima and suddenly raised her leg, kicking Hitomi Mikishima's calf. Although she was slightly surprised, she was not impressed by Alexa's way of attacking. , Hitomi Mikishima had expected it, the blade suddenly rotated, Hitomi Mikishima retreated, and was about to re-arrange her stance, suddenly, she only felt her calves and her body were a little unbalanced. In an instant, Hitomi Mikishima Realizing that she had still been kicked! Taking advantage of Hitomi Inkishima's body being unbalanced, Alexa strode forward and slashed at Hitomi Inkishima with one hand again. Hitomi Inkishima, who had no time to regroup, could only maintain her posture. The unbalanced body kept retreating, but unexpectedly, Alexa followed suit. The moment she was attacked, she kicked out again. Different from the previous kick, this time, she actually kicked Mikishima to sleep. On the calf, with this blow, Hitomi Mikishima's body was completely unbalanced, and Alexa, who had already slashed, did not give Hitomi Mikishima a chance to adjust her center of gravity. Seeing that the blade in her hand had no time to strike back, she suddenly Turning sideways, he pushed a palm on Hitomi Mikishima's stomach. Her breathing was stagnant, and Hitomi Mikishima was pushed straight away by this powerful and heavy blow. She tried hard to adjust her posture, her eyes became sharper, and she put her hands in her hands. The long knife was placed across the side of her body, and she supported the ground with one hand and two feet. She slid back five or six meters before she could stop. Seeing that the distance was widened again, Alexa did not pursue the victory. She just flicked the knife in her hand, letting the cold light outline a waning moon in the air. Then she smiled and said to Hitomi Mikishima: Hmm. I really want to understand this feeling. It is indeed better than confronting Butler Bman. Practice to the fullest. Looking at Alexisa's aggressive smile, Hitomi Mikishima frowned. At this moment, she finally understood what Alexa said, The skills are the most private. What is it? Miss Ashford’s legs are really too long! Yes, although I don’t want to admit it, the fact is that Alexa’s legs are too long! In this kind of close-hand hand-to-hand combat, The range of avoidance that Hitomi Mikishima can do is not enough to completely avoid Alexa's kick! As a girl, Hitomi Mikishima has always been very confident in her tall figure that does not look like a Japanese girl, but When facing Alexa, who was almost the same height as Li Yexing, Hitomi Mishima finally understood what the double blow of force and body was. Damn it! Miss Ashford’s legs are so long! Her figure is even better than those models! It’s so enviable! When envy turns into a hint of jealousy, it will turn into substantial resentment and burst out from her eyes. When she came out, she saw Hitomi Mikishima staring at her legs wrapped in a large samurai uniform, her eyes full of resentment. Alexa seemed to understand something. Suddenly, the smile on her face became a little subtle. He put his legs together slightly and said softly to Hitomi Mikishima: How about Miss Mikishima, let's try the orthodox sword fighting. I always feel that there is a way to kick the sword.

Somewhat strange. Nothing. Standing up and shaking his head slightly to eliminate distracting thoughts, Hitomi Mishima inserted the black alloy long sword back into the scabbard at his waist, then bent slightly and pulled out the sword from behind. With a faint red light in her eyes, she whispered: When fighting, the enemy will not tie up his legs, let alone take off everything from the neck down to take care of my height, so, like this That's good. She is truly worthy of being relied upon by her dear, Taketohime. She slightly narrowed her red eyes, and as she spoke, she didn't forget to lick Mikishima Hitomi's hot spot to increase her favorability, Alexa. She put on her stance again, with an aggressive curve on her lips. She chuckled and said, Then let's follow Ms. Mikishima's wishes and have a fight that looks like a fight. Not long after, there was a clanging sound of iron. It rang again, filling the entire dojo. Boss, this young lady from the Ashford family is so powerful. Seeing that Alexisa was able to fight with Hitomi Mikishima who had pulled out the Kuangtian Kuang Bone.

, Kanan sighed in a low voice: Don't they all say that young ladies from rich families are just like the flowers in the vase, a little bit exposed to the weather?

Isn't it okay? The Ashford family has never kept a vase. Seeing Alexa playing with the samurai sword in her hand, Li Yexing couldn't help but think of Alexa when he was in the undersea oil field. The beautiful Guns N’ Roses danced by Sha, now it seems that except for the occasional abnormal thinking circuit, this Miss Ashford is really good at both civil and military skills. Boss, if you fight like this, Xiao Qiandao might not be able to do it. Lose... Seeing Mijima Hitomi showing signs of being suppressed, Hanan whispered: Size is too important for close combat. This Miss Ashford is not weaker than a small one. Qiandao's height is directly higher than Xiaoqiandao's - a head, especially those legs, which are simply too long... To be honest, I don't care about who wins and who loses in the draw. Anyway, I'm just a fighter. Li. Li Youxing muttered in a low voice: I just want to have a good rest now, and by the way, pray that the winner of this fight can be gentle to me. A moment later, with the sound of iron strikes, the fight was finally decided. To win or lose, Alexa successfully tripped Hitomi Mikishima by virtue of her leg length advantage, and put the knife on the opponent's neck. At this point, this competition held to bring the distance between the sisters was finally over. The winner Alexa Ashford declared her ownership of Li Yexing tonight.

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