What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

DLC.Extra-31. Macho Man's Long Vacation (Thirty-one)

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There was a hint of blush on her pure white face, and a thin layer of sweat appeared on her face. Hitomi Mikishima's eyebrows were lowered, and while panting lightly, she moved in small steps and came to Li Yexing, looking at Li Yexing, who was hanging behind Kanan, lowered her head slightly and said with some disappointment: I'm sorry for letting Mr. Yexing see Tong's embarrassed side.

Sliding down from Kanan's back, Li Yexing hugged Hitomi Mikishima, and buried his face in Hitomi Mikishima's neck amidst Hitomi Mikishima's soft cries. He closed his eyes and moved his body. All the weight rested on Hitomi Mikishima, and while rubbing it lightly, he murmured in a low voice: As expected of a beautiful kendo girl, even her sweat smells delicious. It's true, Yakou-kun, people always say Some shy words. Feeling the familiar aura from Li Yexing, Qiandao Hitomi's face finally regained its composure. She walked out of the shadow of failure in the competition. She smiled and hugged Li Yexing in her arms, while gently kissing her. He gently stroked Li Yexing's back and said with a look of shame, but it's okay if Tong doesn't hate it... Not bad, really good, you have a good time. The other half put his sword back into the scabbard and inserted it back into the weapon. On the shelf, Alexa walked past R in bare feet. Just like Hitomi Chishima, Alexa also had a thin layer of sweat on her body. Seeing Li Yexing look over, she hooked With his fingers, he gently opened the collar of the military uniform, revealing a touch of snow. He fanned it back and forth to dissipate heat and said with a smile: I didn't know that the competition could be like this. Sure enough, the competition with Butler Haman It's still a bit too rigid and dogmatic... He knew very well what Alexa's action of pulling on the collar meant. Li Yexing let go of his arms holding Hitomi Mishima, turned his head swayingly, and then let his body walk towards the oncoming side. Alexa naturally leaned forward when she came. Seeing the ambush, Alexa immediately stepped forward and caught Li Yexing's face, and then asked softly: Do you mind if I smell like sweat? My dear? No... Li Yexing said angrily: The smell of milk is very strong, mixed with the smell of roses. I like it very much. Really? A satisfied smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Alexa stretched out her hand. , while gently stroking Li Yexing's short hair, he smiled and said: If you like it, bury it for a while, it's all yours anyway. Seeing Li Yexing leaning against Alexa, Kanan's expression became a little subtle, She couldn't help but lower her head: Speaking of which, growing so big, will it affect my sports?

On the other side, Hitomi Mikishima seemed to have the same question. She looked down at herself. Then she looked up at Alexa, with a trace of envy in her eyes and said, Miss Ashford is really amazing. I think mine is already tiring enough. I have to tie it up with a bandage before every battle. There's really nothing to envy. He put his arms around Li Yexing's neck and buried him deeper. Ah Lexissa showed a trace of bitterness on her face): Actually, I'm also quite troubled. Although it makes me happy that my dear likes it, but to be honest, once you start exercising strenuously, there are indeed a lot of inconveniences. There will be some pain, so since my figure became like this, except for occasional competitions to ensure my body's flexibility, I rarely exercise... What a sweet trouble... Mijishima Hitomi couldn't help but murmured in a low voice. Anyway, they are stronger than my chest muscles, Kanan said calmly while pulling the corner of his mouth. Well, it seems that you don't understand my pain very well. Maybe I should discuss this with Miss Griffith. Seeing Kanan and Hitomi Mikishima still had a trace of envy in their eyes, Alexisa helplessly Sighing, she patted the back of Li Yexing's head gently, and then said softly: Okay, my dear, stop acting like a baby. I want to go to a show with Miss Qiandao. I will go there again tonight. Find. 0 Oh. He nodded to Alexa. Li Yexing, who was even slightly in a trance, reluctantly left Alexa and turned his face to Ka. Kanan thought for a while and followed suit. Lexissa looked like she had her chest raised. She caught Li Yexing, but to her surprise, Li Yexing said angrily: It's so tough, you are worthy of being my good brother.

Go to hell she said harsh words, but Kanan still gently hugged Li Yexing's waist to prevent Li Yexing from sliding down. She turned her head and looked at Hitomi Qiandao and Alexa. She raised her eyebrows and asked, Do you want to take a shower? Well, let's share our experiences with each other by the way. Wiping away the thin sweat on her forehead, Alexa put her arm around Hitomi Mikishima's shoulders, and then smiled softly at her. Nan asked: Are you and my dear going together? Let's forget it. Xian smiled and shook his head at Alexa. Kanan gently patted Li Yexing on the back, and at the same time said to Alexa Sha said: The boss was tortured badly by the maid and Xiaobai last night. I will take him back to rest first, so Wusaka doesn't have to call us. isMaid Maid and Xiaobai...refer to Miss Griffith and Miss Bai? She was slightly startled by Kanan's name, and then smiled knowingly, Alexa nodded. He nodded and said: I understand, I won't be serving you and my dear for lunch today, but I will ask Butler Harman to prepare some desserts for you. If you are hungry after resting, you can go to me or Butler Harman. . °Oh! Thank you so much! The smile on his face suddenly brightened up. Kanan waved his hands towards Alexisa and Hitomi Mikishima, then smiled and said, Then I will take the boss back to the bedroom first. !Please walk slowly. Alexisa chuckled and said. Be careful on the road. Tokiwa said, Hitomi Mikishima, who likes sex. Just like that, pulling Li Yexing, Kanan turned around and walked into the dojo. In the corridor outside.

The Ashford family has a large business and the interior of the castle is intricate. Even so, after living there for a few days, Kanan was able to easily remember a few common routes. It didn't take long before she took Li Yexing back to her home. In front of the room door, at this moment, Li Yexing looked dazed. He could walk by himself but insisted on Kanan's body. In order to prevent Li Yexing from sliding down, Kanan supported Li Yexing with one hand and the other. His hand was twisting the golden door handle, and after pushing the bedroom door open,

Finally, before she could take a step forward, Li Yexing suddenly broke away from her arms and ran straight to the big bed in the center of the bedroom. Then he jumped up lightly and threw his body hard on the bed, burying his face. Entering the bed mixed with Kanan's faint body fragrance. Look at your virtue... She couldn't help but laugh and curse. Kanan closed the wooden door of the bedroom with her backhand. She came to the floor-to-ceiling window and closed the dark red curtains in the bedroom. Suddenly, the light in the room was dim. After sitting down and closing the curtains, Hanan turned back to the bed, turned over for Li Yexing, and helped Li Yexing take off his shoes. After placing the slippers neatly beside the bed, she stood up. Come, look down at Li Yexing who is lying on the bed with his eyes slightly squinted, frown slightly and whisper: This is the first time I've seen you like this since I've known you, what did the maid and Xiaobai do to you? It's a long story, I suggest you don't ask. Li Yexing murmured softly. Okay, if you don't ask, don't ask. Shrugging at Li Yexing, Kanan kicked off his shoes and climbed into bed with him. , and then lay gently next to Li Yexing.

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