What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

DLC.Extra-32. The macho man’s long vacation (thirty-two)

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Different from Li Yexing's bedroom, although the layout is roughly the same, the room arranged by Butler Harman for Kanan does not have a rocking chair and lacks some complicated decorations. Yes, there are many antique solid wood bookshelves in Kanan's room. , the bookshelf is filled with all kinds of books. However, according to Li Yexing's knowledge, Kanan)\\Cheng would not spend time reading. As time went by, Li Yexing's eyelids became heavier and heavier, but for some reason, he just couldn't fall asleep. Gradually, a faint irritability arose in Li Yexing's chest, and he was thinking about whether to bear this sleepiness. When he got up, he heard Kanan beside him ask in a low voice: You haven't slept yet? Hmm. Li Yexing responded in a feeble voice. Can't sleep? What's the reason? With a trace of doubt between her eyebrows, Hanan muttered in a low voice. Seeing that trace of annoyance gradually appeared on Li Yexing's side, she thought for a moment, and then used the dimness in the room to get closer to Li Yexing's side. In his ear, he whispered softly: Would you like a cigarette? Okay. Li Yexing responded in a low voice. Okay, wait until I lock the door. She kissed Li Yexing gently on the side of her face. Kanan got out of bed, walked quickly to the door of the room, and locked the room behind her. Li Yexing held on to the dark circles under his eyes. She struggled out of bed and wandered to the floor-to-ceiling window. After a while, Kanan came to Li Yexing's side. She opened half of the curtains to let the sunlight enter the room again, and then stretched out her hand to open half of the curtains. He opened the floor-to-ceiling windows, and suddenly, the sea breeze blew into the room. Feeling the oncoming sea breeze, Li Yexing suddenly felt refreshed, and the irritability in his heart also dissipated for 3 days. Boss... Placing the ashtray between the two of them, Kanan took out half a pack of cigarettes from his pants pocket, took out two cigarettes, stuffed one into Li Yexing's room, and kept the other one for herself. She picked up the silver lighter and put it together. When they arrived in front of Li Yexing, they lit their cigarettes together. They squatted in front of the window and turned their heads, facing the beach and the sea opposite the woods and took a deep breath. Then they exhaled a large cloud of white mist together. Is it better? After a while, Kanan asked in a low voice with a sideways face. Much better. Li Yexing nodded and said softly, Thank you. Damn, it's disgusting. You actually thanked me... pretending to be disgusted. Waving her hands with a stern look, Kanan moved her steps and got a little closer to Li Yexing. She whispered: If you think about it carefully, this place is not bad. I didn't know that sleeping next to the sea can feel so good. ..Do you like it here? Looking at the sea in the distance, Li Yexing asked softly. Actually, I can't say that I like it very much. There was something rare between his eyebrows - a trace of tranquility, Kanan seemed to be thinking about something. He whispered: The house is big, everyone can live in a big space, it is surrounded by woods, and there is a beach not far away. When you are bored, you can catch a fish and have dinner by the way. It doesn't seem to be that naughty in summer. I guess it will also be in winter. It won’t be too cold, it won’t be like the Etonia side, where there is not even a spring, and there are still few people. This feeling of isolation from the world seems to be quite good.

As he said that, Kanan changed the subject and said: But, how should I put it? Living in such a big house, there is always an inexplicable feeling. How should I put it? The distance between people is too far, and it seems lonely. Look at our kennel, my bedroom is not even half as big as this room, and the corridor outside the door is even too crowded for two people walking side by side, but, come on, the door opposite my bedroom is the bedroom of Maid Shi and Xiaobai, so The two guys - I can hear any movement lightly. If they are in Maid Se and Xiaobai's bedroom, even just three or five steps away, but if they are like now, - they can't hear it if they are alone in such a big room. You guys are talking, I feel boring even when I smoke. In the end, Kanan took a deep puff of the cigarette between his fingers, then turned his head and grinned at Li Yexing: So, to be honest, it's up to you. Look at me? Li Yexing chuckled and said, Aren't you the former leader of the Black Mamba organization? You are a little bit opinionated. What Black Mamba leader? Don't mention it. At the end of the battle, I was the only one left with him. It's no different from the previous unit. It's not like you don't know this. He sneered and nudged Li Yexing lightly with his elbow. Click. Nan grinned and took a puff of cigarette, then exhaled white mist and said: Anyway, from the day you took me out of Malvia, I have sold myself to you. Where are you? , I am right where you want to be, and I will accompany you to do whatever you want. If one day you are killed by someone, then I will skin the person who killed you and throw it into the sea, and then jump into the sea to find... Don't! Li Yexing said hurriedly: If one day I really die, I hope you all live well. Our family has a great business, wouldn't it be a pity to die?

Give me up... Kanan smiled and said, If you were gone, who do you think among us girls would be able to live alone? Mu Qing and Lisa? After a while, Li Yexing said with some uncertainty. Okay. , this is your answer. He smiled and nodded to Li Yexing. Kanan grinned and said: But Xiaobai, I know it very well. When I turn around, I will tell Xiaobai what you said. If Xiaobai doesn't tell Xiaobai, Take off your dog skin and let me walk upside down for a month

Then you'd better not say it... Li Yexing shrugged and said, It's really disgusting to see you walking upside down for a month. Are you scared? Kanan asked with raised eyebrows. Coward. Li Yexing said with a smile: I simply think that Mu Qing can't take off my skin, she can't bear it. Then how did you become like this? Kanan grinned and asked: 'When I first saw you this morning, I was so frightened that I could hardly stand. It seemed as if the wind would blow you down. I thought you were going to die. Hearing Guan Nan's words, Li Yexing was stunned for a moment. At a loss for words, until the cigarette burned out between his fingers, the two of them pressed the cigarette in their hands into the ashtray. How do you feel now? Kanan asked with a smile. Much better, Li Yexing said with a slight frown: But she was still a little uncomfortable. Looking at Li Yexing's appearance, Kanan thought for a moment, then sighed, and she stood up.

, closed the windows and curtains again, then turned to face Li Yexing

B? Li Yexing suddenly raised his eyebrows and whispered, Are you going to kill me? Of course not, I'm still counting on you to support me for the rest of my life. He kicked Li Yexing angrily. , Kanan whispered: That's the one that the maid did for you. I heard that if you were fucked too hard and uncomfortable before, the maid would do it for you - this time, I guess you can't count on it this time. I'm a maid, so leave it to me. I felt this was just a disguised increase in my burden. Li Yexing murmured in a low voice. Don't worry, I will be gentler than a maid. He gently pulled Li Yexing's wrist, Kanan chuckled and said, Do you believe me? Okay. After a while, Li Ye Xing stood up and said, Let me believe you for once. Under the dim light, the two climbed onto the bed and lay face to face. Kanan casually pulled the quilt to cover the two of them. After a while, with a hum, Kanan gently hugged Li Yexing. , and whispered in a low voice, Okay, don't move, that's it, now, close your eyes and sleep... After saying that, Kanan stretched out his hand from the bed and gently stroked Li Yexing's short hair. He murmured in a low voice like a coaxing child, Well, well, go to sleep, boss, go to sleep. Under Kanan's gentleness, Li Yexing finally shed all his fatigue and fell asleep.

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