What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

DLC.Extra-33. The macho man’s long vacation (thirty-three)

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Li Yexing had a somewhat strange dream. In the dream, he was a fish, swimming freely in the water warmed by Mingjuan's sun, swaying wantonly until he became slightly tired, and he began to fall little by little, straight down. At the bottom of the pool, the moment the fish's lips touched the moss on the bottom of the pool, his consciousness instantly rose and he was pulled out of the water.

His whole body was still wrapped in warmth, and there was still moisture and soft touch between his lips. Feeling the warm breath gently tapping under his nose, Li Yexing opened his eyes little by little. In the dim light, he could vaguely recognize , lying in front of her was her good brother Kanan. She seemed to be sleeping, her eyes were slightly squinted and there was an imperceptible warmth. At this moment, their lips were touching lightly. In his ears, bursts of imperceptible soft sounds came with a steady rhythm. Li Yexing knew that it was the sound of the old-fashioned clock in the room. In the bedroom arranged for him by Butler Haman, there were hanging clocks of similar styles. of. As his consciousness woke up from his sleep, Li Yexing's eyes became clearer. It took him a few seconds to sort out the cause and effect, but he was not in a hurry to separate from Kanan's lightly touching lips. He maintained this posture. Squinting his eyes, he gently pressed his lips up. The movement was so gentle, for fear of waking up Kanan, and he didn't know how many times the secret hand of the old-fashioned clock in the room turned. He finally reluctantly connected his face with hers. Kanan's sleeping face distanced itself. Kanan looked completely different in his sleep than when he was awake, less lively and more tranquil. With a slight exertion on his body, Li Yexing used his gentle movements to pull himself away from Kanan's arms little by little. Unexpectedly, when his back was about to leave Kanan's arms, Kanan let out a muffled groan, and then Opened his eyes little by little. There was still a trace of confusion in her eyes. Kanan wiped the corners of her mouth subconsciously and looked at Li Yexing. After a long time, she whispered, Wake up? Wake up and saw that Kanan was finally attracted by her. When he woke up, Li Yexing simply let go of his hands and feet. He was about to get up when he saw Kanan sitting up, supporting the bed with one hand, squinting his eyes slightly and kissed Li Yexing on the lips. This time, because of the two of them, They were both awake, and the kiss after their sleep was a little fierce, but more tender and long. After a while, Kanan let go of his lips, and then smiled softly and said to Li Yexing: Boss, this is good morning. Good morning? Li Yexing stretched out his hand and fucked Kanan Kanan's head hard. He looked at the gap between the curtains and said, It's almost night. Huh? Hearing Li Yexing's words, Kanan was slightly startled, and then rolled out of bed. She stepped on the clean and tidy floor with her bare feet, and opened the curtains. Suddenly, the sun's disc sank into the sea, emitting a brilliant purple light. reflected in the room. No way. Looking at the sunset outside the window, Kanan murmured softly: Have we slept for a day? Yes, slept for a day. Li Yexing rubbed his eyes to let himself recover. He got off the bed, walked slowly behind Kanan, then patted her waist gently and said: Go, take a shower. Well, you really should wash up. He lowered his head and looked at himself. Kanan nodded. The head responded. Just like that, after waking up, the two of them entered the shower room that came with the bedroom. After washing off the sweat and traces on their bodies, Li Yexing and Kanan returned to the bedroom one after another. You, sitting on the bed Both sides are wearing clothes. It's already this time, let alone Wusaka, I think dinner has already passed. Looking at the old-fashioned clock hanging on the wall, Kanan muttered in a low voice. I must have passed, but it doesn't matter. Standing up, Li Yexing tied his belt and said, Didn't Lisa say before, just go to her or Harman's housekeeper... Then here comes the question. After tying up her hair and adjusting her sports bra, Kanan turned around, raised her eyebrows and asked, 'Do you know where to find the big butler or the young lady from the Ashford family?' I remember. There should be a button next to the bed. Recalling what Housekeeper Haman said before, Li Yexing turned around and looked at Kanan's bedside, only to see that there was nothing but yellow wallpaper with white patterns and a There is nothing except the mobile phone on the bedside table. The car is waiting, and there is no call bell in Kanan's room? What's wrong? What are you looking for? On the other side, Kanan scratched his head and said doubtfully. Nothing, let's go, let's go Find Housekeeper Harman or Lisa. For some reason, Li Yexing suddenly lost interest in the call bell. He turned his head, chuckled to Kanan and said, I just woke up, and after the show, let's go for a walk together. Boss, have you rested? Seeing Li Yexing's refreshing look, Kanan couldn't help but said in surprise. Well, after a good sleep, I feel like I'm back to normal again. He shook it off gently. Shaking his arms and moving his shoulder joints, Li Yexing smiled and said, You are indeed my good brother. He is no worse than Rita. Right? There was a slight blush on his face. Kanan smiled and responded: I just said it, believe me, it's right. Turning around with a smile, he walked step by step to the door of the room. Li Yexing opened the door lock and walked out with Kanan. Perhaps because it was time, the slightly dim lights in the corridor were already on. Not only did he not It was eerie and added a touch of mystery to the corridor filled with art. Li Ye walked in front of Kanan.

As he walked along the corridor, he was thinking about where he should go to find Alexa or Butler Harman. However, at this moment, Li Youxing suddenly felt a familiar sense of peeping. Li Yexing had encountered this feeling in the castle before! Subconsciously standing still, Li Yexing frowned slightly, looking for the source of the peeping feeling. Kanan, who was following him, saw him suddenly stop. , Lian came forward and asked in a low voice: What's the matter? Boss?

I always feel like we are being spied on by something. Li Yexing whispered as he looked around the corridor.

Then, while looking at the art paintings on the wall, he whispered: I thought it was my illusion before, and it was the psychological effect caused by those paintings. After all, I didn't find any surveillance or anything. As he said, Kanan shivered and said: Speaking of which, I still remember that I was in the corridor at the bottom.

There are several portraits of the Ashford family, right? Do you think the rich lady’s ancestors haven’t left at all? They are still in the castle, just waiting to see Miss Ashford. What kind of husband can I marry?

Is this the plot of a third-rate horror movie? Hearing Kanan's words, Li Yexing couldn't help but whisper: No, no, this is not the plot of a horror movie. This is clearly the plot of a comedy...

The sense of voyeurism seemed to disappear again, as if everything just now was just Li Yexing's illusion.

The ancestor of the Ashford family seems to have left... After a moment, Kanan muttered in a low voice. Well. Li Yexing nodded, with a hint of solemnity in his expression. There is no doubt that just now, Something spied on him and Kanan, but for a moment, he couldn't find the source. Just when Li Yexing was entangled in this, suddenly, he and the simple fan beside Kanan were seen. The wooden door opened slowly with a soft squeaking sound. Nerves suddenly tightened, Li Yexing and Kanan turned their heads sharply, staring at the wooden door. In the crack of the wooden door, a wisp of light scattered from it, reflecting on the ground of the corridor. In that light , a black shadow was squirming and twisting, until a moment later, a girl with long black hair, dotted with strands of gray, hesitated to reveal half of her face from the door, with a burgundy ring printed on it. There was still a hint of uneasiness in his gray eyes.

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