What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

FLC.Extra-34. Macho man’s long vacation (thirty-four)

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In a large room with almost the same layout as Li Yexing and Kanan's bedroom, a girl with a hint of disharmony sat on the edge of the bed, her legs together, her hands on her knees, her head lowered, and she followed suit. Like a child who has made mistakes, in front of her, Li Yexing raised his eyebrows slightly and said nothing. Kanan, who was standing next to Li Yexing, had a look of horror on his face. After a while, she couldn't help but turned her head and asked Li Yexing. Said: So, she is really a combination of Maid Shi and Xiaobai? Strictly speaking, it's not her, but 'them'. Li Yexing corrected softly. Okay, they... Nodding to Li Yexing, Kanan shifted his gaze back to the girl beside the bed and murmured in a low voice: The two most capable people are actually together. No wonder you, boss, can't even get out of bed. Then There are many deep-seated reasons! Only the time spent with the master cannot be wasted! Of course we must seize every opportunity to court him! After hearing Kanan's words, the girl suddenly raised her head, frowning slightly and using her sweet expression A strange compound voice mixed with indifference retorted. As soon as he heard Rita talking to Bai Muqing, Nan immediately took two steps back, and at the same time his facial muscles twitched and said: No,...it's better to stop talking! This voice It's so scary. So, were you guys spying on me and Kanan just now? Seeing that Rita and Bai Muqing seemed to want to say something more, Li Yexing asked hurriedly. ...He immediately lowered his head, and Rita and Bai Muqing nodded. The head whispered. No wonder I always feel like I'm being targeted by something. After getting the answer from Rita and Bai Muqing, Li Yexing finally breathed a sigh of relief. It is true that this is the hinterland of the Ashford family, and the sensors are even more... Every corridor was filled, and Li Yexing really didn’t think anything in the world could hide from the Ashford family’s spies and enter here.

The big doubt was solved, but new questions popped up. Li Yexing once again focused his attention on Rita and Bai Muqing, and asked with some confusion: Speaking of which, why did you two get together again? Apologize to the master, I did too much last night. Perhaps because of the shared consciousness after merging, Rita and Bai Muqing always expressed their feelings very intensely. They clasped their hands slightly and whispered to Li Yexing, It's just because of us. My lack of fear led to the master asking her true feelings, and blaming the master so rudely. Whether she was a perfect maid or an efficient secretary, this was a sign of immaturity and a complete dereliction of duty! As she spoke, Rita and There was a hint of crying in Bai Muqing's compound voice. They squirmed slightly while muttering: This morning we learned from Miss Ashford and Miss Mikishima that the master is in poor condition and has some problems. What should I do if Ms. Tilisis is also angry after hearing the angry news? She is going to be hated by the master. Although being hated seems to be exciting, it turns out... Stop, stop, stop... catch up with the atmosphere. Before becoming strange, he stopped Rita and Bai Muqing's speech. Li Yexing was a little dumbfounded: Who said I was angry?

Miss Ashford and Miss Inkishima both said that the master is in a very bad mood. Rita and Bai Muqing murmured in a low voice. If you want to apologize, just apologize directly. Why does it have to be like this? Li Yexing asked. Because Mu Qing wanted to apologize but couldn't open her mouth, and when Rita went to apologize, she insisted on holding him back. That's not right. Rita and Bai Muqing, who Li Yexing lied about, replied truthfully, Everyone, finally, at Mu Qing's request, we decided to apologize together like this. ls, okay, I probably understand. They were surprised that their perfect maid and efficient secretary turned out to be There would be such a clumsy side, Li Yexing couldn't help laughing. He stepped forward, stretched out his hand and gently touched the heads of Rita and Bai Muqing, and said softly: Don't take it to heart, I don't care at all. I'm angry with you. The master is obviously angry. Rita and Bai Muqing murmured softly. Okay, I was really a little angry at the time. I was so noisy that I only slept for less than an hour one night, and it was because of my girls. I'm having a temper, and everyone would be angry. Seeing that Rita and Bai Muqing seemed to be still entangled, Li Yexing simply admitted it directly, and even the hand that was rubbing Rita and Bai Muqing's hair was a little rough, he He whispered: However, Mu Qing and I have been together for three years, and Rita has been together for seven years. You should know that I really can't lose my temper with you. I can't bear to do it. Lord. Hearing Li Yexing's words, Rita and Bai Muqing raised their heads, and the burgundy rings in their gray eyes seemed to light up a little more. So, don't dwell on these issues. It's difficult for a couple who never quarrels with each other. For a long time, some bumps in life have become sweeter. Staring at those strange eyes, Li Yexing said softly: I'm really not angry, at least I'm definitely not angry now. Master is really not angry anymore? Rita and Bai Muqing tilted their heads and asked softly, as if they were a little insecure. If you say you're not angry, you won't be angry. Li Yexing nodded and said with a chuckle. Then... the master will tell us one by one. With a faint blush on their cheeks, Rita and Bai Muqing whispered: Kissing means that the master is really not angry anymore... No problem. Smiling slightly at Rita and Bai Muqing, Li Yexing leaned down and gently touched their lips. At that moment of soft touch, Rita and Bai Muqing wrapped their arms and legs around Li Yexing's body like a trap, accompanied by Kanan's exclamation and Li Yexing's sullen expression. Hum, Rita and Bai Muqing turned over and directly pressed Li Yexing on the bed. They were like hungry wolves, kissing like crazy and stroking hard. In desperation, Li Yexing tried to reach out and struggle, but failed. Rita and Bai Muqing directly clasped their fingers on the bed like last night. Oh my god... Seeing Li Yexing's miserable state, Kanan had no intention of stepping forward to help. She turned her head and whispered: What kind of fusion is this? Hasn't it turned into a monster that only thinks about having sex with the boss? On the other side, on Rouran's big bed, it wasn't until Li Yexing talked about Jinping Tang that Rita and Bai Muqing had sex. The ground raised its head,

Their faces were as red as drunkenness, with crazy and intoxicated smiles on their faces. They tilted their heads, looked down at Li Yexing, who was constantly panting, stretched out their pink and fragrant tongues - and licked their lips lightly - while gasping. Since the master is no longer angry, let's do it again tonight...tonight... Okay... Li Yexing said expressionlessly: Then for the next month, you will be honest and abstinent. Bar. Suddenly, the smiles on Rita and Bai Muqing's faces froze. After a struggle between heaven and man, Li Yexing was finally liberated from the restraints of Rita and Bai Muqing, got out of bed, and returned to Kanan's body. Beside, Li Youxing turned his head while arranging his clothes, and saw Rita and Bai Muqing still sitting on the bed, their strange eyes full of longing for Li Yexing and resentment for what they wanted. Boss, can you survive this? Standing next to Li Yexing, Kanan chuckled and joked. His facial muscles twitched slightly, and Li Yexing replied in a low voice: A little...'

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