What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

DLC.Extra-39. The macho man’s long vacation (thirty-nine)

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Come out! Alexis! Come and meet my dear! Your future male master! Along with Alexisa's excited call, amidst a rustling sound, the huge green cluster in Li Yexing's sight It suddenly started to move - the vines covered with spikes and huge green leaves were squirming like snakes, crossing and stretching in different directions around them. Then, among the unfolding green clusters, vines squirmed like snakes. Get up immediately, they are swaying and swaying wantonly in the moonlight. At the end of each vine is a huge pink rose. Compared with the roses seen on the road before, they are a whole circle larger. . It looks extremely ferocious and terrifying, but it is far from over. Between the swaying vines, the light and shadow are swaying slightly, as if it is foreshadowing something. The next second, a huge one can almost reach the ground. Li Yexing's office was filled with pink flower buds, connected to vines as thick as ancient trees and covered with scales and spikes. Supported by them, they rose up little by little. Under the moonlight, the flower buds rose higher and higher, until Turning his head towards Li Yexing and Alexa, under Li Yexing's gaze, the huge flower bud opened little by little with the sound, revealing layers of petals, and the edges of each pink petal were covered with growth. There were sharp white spikes, like teeth, until the softness in the center was completely exposed. In this way, a terrifying pink rose as big as a house, covered with jagged bone teeth, appeared in front of Li Yexing. Completely blooming. How is it? My dear? This is my carefully trained Alex! Like a little girl, she gently shook Li Yexing's arm. Alexa smiled: She is so beautiful. , right, dear dear? Why don’t you speak?’ How did Li Yexing speak? Li Yexing was dumbfounded. He didn’t think that Alexa would raise the final BOSs of the South American chapter of “Resident Evil Dark Chronicles” Such a strange flower, but he didn't expect that the big and scary rose in front of him was much more exaggerated than the thing in the game! Lisa. After a while, Li Yexing turned around stiffly and said, That's what you said too. Ordinary flowers and plants? Of course not! Alexis is not ordinary! She is my maid! Alexisa said with excitement. Your daughter, Alexis? You still give it to her? You don't have a name? Li Yexing said with a shocked look. Of course! How can my maid not have a name? Nodding her head in a matter-of-fact manner, Alexa smiled and said: I usually study in the botanical garden. It’s okay to do other things. Most of the time, Alexis takes care of me. I thought about it and asked Alexis to be my maid. Is there any problem with this? There are so many questions that I don’t know what to do. Where did he mention it? Turning his head and looking at the huge rose blooming towards the two of them, as if looking down at them, Li Yexing turned his head and asked in a low voice: Lisa, are you sure this thing can't eat people? My dear, you are so rude, Alexis is a lady! How could she eat people?! He frowned slightly and gave Li Yexing a look, as if he was a young girl in love fighting for Zaimi in front of her boyfriend. , Alexa said with some displeasure: She won't eat people casually! In other words, she can still eat people, right? The facial muscles twitched slightly, and Li Yexing couldn't help but whisper. Forget it, I always feel that my dear seems to have some prejudice against Alexis. She sighed softly, seeming to feel helpless because Li Yexing could not understand her. Alexa put one hand around Li Yexing's arm, - Stretching towards the huge rose, she called softly: Carry us up, Alekros, my dear and I will spend the night at your place tonight. ls\u003e0 Ha?! As if she had been tortured What kind of cultural shock? Li Yexing said with a look of astonishment. On the other side, he heard Alexisa's call, and the huge rose lowered his head lower. Then, the green vines suddenly fell from The bottom of the huge rose stretched out and headed straight for Li Yexing and Alexa. Li Yexing subconsciously stepped back when he saw this, and his other hand even touched his waist out of habit, but Alexa was not at all aware of it. He seemed to be accustomed to this. The next second, vines gently wrapped around Li Yexing and Alexa, lifted them little by little from the stone road, and then placed them firmly on the huge In the middle of the rose. It's a bit embarrassing to say that during this process, Li Yexing didn't even dare to take a breath. It wasn't until the vines loosened their bodies and disappeared from sight that Li Yexing's guarded heart gradually relaxed. , sitting among the huge roses, surrounded by the huge pink petals with sharp teeth, this scene is quite sentimental in Li Yexing's eyes. The white jade-like catkin gently covered the back of Li Yexing's hand. Alexa crossed her legs and came to Li Yexing's side. She noticed that the alertness in Li Yexing's eyes was disappearing little by little, and she asked with a slight smile. Said: How is it? Honey? Do you like the date place I chose? Unexpectedly... it's very good. Feeling the softness and warmth from the huge rose under his palm, Li Yexing couldn't help but order it. Nodding and whispering, he lowered his head and observed where he was. In the middle of the huge rose, there was not a stamen, but a flat, soft pink space. The area was almost close to a three-person bed. Moreover, the texture of the space in the center of the huge rose was very strange. If Li Yexing was forced to move, it would feel like a leather sofa with a silk texture.

On the other side, seeing Li Yexing calm down, Alexa leaned on Li Yexing's shoulder and patted her hands gently. She smiled and called: Alexis, please help me get a bottle of Bordeaux and two more glasses. Following Alexa's call, under Li Yexing's surprised gaze, two emerald green vines as thick as a pen rose up with a bottle of red wine and two goblets, and placed them firmly on Li Yexing's side. After the night walk came between Alexa and Alexa, they retreated. Before leaving, they didn't even forget to use the thorns on the vines to help Alexa open the lid of the red wine. This is really incredible... When the first fear withdrawal

But after that, Li Yexing was only surprised by the huge rose under him. He couldn't help but whisper: How did you do this?

The queen ant gene in the T-Veronica virus will imprint the mark of master and slave on all infected organisms. The more perfect the infection becomes, the stronger the control over other infected organisms will be. In this way, as long as you spend time, I can train her to learn many things. Holding red wine in her hand and pouring it into a goblet, Alexa chuckled and said, Recently, I am still training her to make tea or coffee for me. Alexis is very smart, but she is a little clumsy. She will overturn the cup when using the spoon to stir, and she cannot hold the tray steady. As she spoke, Alexisa gently patted the huge rose under her lower body, her eyes filled with tears. Zhu Si said softly: You are such an unqualified maid, Alekro

Looking at Alexa like this, Li Yexing suddenly felt sad for no reason. He poured so much emotion into a huge mutant rose that he even regarded it as his daughter... Just like what Butler Harman said, Alexa is really lonely...

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