What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

DLC.Extra-40. Macho Man’s Long Vacation (Forty)

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The red wine was like blood, flowing into the goblet with a gurgling sound. Alexa gently raised the glass and handed it into Li Yexing's hand. Then, she picked up another glass and hooked it. He smiled softly at the corner of his lips and said: My dear, let's have a drink?. Putting the cup in his hand up, Li Youxing said softly: Cheers. Cheers. Alexa responded and gently handed over the wine glass in her hand. Immediately, there was a crisp sound of the glass gently hitting in the air. She handed the glass to her mouth and tasted it, but she couldn't tell whether it was good or bad. Drinking red wine, Li Yexing turned his head and looked down at the surroundings. Although his sight was blocked by layers of petals, Li Yexing could still vaguely see the green onions between the petals, as well as the splendor dotted between the green onions. There was no doubt that , abandoning the common sense about plants, this is indeed a beautiful flower field. No wonder Alexa is so proud. For some reason, Li Yexing suddenly thought of Tully who opened a flower shop on the corner of Lopulus. Ann, with the help of the Italian guy, her store that was destroyed by the helicopter was rebuilt. If she knew that there were such roses in the world, she would be ecstatic, right? What? Dear? Seeing that Li Yexing didn't speak, but just looked at the flower field below silently, Alexa, who was leaning on Li Yexing's shoulder, asked softly: What are you thinking about? I remembered someone who likes flowers as much as you. Li Yexing whispered: Maybe you will have some common topics. is... Alexa chuckled and said: Then I look forward to... Speaking of which, in the past ten years, you have been staying Here? After a moment, Li Yexing asked in a low voice. He nodded slightly and looked at the lush flower fields below with Li Yexing. Alexa smiled and said: Housekeeper Haman can take care of all the food and clothing. Solved, I will not go out if it is not necessary. Then what do you usually do here? Li Youxing asked softly. Do you do anything? The orange-red snake pupils expanded slightly and lost focus. Alexa's thoughts seemed to be drifting away. She murmured softly, Thinking about it carefully, I actually didn't do anything. Apart from deciding on some general directions, all I could do was read books. Have a cup of afternoon tea and take care of these flowers and plants. If you are really bored, go to the beach for a walk, swim and surf to relax yourself... Brother, as if she remembered something, Alexa turned her head, He chuckled and said to Li Yexing: Of course, occasionally I receive some news about you and reading your stories always makes me very happy, my dear. For a moment, Li Yexing didn't know how to answer. Picking up the wine bottle, he poured half a glass of red wine for Alexa and half a glass for himself. After the two of them clinked their glasses, Li Yexing asked softly: Do you feel lonely? - Not at first, After all, I am not such a noisy person. Compared with the restless days when I was leading Black Umbrella, the peaceful life that followed was simply something that I could not dream of. The red wine was in my mouth and I tasted it briefly, Alexa. He murmured softly: What's more, a monster must have the consciousness of being a monster. At that time, I always didn't want to admit it. I always felt that as a human being with outstanding abilities, I needed to shoulder the heavy responsibility of leading mankind towards evolution. It wasn’t until I was betrayed and my body turned into this completely that I realized that in fact, they had never seen me as a human being from the beginning. They always felt that

I am a monster.. As she spoke, the corners of Alexa's lips curved up, and she seemed to be laughing at herself: That's right, relying on a great but stupid reason to support a world made up of mortals. The organization does not have human empathy and cannot respond to the expectations of its subordinates. Even the body itself was artificially cultivated through genetic technology. It only saved its life by meeting you. What kind of human being can this be? After thinking about this clearly, I felt a lot more relaxed. For some reason, Li Youxing always felt that Alexa's smile was a bit sad, so he gently kissed Alexa on the lips, and then said softly Now, do you still think so? Of course not... Li Yexing kissed her gently, and the smile on Alexa's face was finally no longer so ugly. She whispered softly: Eight years ago, when I found out about you and Ti After what happened with Lilith, my mentality was slightly different. I saw two monsters like me, who were connected with the world.

But they were licking each other's wounds, and they didn't look as lonely as me at all. So, I became interested in you, and I started to pay attention to you. I want to know, what kind of man is willing to stay with a monster? ..What then? Li Yexing asked softly. Then, you really didn't disappoint me, my dear. Leaning her body completely against Li Yexing, Alexa chuckled and said, You are like a monster magnet, attracting all those who are not attracted to me like me. All the existences recognized by the world are gathered around me. Before knowing about you, I could have accepted everything I have experienced indifferently, but after knowing about you, I feel more and more lonely. I am not willing to accept it. Why are we the same? Can they love monsters? Can they use you, my dear, as a bridge to connect with everything in the world? And I can only watch here all year round? I have to be frightened every time I go out? Speaking of this, Alexa sighed softly She was breathless. There was a hint of resentment in her red snake eyes, and she said softly: That's why I said, My dear, you are both my antidote and my poison, you let me I saw the light that I could have, but you also dug out the loneliness in my heart bloody. You made me feel sweet and painful. So, I decided that I can't stay here, I want to Take back what belongs to me, that's the only way I can

Only then can you walk in the sunshine again. Is this why you want to get back Black Umbrella? Li Yexing asked in a low voice with a trace of surprise in his eyes. Not entirely. Alec smiled slyly at Li Yexing. Lisa narrowed her eyes slightly and said:

Dear, I have heard that in Chinese weddings, the woman seems to have something called a dowry. After thinking about it, I found that I don’t seem to have anything that can be used as a dowry. So, in order to prevent Being rejected by you, my dear, I have to get the black Umbrella back. This reason is really casual. Li Yexing couldn't help but shrugged. It's not casual at all, and I'm not joking. Unexpectedly by Li Yexing, Alexa's expression turned serious. She said in a deep voice, For the sake of our future, I can't continue to hide in the corner. , I need influence that can be put on the table. Your secretary is focusing on this matter, and she is doing a very good job, but in my opinion, you are still too slow, and as you With your development, you will encounter stronger resistance. I don’t think that secretary lady can really solve all problems. So, I need to help you with your development. To this end, the power of Black Umbrella is necessary.

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