What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

DLC.Extra-Macho Man’s Long Vacation (Forty-Two)

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In the morning, there was a thick layer of mist in the forest, covering his sight, but Li Yexing didn't care, because the rugged path in the forest was not complicated, and as long as he walked along the road, he could always return to the beginning. No matter how bad the place is, just walk towards the top of the mountain. After all, Alexa's villa and botanical garden are on the top of the mountain. Breathing the humid morning air and emptying the heat from his lungs, Li Yexing reached out and brushed the drops of water condensed on his short hair, and then looked ahead. The winding dirt road was narrow enough for only one person to pass. Spreading forward, surrounded by unnamed trees, and then hidden little by little between the morning mist, nothing else could be seen. Even so, Li Yexing could basically deduce that he should We are already halfway up the mountain, and if we walk down for a few dozen minutes, we should be able to reach the beach we haven't been to before. It wasn't that there was anything wrong, Li Yexing just wanted to take a walk to relax and get rid of the faint feeling of fatigue. Last night, in the flowerbed of the maid Alexis, Li Yexing and Alexisa spent the whole night in the dark. When the petals closed and the light disappeared from his eyes, Li Yexing could feel each other even more. At this moment, he finally understood what the chosen queen was. Although Alexa could not change her internal structure like Rita, her body had reached the pinnacle of human beings, which made Li Yexing unable to stop. Although the first entanglement was a little raw, whether it was a tactful expression (pleasure) or an active desire, Alexa's movements and words could perfectly tease the most sensitive string in Li Yexing's heart, making Li Yexing unable to help but be in love with her. She sank into her mature tenderness. Until both of them felt satisfied, Li Youxing and Alexa hugged each other tightly in the dark and fell asleep. This time, perhaps because he slept too much the day before, Li Youxing The night walk did not rest for too long, and Alexa's physical strength recovered quickly. The two of them woke up almost at the same time. After another moment of tenderness in the dark flower bud, the flower bud was finally moved by Alexa. The call of the flower opened again. Outside the flower buds, through the glass dome, Li Yexing could faintly see that there was already a glimmer of light in the sky outside the woods. After getting dressed together with Alexa, Li Yexing stood under Alexa's They left the botanical garden and returned to the villa. They took a shower together and then returned to the castle. It was still early, but except for Tililith who played games all night and Tililian who stayed up all night watching her sister play games Except for Kanan who stayed in bed every day, the other girls had already gotten up. They seemed to have noticed the change in Alexa's body. Housekeeper Haman couldn't stop smiling, even through the bandage, Li Yexing He could also see clearly. Li Yexing could clearly feel that after establishing his status as the male master of the Ashford family, Butler Harman's respect for him was a little more like a family member. In Harman's Under the leadership of the housekeeper, a group of girls who had already gotten up had breakfast together in the living room. Then Hitomi Inkishima invited Alexa to have morning exercises together. I wonder if it was Li Yexing's misunderstanding. Hitomi Inkishima seemed to be a little confused. Wanting to get back to yesterday's scene, only this time, the spectators changed from Li Yehang and Kanan to Li Yehang, Rita and Bai Muqing. It is obvious that Hitomi Mikishima is a very competitive girl when it comes to fighting. , I'm afraid she spent a lot of time yesterday trying to figure out how to break Alexa's long-leg attack, so in the new round of competition, she successfully put the knife in her hand on Alexa's neck. Tong, you are really beyond my expectation. Because I became a couple with Li Yexing, I subconsciously changed my call to my sisters. Looking at Hitomi Mikishima who had successfully restrained me, There was a trace of surprise in Alexa's snake eyes. It was obvious that her martial arts talent was not as good as the martial arts girl in front of her. After defeating Alexa, Hitomi Mikishima came with familiar small steps. When he arrived in front of Li Yexing, he said with a soft smile on his face: Ye Xingjun, Tong won today's competition. Are you a primary school student who got perfect scores and came here to ask for a reward? Even though you say so. Even so, Li Yexing still reached out and hugged Hitomi Mikishima. He gently stroked the black hair on the top of Hitomi Mikishima's head and said with a chuckle: But, you just did a good job. Hitomi Mikishima didn't speak, just quietly. Enjoying Li Yexing's embrace, when she let go of Hitomi Mikishima, Alexa, who had been waiting aside for a long time, looked resentful. She lightly kicked Li Yexing, and then whispered: It's all your fault. Huh? Li Youxing got kicked inexplicably. He opened his eyes wide and said with surprise: Is it my fault? Of course it's your fault, my dear. His face was slightly red, but he couldn't hide the corners of his lips and the look in his eyes. With a hint of cunning, Alexa whispered: It's all my fault that my dear tormented me so much last night and forced me to put on those embarrassing postures...ah? Hearing Alexa's words, Li Yexing couldn't bear it. He kept whispering: Why don't I remember that I made such a request? Do wild dogs still have this habit? It's disgusting, I didn't even notice it before. Li Yexing stood aside without waiting for explanation. Bai Muqing said with a look of disgust, wondering if it was Li Yexing's illusion, Bai Muqing's eyes were clearly questioning Li Yexing, Why have you never asked me to pose?!

So, sir, does he have a special preference for posture? On the other side, although she could see that Alexa was joking, the somewhat sinister maid Rita still smiled and said to Li Yexing: Sir, actually Rita is right. There is a lot of research on posture, but my husband seems not to be very interested, so I haven't tried it yet. If your husband is really interested, you might as well come to Rita's room tonight. Rita is willing to have a good study and discussion with her husband. I'll go too. Bai Muqing said with a cold face: I want to see what tricks you, a wild dog, can do. Then I'll go too! Hitomi Mikishima looked like a primary school student, raising his hands and chuckling at Li Yexing: Because of my martial arts training, I am still very confident in my body's flexibility! I didn't expect that the sisters would be so enthusiastic... Gently opened the collar of the martial arts uniform, Alai

Krisha chuckled and said: 'Otherwise, don't wait for night, let's start the second round directly in this dojo. Even a tough guy like Li Yexing has insurmountable mountains. Seeing that the girls around him can't Somewhat eager to try, Li Yexing immediately ran away on the grounds that he wanted to walk alone. Just like that, before he knew it, Li Youxing was already walking on the mountainside. Perhaps because of breathing the moist and fresh air, Li Yexing's mental state improved little by little, and he even couldn't help humming the theme song of EVA. He was breaking through the thick fog and walking along the rugged mountain road. Slowly descending, suddenly, the mobile phone in his pocket rang. Are they his girls? Li Yexing raised the corner of his mouth slightly, took out his mobile phone and looked at the caller ID. To his surprise, the caller turned out to be Director Casimir. Just a few days ago, Li Youxing had just had a phone call with Director Casimir, mainly to inform him that he had changed his mobile phone number. He didn't expect to call back so quickly. He must have found some new toys... The call was connected. After picking up the phone and moving it to his ear, Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and said, What's the matter? There's no response from the other side of the phone. Hello? Can you hear me? Seeing that there was no sound from the other side, Li Yexing frowned subconsciously, but There was still no response from the other party. After a few seconds of silence, suddenly the call was hung up. Tsk? What's wrong with this person? Looking at the Call Ended message on the phone screen, Li Yexing's eyebrows showed a hint of confusion. Displeased, he was about to call back. Just when his finger was about to dial the number, Li Yexing suddenly stopped. He picked up the phone again and looked at Casimir's name in the address book. Li Yexing suddenly felt a twinge of joy in his heart. A sense of crisis. For some reason, he always felt that once his call was dialed, the person who answered the phone might not be Casimir! No way. His brows furrowed tighter and tighter. Li Yexing felt that something was different in his heart. The premonition became stronger. He quickly stuffed his phone into his pocket, turned around and prepared to return to the Ashford family's castle. But at this moment, Li Yexing vaguely seemed to hear something. The voice came from his own voice. It came from above the head. It was getting louder and clearer. The sound was like... a sound breaking through the air! Damn it! He subconsciously let out a loud shout, and Li Youxing suddenly flew out and fell to the ground. The next second, his vision was instantly covered by flames, and there were explosions one after another, loudly!

.Mission.DLC.Etra End..

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