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Black Umbrella is an underground organization born out of a secret research department of Umbrella. Its leader is Alexa Ash, the last descendant of the Ashford family, one of the three founding families of Umbrella. Ford, she has extraordinary wisdom. She foresaw Umbrella's death in the early days of the Raccoon City incident. After establishing Black Umbrella, she advertised herself as a seeker, hoping to inherit Umbrella's legacy. The organization could carry the glory of the Ashford family and shoulder the heavy responsibility of leading mankind into the future. However, things backfired. As Umbrella's legacy was gradually secretly taken over by Black Umbrella, this organization composed of researchers began to expand little by little. With the increase in members of the organization, the atmosphere within the organization changed little by little. Not everyone Researchers all have pure hearts like seekers. When the power becomes stronger, greed will expand. They begin to desire more things from Alexa. They long for Alexa to lead them to seize wealth and seize power. They longed for Alexa to lead them to a higher realm, but unfortunately, Alexa didn't understand people's hearts. As a self-proclaimed pioneer, she injected herself with T-Veronica disease and prepared to ascend to the transcendent realm to fight for Therefore, she needs to freeze herself for 5 years like her sister Alexia. In 2003, two years after Alexa was frozen, a rebellion broke out in Black Umbrella - a man named Feotian Victor stood up, raised his arms and shouted, demanding justice for the members of Black Umbrella. In this way, the conflict between the Queen's faction and the Reform faction broke out. This time, the Reform faction was well prepared. They colluded with multiple external organizations and suppressed the Queen's faction with extremely cruel and bloody methods. After the end of the war, the reformists ascended to the top. At this point, the female pregnancy came to an end, and Black Umbrella finally ushered in a bright future. It's a pity that war is always ruthless, and innovation means that someone has to shed blood and sacrifice, and Kandoyuan Ye's father fell in the last darkness before dawn. On top of the strange-shaped black ship, The sea breeze blew gently, blowing the black hair. The night breeze of Qiandaoyuan stood on the edge of the deck with a telescope, watching silently through the thick fog. When she saw the small island covered with green plants, the moment she saw it When being engulfed by the continuous flames and mushroom clouds, a hint of fierceness finally appeared in the eyes that had been filled with indifference all day long. It's unbelievable that the damn monster of the Ashford family is still alive! But it doesn't matter, because Qian Daoyuan Yefeng believes that if she doesn't survive today, she can rebury the monster in the grave! She silently put down the telescope in her hand. , Qian Daoyuan Yexue, who was wearing a long black trench coat and a black Taijin saber hanging on his waist, exhaled a turbid breath, then turned to look at the man beside him, and saw that he was a tall man with a strong physique. He is a black man, wearing the same long black trench coat as Qian Daoyuan, with a black alloy saber hanging on his waist. He is bald, wearing sunglasses, his face is as sharp and angular as a stone sculpture, and his whole body is covered by a cold temperament. , like a cold machine. Kalba, do you think that woman can survive this bombing? Seeing the firelight faintly penetrated the thick fog, Qian Daoyuan asked in a deep voice. No. No... A subordinate of the Black Umbrella Joint Committee Pebio Kalba, the first executive officer of the executive department, replied with a cold face: The only building on this island is the villa on the top of the mountain. Unless there is an air raid shelter in the mountain, she will not be able to withstand such a density of bombing. It is impossible for any creature to withstand such a density of bombings. Really? With a sharp arc at the corner of his mouth, Qian Daoyuan sneered and said: I think that the monster is still alive, so she must be still alive. Book Engraving Finally, Kalba did not ask the question Why do you think so?, but asked in a deep voice: Is Miss Qian Daoyuan's judgment based on reason? Or is it based on obsession? Twelve years ago, everyone Everyone thought that the monster would compromise with the world, but she didn't. She insisted on becoming more like a monster. Ten years ago, everyone thought she would be tortured to death by the T-Veronica virus, but now , she came back, and she was still so high-profile. The smile on her face became colder and colder. Qian Daoyuan did not answer Kalba's question, but at this moment, Kalba already had the answer in his heart. It turns out that it was out of fear... In a voice that could not be heard by the main road, Kalba whispered once. The bombing was over, and the bombers passed over the island, disappearing in the sky that could not be seen in the thick fog. On the other side of the skyline, on the deck of the warship, the main road The courtyard and Kalba looked at the firelight outside the thick fog silently, without saying a word, as if they were waiting for something. After a while, the silence was broken by the sound of footsteps, and a white man wearing a black combat uniform appeared in the thick fog. The middle-aged man came out and stopped beside Qian Daoyuan. He was a man as strong as a bear, with very short brown hair, but a full beard. There was a frightening and terrifying scar across Zhang's face with a weird smile. The scar started from the right corner of the man's mouth, tearing through his cheek like a rift, and extended until more than half of the man's missing face. His right ear stopped. I said, do I really need to go up in person? Looking at the flames in the distance through the thick fog, the man grinned ferociously and said: Just find anyone to go up. , wouldn’t it be nice to recover that little girl’s body and bring it back?

As he said that, the man stretched his hand between his legs in front of Qian Daoyuan, grabbed a handful hard, and said with a smile: I heard that that little girl is quite good-looking. If my gang of bastards are quick, they might be able to bring the body back warm. When that time comes, I'll tidy it up and make myself comfortable.

Mr. Christo! As if he couldn't stand the other party's dirty words, Qian Daoyuan finally couldn't help but interrupted with a slight frown: Let me remind you, whether it is for you or for us, Ashford They are all very important research materials! Hey, I know, I was just kidding, above

We still have to listen to what those big shots say... The smile on his face became more and more ferocious. The man named Christo turned his head and moved his gaze towards Qian Daoyuan, with a trace of greed flashing in his eyes. Yes, he said with a smile: Besides, now, do we have a rare beautiful girl right now? Why do I have to count on a corpse? After that, Christo smiled and said The hand touched Qian Daoyuan's face, but at the moment when his finger was about to touch Qian Daoyuan, a faint red light suddenly flashed in Qian Daoyuan's eyes as he stared at Christo. The movement stagnated slightly, and then he retracted his hand in panic. Christo turned around and spat fiercely. He cursed in a low voice: You are the weird black Umbrella who is also his female horse. You are your female horse's fault. unlucky!

Although he seemed to have lowered his voice, Christo's curse was not quiet, as if he was afraid that Qian Daoyuan wouldn't hear it. On the other side, when he heard Christo's low-pitched curse, Qian Daoyuan just frowned. But it didn't happen. After all, this was not her territory. You know, the battleship at the foot of Qian Daoyuan is H.C.F.'s battleship!

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