What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

7-2. A tough guy says harsh words

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When the Queen returned, Victor once said that whether it was the Joint Committee or other departments under his command, those who were not firm enough were no longer trustworthy. In order to behead Alexa, Victor needed a group of trustworthy people. As H.CF. has a deeper foundation and more terrifying armed forces than Umbrella, its behavior is extremely domineering, and the news will never be leaked. As a partner participating in the beheading operation, H.C F is definitely the best choice. As for how to ask them to take action, it's too simple. A perfect host for the T. Veronica virus, isn't that enough? Holding the trump card in his hand that made HCF dare not easily turn against him, Victor chose to let him go without hesitation. H.C.F came to be the goon for this operation, while Black Umbrella retreated behind the scenes and was responsible for providing intelligence and some equipment support. After some consideration, H.CF also agreed to Victor's request. After all, That is a sample of the perfect host of the T_Veronica virus! There has never been one before, and there will never be another one in the future. If you miss this time, you may never have another chance in the future! Of course, in addition, there are also HCF Other considerations, after all, the equipment and technical support for this operation all come from Black Umbrella. They hope to use this joint operation to find out Black Umbrella's trump card.

But to be honest, Miss Qianzongyuan, I really didn't expect that the big shots above would actually be willing to cooperate with you. Standing next to Qiandaoyuan, looking at the other side of the thick fog that had just experienced a bombing On the small island, the smile on Christo's face faded. He shifted his gaze, squinted, and said while looking back at Qiandaoyuan: After all, we here and you over there can't talk about getting along. Shang Yu quickly turned his head and looked at Christo, who was as tall as a black bear beside him. Qian Shengyuan looked indifferent and she said in a deep voice: Were you involved in that operation ten years ago, J09? i:

Yes, I was the one who led the H.C.F. team during that operation ten years ago. The corners of his ferocious mouth under his grinning beard touched the scars on his face. Christo sneered and said, I heard Well, you bunch of scoundrels haven't fulfilled the promise you made to your partners at all, right?

Sorry, our sincerity is only for customers. Qian Daoyuan said coldly: As for the robbers, Black Umbrella never talks about credibility with the robbers. 0B, the big shots above are indeed not particular about things sometimes, but we can only follow suit. Christo, who didn't care about the slander of H.C.F. at all, said with a smile: After all, we are not particular people, and, We are just dogs, and we have to bite whoever the big shot tells us to bite, right?

As he spoke, Christo narrowed his eyes and said: Otherwise, you and the big nigger next to you wouldn't be here, right? Miss Hound with the bared teeth? Hound?

He just frowned slightly and focused his sight on the other side of the thick fog again. Well, it seems that you have a lot of objections to me. He asked for trouble. Christo didn't pay much attention to it. He raised his eyebrows and looked at the other side of the thick fog like Qian Daoyuan and Kalba. At the same time, he said calmly Now, let's change the topic. As you said before, besides our lovely mission target, who else is there? Li Yexing said, recalling the picture in the file that seemed to be owed money. With the same dead face, Qian Daoyuan said in a deep voice: Instructor of the Huanya Armed Forces, Loppler's mad dog, the strongest mercenary in the northern hemisphere. Oh! I remembered! I know that bastard! He is as disgusting as stinky dog ​​shit. Man! A bloodless and tearless war machine! As powerful as a monster! There was a hint of excitement in his eyebrows, and even his tone became cheerful. Christo couldn't help but grinned and said: I knew it before! This mission was not in vain! The female horseman was actually able to fight that monster! - Thinking of this makes me so excited!

Seeing Christo's excited look, Qian Daoyuan suddenly suspected that Christo had not forgotten the information about the island at all. He just wanted to use his talk to lure the mercenary to him.

On the other side, after the initial excitement, Christo couldn't help but tiptoed slightly. He asked with a smile: Speaking of which, why did that guy appear on this island? Yes? Why one by one? Will the mercenary leader belonging to the Asia-Pacific Armed Forces appear in the territory of the Ashford family? Why does this Asia-Pacific Armed Forces happen to be the first

Yes, why? This question is really worth exploring - but at the moment, this is not an issue that Qian Daoyuan needs to pay attention to. After all, Mr. Victor has personally taken charge of the European branch. Not wanting to discuss Black Umbrella's family affairs with outsiders from H.C.F., Qian Daoyuan just said coldly: . Just do your thing, Mr. Christo.

Tsk, you little girl has quite a temper. He couldn't help but smacked his lips. Christo's eyes showed a trace of undisguised contempt, and the corner of his mouth even curled up with a hint of ridicule. This series of actions made Qiandaoyuan felt more and more uncomfortable, but obviously, Mr. Malechristo, the senior frontline combat commander from H.C.F., didn't care at all what the black Ambrose looked at him. He pulled out a cigar from his breast pocket, Lighting it with a lighter, he took a deep breath, then looked at the island in the distance and whispered, Ah, I really wish I could see it, Lopulus's mad dog. Stop your thoughts and complete the task seriously. It seems that he is planning to pour cold water on Christo. Qian Daoyuan said coldly: The Lopulus guard dog has most likely died in the bombing just now. No, I don't think so. Christo He smiled and said, He is that mad dog. How could he be killed so easily? Even if he could escape the first round of bombing, he still could not withstand Black Umbrella's BOW and H.C.F.'s ground troops. A little pause

After a pause, Qian Daoyuan said coldly: Or, the H.CF ground force, whose combat power is close to that of the USS force in the Umbrella era, will not be able to deal with a mercenary

Of course we can deal with him, but I hope that when we do things later, your monsters can stay away - don't the black Umbrella products do a very fine job of identifying friend or foe? Christo said with a smile: Leave the matter of retrieving the queen to the bastards under my command. I'm going to hunt that mad dog. I'm eager for a worthy opponent. With all due respect, Mr. Crystal, this operation is Black Umbrella. This is the first cooperation with H.CF after the operation ten years ago. We should... Hearing Christo's words, Qian Daoyuan frowned subconsciously. She was about to say something, but she saw Christo's eyes fierce. A murderous intention erupted from the ground, and he said in a cold voice: + years ago? Ten years ago you didn't know where to feed yourself. Girl, are you a bitch trying to teach me how to do things?! Or do you really think you do that? I'm afraid of you? Huh?!

Yin Shen looked at Christo coldly, the red light in his eyes flashed several times, but was suppressed. After a moment, Qian Daoyuan lowered his head slightly and said: You are right, Ke

At the right time, a voice came from Christo's communicator. The voice said: Commander, the first phase is over. Can we start the second phase?

Start. Pressing the communicator next to his ear, Christo took a deep look at Qian Daoyuan, then turned his head, while walking towards the one on the deck.

It wasn't until Christo left that Kalba, who had been standing silently beside the Qiandaoyuan, said in a deep voice, You didn't remind him. There was also a group of unidentified women who followed the mercenary to the island.

Because it's not important, he must know... Qian Daoyuan said coldly: Now, I just hope that all those women died in the bombing just now, and one of them unfortunately survived and fell into the hands of Christo , they will definitely be worse off than dead.

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