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There was darkness in front of my eyes, there was a roar in my ears, and my consciousness returned little by little in the shock. I opened my mouth suddenly, took a big breath, and then swallowed a mouthful of mud, and was buried in it. Li Yexing, who was under Chen Shi, stood up instantly. He opened his bloodshot eyes and breathed desperately. He didn't have time to observe the surrounding environment until the squeezing feeling from his lungs disappeared little by little. As far as the eye could see, there was a piece of scorched earth. Although the explosion dispersed the dense fog, it also raised smoke and dust. As his hearing gradually returned, the roar of helicopters mixed with the sound of burning trees, filling Li Yexing's eardrums.

In the dark eyes mixed with red bloodshot eyes, the pupils shrank little by little. Looking at the tragic scene in front of him, Li Yexing's heart quickly became a ball. He knew very well that just now, this small island suffered a round of... After the horrific bombing, he knew better that at this moment, his girls should still be in the castle in the mountain!

Even though Alexisa once mentioned that the outer layer of the castle hidden in the mountain has a special shell specifically designed to resist carpet bombing, Li Yexing still couldn't rest assured. He stretched out his blood-stained hand and quickly reached in. He took out his mobile phone from the pocket filled with dirt, opened it with the lock screen, and at a glance he saw the gray-white signal grid at the top of the phone screen. No signal? No! No! It's signal interference! You're a bitch! I'm handsome! You're a bitch! Handsome! You're a bitch! His brows suddenly tightened, Li Yexing bared his teeth, and his eyes were red, like an anxious girl. A biting, rabid dog, he stuffed his cell phone back into his pocket, quickly stood up and shook off the mud stuck to his body. Despite this, he still looked like he had blood on his forehead and arms from scratches. Extraordinarily ferocious. Now, he just wants to return to the castle to confirm the safety of his girls. As for who launched this air attack, Li

Ye Xing already had the answer in his heart. Black Umbrella! Although he was surprised that Black Umbrella could bomb Queen Veronica Island, Li Ye Xing had no time to care about it at the moment. He stepped out and , was about to turn back towards the top of the mountain. Suddenly, a sense of crisis rose from his chest. He suddenly lowered his center of gravity and fell into the soil again. The next second, accompanied by a roaring sound, - a pure black aircraft without any Transport helicopters with any force logo flew over Li Yexing's head. Immediately afterwards, more and more transport helicopters flew to Queen Veronica Island from all directions. In Li Yexing's sight, they hovered Above the bombed woods, the ropes were lowered. Immediately afterwards, a large number of armed men whose clothing could not be seen slid along the ropes into the woods. In addition, there were a large number of transport helicopters hanging on them. After choosing the location for the black jars used to store BOW, they released the ropes and dropped the jars directly. Looking at the scene in front of him that looked like a group of demons dancing wildly, the anger in Li Yexing's heart grew stronger. Damn it! I'm waiting to go back to pick up my wife! Where are there so many roadblocks?! Even though his lungs were full of anger, almost overflowing, but at this moment, the expression on Li Yexing's face calmed down little by little, and with that The ferocious look disappeared bit by bit from his eyebrows, replaced by an indescribable gloom. Lying in the dirt, his shaken brain began to quickly weigh. Although he was anxious, judging from the formation of the helicopters just now, the enemy's The number is quite large, the density will be quite high, and they are fully armed. At the same time, a large number of B0Ws of unknown models and suspected tyrants have been prepared. At this time, if one jumps on them, a few lives may not be enough. There is no doubt that Li Yexing's girls are stronger than Li Yexing. If Li Yexing did not have an accident when he was exposed, then there is no reason for Li Yexing's girls to have an accident. Moreover, if the Ashford family's castle is really If it can withstand the bombing as Alexa said, then the situation of his girls will be relatively safe. The one who is really troubled is Li Yexing himself! In other words, you can't just rush in. , need to consider the long term..03? Fuck you, you girl, I don't know how to consider the long term! Lying among the mud soldiers turned over by bombs, Li Yexing waited silently and watched until the helicopters began to evacuate. Li Yexing looked at the ground around him, and then suddenly moved. Suddenly, black root beer was splashed. , Li Yexing escaped from the messy dirt road that had been bombed, and headed into the woods on both sides of the dirt road. Perhaps because the weather was too humid, the bombing did not cause a serious fire in the woods. Although there is a slight stench in the air, it is far from choking. In this case, the remaining trees will become Li Yexing's advantage, and what Li Yexing needs to do now is , just get yourself a gun! It's best to borrow a body armor or something... Having made up his mind, Li Yexing took advantage of the cover of the trees, lowered his body and moved, as if he was hiding in the Like a wild beast in the jungle, his body passed through the grass without making a sound, and his eyes were completely filled with viciousness. According to his speculation, those militants were the security forces of Black Umbrella. They and those The BOWs were placed together nearly halfway up the mountain. If the predictions were good, they should have started a carpet-like search up the mountain, heading straight for Alexa's mountaintop villa and botanical garden. In other words, At this moment, Li Yexing was behind the enemy. Through the woods and grass, Li Yexing walked quickly towards the top of the mountain step by step. When he passed the downed trees, a huge crater appeared in the forest blocking his way. He raised his head and looked in the direction of the top of the mountain. After judging that there was still some distance to go halfway up the mountain, he bravely rushed directly through the crater. After burying his body in the dense forest again, he breathed a sigh of relief. There was no doubt that once there was something in the sky just now, With something like a drone, his whereabouts will be exposed instantly, and if there happens to be a Black Umbrella security force patrolling nearby, he is likely to

Eat bullets directly. Although the weather was not hot, after walking through the woods for a while, Li Yexing still had a layer of sweat on his body. The sweat was mixed with the soil and stuck to his skin, which made him feel particularly uncomfortable. However, Li Yexing seemed to be unaware of all this. He wiped the mud on his body as he moved forward, until he reached the halfway point of the mountain, and Li Yexing's footsteps suddenly stopped. Although it is not very eye-catching, Li Yexing can clearly see that there are large trampled marks in the grass ahead. His eyes are slightly squinted. Li Yexing raised his head and saw that there seemed to be more leaves among the trees above his head. It was a bit sparse, probably blown down by the strong wind. In an instant, Li Yexing made a judgment. This was where the helicopter he saw hovering before! In other words, he had reached halfway up the mountain. He needed to be extremely careful with every step he took! Mud! Next, Li Yexing looked gloomy, like a beast that chooses people to devour. At this moment, for some reason, he inexplicably thought of First Blood

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