What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

7-4. Emergency meeting of the macho harem group

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The walls are covered with delicate light yellow wall coverings, with white rose patterns on them. White rattans and flowers spread around, and were eventually interrupted by a curtain printed with a red and white umbrella logo. Under the curtain , is a rather atmospheric oil painting, depicting three young men in suits, standing side by side, with smiles on their faces, elegant and enthusiastic, and looking very ambitious, but the dim light in the room made them The light and shadow on their faces were cast into a shadow, as if foreshadowing their future split and departure. What is shrouded in shadow are not only the three smiling faces on the oil painting, but also the seven unique and beautiful faces under the dim chandelier. Miss Ashford, with all due respect, we don't have time to waste here. She frowned slightly, with a hint of anxiety in her gray eyes. Rita, who was wearing a maid uniform, faced Alexa on the other side of the round table. He said anxiously: This island has just been bombed, and the gentleman is outside at the moment! I want to find Mr. Ye Xing! I don't know whether it is because I can't bear the depressing atmosphere, or because I can't stand the fact that my lover is here. In the dangerous situation, accompanied by a soft sound, Hitomi Mikishima stood up directly, her eyes became sharper, she whispered: I am a samurai of Lord Yagakus, Lord Yagakus is in danger, I can't stay by Lord Yagakus! Sir, go too! Tililian, who was sitting next to Tililith, immediately stood up and tried to leave with Hitomi Mikishima. Wait a minute. Seeing that the situation seemed a bit manipulative, Bai Muqing frowned and whispered. Said: At present, we...are still waiting?! Waiting to collect P from the boss?! There was another soft sound, and Kanan also stood up. She stared at Alexa with a haze in her eyes. With a touch of aggression, she whispered at the same time: Speaking of which, why do I feel that you are not in a hurry at all? A young lady from a rich family? Without answering Kanan's words, Alexa just raised her head silently. , the moment he met Kanan's eyes, Kanan felt a sudden palpitation in his heart. Although Alexa's face was expressionless, Kanan could clearly feel that Alexa's pair of orange snake eyes seemed to be... It became brighter, as if there was something hidden inside, and it would burst out if it was not suppressed. There is no doubt that Alexa Ashford's mood is quite bad now, so bad! Squirt... Realizing that he had wrongly blamed Alexa, he also realized that he had lost his sense of proportion, Kanan He smacked his lips vigorously and said, Okay, I know you're anxious too, but the boss is still out here risking his life, and he might even be dead! What's going on with us just sitting here?! You will die, and Ye Xing is invincible. Finally, Tililith, who had been silent all this time, spoke. She raised her head expressionlessly, with a faint light in her red eyes. There was a hint of intimidation in her tone. She said calmly. Voice: Sit down. After the words fell, Tilihean thought for a moment and then reluctantly sat back next to Tililith with her mouth pursed. Kanan and Hitomi Mikishima were still standing, but obviously, they had no thoughts. Sit down, but it doesn't matter, Tililith just wanted them to stay in this room. Seeing that her goal was achieved, she turned her head and looked at Alexa, with a trace of questioning in her eyes. It seemed that although she was stable She calmed down, but she was also waiting for Alexa to give an explanation. Instantly becoming the center of attention, Alexa couldn't help but frown slightly. Even as strong as she was, she actually felt a slight amount of pressure when being stared at by the monster sisters on this table. Afterwards, under this pressure, Alexa, who always asked herself to be calm in situations, finally faced the girls' eyes and said the words she least wanted to say... We need to discuss it in the long term. When these words came out, the atmosphere at the round table seemed to have dropped to freezing point. Except for Ti Lilith and Bai Muqing, all the girls opened their eyes wide, as if they could not understand why Alexa could say such a thing. Kanan He even slapped the table and walked directly to the door of the room. As he walked, he said fiercely: Handsome!

Where are you going to find my dear?! Her voice suddenly rose, and Alexa frowned and said, How are you going to find Queen Veronica Island, whether it's big or small? Anyway. I definitely won’t look for it here!” Kanan replied angrily to Alexa. Without looking back, Kanan directly opened the door to the room, but unexpectedly, Butler Haman was already standing at the door. , it carried a black cloth bag in one hand and carried Tilimao's coffin on its shoulders. At the same time, it held two knives of Hitomi Mikishima with its arms, and the other hand dragged a large Seeing Kanan's head-on collision with the black double-edged giant ax of the servant 0, it said in a deep voice: Don't be impatient, Miss Mafal, you have to believe that the lady is as anxious as you are. Then move! Kanan said urgently.

But we don't know anything. Before Butler Haman could reply, Bai Muqing, who was sitting at the round table, frowned and said in a deep voice: We don't know who the enemy is, how many there are, and even the wild dogs are there. We don’t know whether we are alive or dead. Even if we are present, we all start searching immediately. How to search? Who will search which part? How to contact each other without communication? These are all problems. There is too little information that can be used. Who is the enemy?! Do you still have to think about this? It must be Black Umbrella who came to the door! Kanan said anxiously. It's not them. Alexa He said coldly: If it is really the people from Victor's side, there will be no movement here at all. To launch such an exaggerated attack, they must plan in advance, allocate resources, and deploy combat troops. As long as they take action , our people will tell t the information immediately, so i, it will definitely not be them! HCF... Just when the situation was at a loss, Tililith said expressionlessly: H.CF? How is that possible? Ten After being deceived by Victor so badly years ago, they still dare to cooperate with Victor? No. Wait. Alexa seemed to be in brainstorming mode, frowning slightly and stopped talking. After a moment, she suddenly

He raised his head and looked at the girls in front of him. That bastard, he wants to plot against us and H.C.F-?! But if so, he will have no way out! What on earth does he want to do?! He seemed to have thought of it. What? Alexa said to herself with a shocked look on her face. Just as she kept moving her lips and whispering something silently, suddenly, she heard the oil painting hanging on the wall suddenly make a noise, like a painting. There's something hidden behind. It's finally here! After hearing the sound, Alexa felt relieved for a moment. She stood up and walked quickly to the oil painting, and quickly took it down. The next second, an adult man appeared. A black hole as thick as a human waist appeared on the wall, and in the hole, an emerald green tentacle emerged! Alekros! Have you found my dear? All the girls asked in surprise. In her eyes, Alexa asked urgently. Hearing Alexa's question, the emerald green tentacle pointed downwards. is) I understand! A hint of joy flashed between her eyebrows. Alexa turned her head and said urgently to the girls in the room: My dear, you are still alive, and the general direction is to the south!

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