What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

7-5. The fierce queen’s urgent decision

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Seeing that Alexisa immediately reported Li Yexing's approximate location after communicating with the emerald green tentacles, the girls present were all surprised. Even Tililith couldn't help but widen her eyes, ruby-like. There was a hint of curiosity in his eyes. On the other side, Kanan, who was blocked by Butler Pihaman at the door, was even more shocked and said, Wow! What is this?! These are the girls of the Ashford family. Miss Alexis answered Kanan's question on behalf of Alexa. Butler Harman whispered: Miss Alexis's body is actually a strain that has been modified by the T-Veronica virus. Some roses with animal characteristics usually stay in the botanical garden on the top of the castle and can move their bodies. There are many such tunnels in this castle, which can allow Miss Alexis's roots to move around and inspect the castle. condition, to perform her duties as a maid. No wonder I feel like I'm being watched by something even when I'm still! His facial muscles twitched violently, Kanan said with an ugly face, So it's not an illusion 3?!

Rose Girl. On the other side, after learning that Li Yexing was safe and sound, Rita's hanging heart finally relaxed slightly. So, she who likes roses began to carefully look at the people who were interacting with her in some incomprehensible way. The emerald green tentacle that Alexa was communicating with could not help but nod in admiration while looking at it. On the other hand, after the exchange with Alexa, the emerald green tentacle seemed to feel No matter what, he turned his head and pointed at Rita. At this moment, the two maids, who also originated from the T-series virus and had also worked for European nobles, actually felt a sense of sexual sympathy for each other. The general situation has been understood. On the other side, after ending the conversation with her Rose Maid, Alexa turned to the girls and said in a deep voice, After the bombing, a large number of ground troops landed, and they have occupied The ruins of the botanical garden and private villas are being searched around. It seems that they are preparing to launch a carpet search with the ground troops landing nearby. It is estimated that they will enter here soon... And what we have to do is to leave here quickly. , went out to look for Mr., and by the way, cleaned up all the cockroaches that ran into other people’s houses without permission.

Clean it up, right? Rita asked with a smile. That's right. Alexa nodded and said. Where is the direction? Along the mountain road? On the other side, Bai Muqing frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: According to my understanding of wild dogs, that guy will definitely not be on the mountain road now. , He must be hiding in the grass somewhere, waiting for the unlucky guy passing by to give him equipment. So, my dear, is he the kind of man with strong mobility? A little surprised by Bai Muqing's speculation, Alexei Sha nodded and said: In short, we will leave the castle in one direction, and then spread out in a fan shape to conduct a dragnet search to the south. By the way, we will deal with the enemies along the way as much as possible. As long as we are ruthless enough, we can Let the enemy throw reinforcements in our direction to reduce the pressure on my dear. It just depends on the eight of us? Tillillian scratched her head and said, My lord's perception ability is definitely fine. The key question is, can you really do it? I always feel that you might accidentally get in touch with your perverted brother-in-law. I missed it. ...No way? Hitomi Mikishima, who was standing next to him, said a little uncertainly: I always feel that Tomoyuki-kun is the kind of cool man who explodes wherever he goes. So wherever there is a night traveler, it will definitely be a very popular place with loud gunshots. That's right, if you are a night traveler, you will be the center of attention wherever you go. Tililith nodded proudly, and whispered in agreement. : Moreover, Ye Xing will definitely feel our presence, and Ye Xing will come to find us. In other words, let's go and have a big fight, right? From the black bag in the hands of Butler Harman, he took out his two silver modified Beretta Hanan and said with a smile: Put them I'm good at making noise! ​​Very good, the basic plan has been made clear, and the next step is the route. With a hint of seriousness in her expression, Alexa took out her hand from the collar of her black dress. The glass-panel-like mobile phone was placed in the center of the table, and I touched it with my fingers. After a while, a projection of the internal structure of the light blue castle was emitted from the mobile phone screen and suspended in mid-air. Is This is the Queen. The internal structure of the fortress. Next, let us clarify our battle route. Put her fingers together and pull them apart to enlarge the projection of the castle. Alexa began to make detailed arrangements for the people around her, including Housekeeper Haman. The route out, the route will lead to a secret entrance and exit. Then, she moved her jade hand gently and pushed the projection of the castle away. Immediately, the light blue projection of the entire island appeared on the table. Alexley As before, Sha zoomed in on the projection of the southern part of the mountain, and then began to arrange the route in detail. Every girl present was listening carefully, trying their best to remember the terrain and coordinates mentioned by Alexa. As a reference, it was not until the route extended to the beach on the other side of the island that Alexa raised her head and asked in a deep voice: Do you have any questions, sisters? Seeing that the girls did not reply. , Alexa nodded, turned off the projection, put the phone back into her collar, and then said in a deep voice: Then prepare to act. Although I believe my dear, I still hope to give my dear as soon as possible. get back. After saying that, Alexa turned to Butler Harman and said, Come on, make preparations. Yes, Miss. She bowed slightly to Alexa, and Butler Harman put the knife in his hand and the knife on his shoulder. The coffin and the black cloth bag were all placed on the table. After Hitomi Mishima put away the swords, Tirilian carried the coffin, opened the black bag, and took out a small black flare. Launch the gun. Considering that our communications have been interfered with, each of us carries a signal gun... Alexa explained in a deep voice: If any sister is the first to meet with Mr., please directly launch the signal. Gun, don't worry

, our flares are purple, which is different from the flares used by most armed forces. This is enough to help us distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. But at the same time, this also means that as long as one person fires the signal gun, all the surrounding enemies may gather towards the location where the signal gun was launched, right? Bai Muqing asked in a deep voice. Wouldn't that be better? ? The jade hand covered with black lace gloves caressed her cheek, and Rita smiled and said: If the garbage can learn to gather on its own, the cleaning work will definitely become very easy. What a unique angle... Smiling at Rita and expressing her approval, Alexa turned her head and whispered to the emerald green behind her, Alexa, you are injured, so I will fight for a while. Remember not to be too desperate. When you encounter enemies, just try to hold them back as much as possible. Let's move this $ and send out my garrison, but be careful not to let them hurt my dear. Now, go and do it. .. After receiving Alexa's order, the emerald green tentacle immediately retracted into the dark wall cavity and disappeared. Alexa turned her head and looked at the person on the round table. All the girls said with serious faces: Okay, sisters, let us set off now to find our dear ones safe and sound.

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