What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

7-6. The macho soul of Queen Island

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As the bombing ended, the fog slowly descended again, covering the small island wrapped in green plants. The bombed dirt roads flew up and splashed on the surrounding trees that had been blown down by the bombing. , among the trees, the grass and trees were stained with soil, and in the soil, two dots of blood-filled black and white suddenly lit up.

Covered in mud, Li Yexing hid in the grass, staring at the three black-clothed militants passing by the dirt road. He was wearing a black combat uniform and a thick black body armor, and wore a pair of thick black body armor on his head. A harder and larger black helmet, an HK-6 with a lower-frame ammunition launcher in his hand, and a strange-looking stun gun hanging on his waist. This outfit is similar to the black Ambre Li Yexing had seen in the submarine oil field before. The troops are all fully armed, just like the Iron King. Facing these Iron Kings, Li Yexing's only weapon is a tree broken off from the tree. The dagger is long and short, hard enough, and has a sharp tip. It's not sharp, but it can definitely pierce people's skin. Li Yexing vaguely remembered that Alexa had mentioned that Black Umbrella seemed to have developed a special team dedicated to dealing with BOW. Li Yexing was not sure how the combat effectiveness of this group of people would compare with the regular security forces. There is no difference, but Li Yexing is certain that the heavy equipment on the guys in front of him will definitely seriously affect their flexibility. In other words, if he handles it well, he can kill all three guys! Suddenly Take action! Kill one of them directly, then grab the gun and kill the other two before they can react! After making a plan, Li Yexing lay dormant with peace of mind, silently waiting for the opportunity, waiting for the three people to fall into the trap. own attack range, and on the other side, unaware of the murderous intention coming from the roadside, three soldiers in black were still advancing silently. They said nothing, raised their guns, and were always alert to the surroundings. Follow

We entered Li Yexing's ambush range. Li Yexing's muscles tightened little by little. He put on an attack stance and faced the soldier closest to him, ready to take action at any time. However, at this moment, suddenly , the person walking at the front stopped. Seeing that the situation had changed, Li Yexing immediately postponed the offensive. Raising his hand and pressing the side of his helmet, the soldier walking at the front said solemnly: This is H6, please tell me. Is it the top of the mountain? Got it, do you need us to speed up? Okay, we will. Speed ​​up and expect to meet up with other teams within half an hour, and then enter the bunker together to provide you with backup. I understand, I wish you all the best... Hiding in the grass, silently listened to the soldier's communication, Li Yexing's brows relaxed a little. From this communication, Li Yexing could judge that Black Umbrella had discovered the Ashford family's castle, and a vanguard force had entered. This also indirectly showed that the castle should currently be They are safe and sound, so the girls in the castle should also be safe and sound. Considering that the castle is Alexa's territory and is full of traps, the girls will have a great home field advantage when fighting. In other words, Girl D is still safe. . On the other side, after the communication ended, a soldier who was following behind asked: So, we are not going to search the mountain anymore? We are not searching anymore... The soldier walking at the front replied in a deep voice: Putting us here is just for insurance to prevent fish from slipping through the net. The commander didn't expect us to find anything. The focus of this operation has been on the teams that landed on the top of the mountain from the beginning. is said Get up, the commander seemed to have said that he wanted to hunt... It seemed that due to the change of mission, the atmosphere relaxed a little. The soldier closest to Ye Xing lowered his gun and said: It seems that he wanted to hunt a man. Mercenary? Li Yexing... The soldier walking at the front replied in a deep voice: A legendary mercenary. It is said that he is currently working for a small security company in Eastern Europe. He has many scary rumors. , if you follow this circle, you will definitely have heard of his name. So, that guy is really powerful? Hearing the leader's words, the soldier closest to Li Yexing couldn't help but whisper. asked. Who knows? Anyway, the rumors are quite scary, but I have reservations. The soldier walking at the front said solemnly: The mercenary profession is not as glamorous as shown in the movie. - Qun retired. There are veterans who know nothing but shooting and killing. They can only put their heads in their waistbands to make money. Moreover, the indulgence and lack of self-discipline caused by military service will quickly wear down people. Therefore, these people The combat effectiveness is generally nothing to see. Patting the shoulder of the soldier closest to Li Yehang, the leading soldier said solemnly: Forget it, don't talk about this, the people above are still waiting for us. Late.. No reply. The soldier closest to Li Yexing just raised the gun in his hand. When his leader turned his head, he was about to follow. Suddenly, he heard something sound in his ears. The sound was very soft, like an hallucination, but it was getting closer and closer. The vigilance in his heart made him turn his head subconsciously, and then he saw the last scene of his life, a man covered in mud. With a few leaves stuck to his body, he came towards me like an evil ghost! Without speaking or even making much noise, Li Youxing held a small half branch and accurately inserted it between the enemy's helmet and body armor. In the gap, the man raised his neck and made a helpless clucking sound. He directly picked up the HK-46 in the man's hand and pulled the trigger at another soldier who was following him. The bullet hit the thick Li Yexing pressed the butt of the gun and controlled it all the way up until the soldier's mask was shattered and a cloud of blood exploded. Killing two enemies in an instant, Li Yexing dragged the muzzle of his gun and was about to kill the leader as well. However, he saw that the leader who had turned around actually flew up and kicked Li Yexing directly on the muzzle of his gun. Even with a corpse between them and the fact that he was only holding a gun with one hand, the gun in Li Yexing's hand was kicked out.

Go, just as the leader was about to raise his gun and fire, Li Yexing pulled out the black dagger from the waist of the corpse in his arms, and slashed the opponent's wrist. Taking advantage of the opponent's hand being weak and letting out a burst of grunt, Li Youxing stepped forward suddenly, the dagger in his hand going straight towards the opponent's neck. Seeing that the situation was not good, the soldier quickly backed away and tried to distance himself, but Li Youxing made a move. Faster than him, seeing that his throat was about to be penetrated by Li Yexing, in desperation, the man lowered his body suddenly, turned his head at the same time, and faced Li Yexing with his helmet. The next second, a burst of commands The sound of sore teeth rang out, and the black dagger grazed the helmet, leaving a shallow mark along with the sparks. Although the soldier escaped the fatal blow, he also suffered from physical imbalance and heavy equipment. After falling to the ground, Li Xing changed his body shape, rode on the opponent's body, and stabbed the soldier's neck with a dagger in both hands. Ah! He exclaimed subconsciously. The man stretched out his hands and pressed against Li Yexing's wrist. Even though he was relatively confident in his own strength, he still couldn't resist Li Yexing. He watched the dagger strike. The tip was getting closer and closer to his neck, and the face under the mask finally showed fear. On the other side, feeling the futile struggle of the soldier under him, Li Yexing said with a evil smile: So, my There's nothing to see in terms of combat effectiveness, right? Under the mask, the pupils of the black-clothed soldier lying on the ground suddenly shrank, and the next second, the dark dagger pierced his throat bit by bit.

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