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Which team fired the gun just now?! Ghost, each team reported the situation! H Everything is normal. H2- It's normal.

H3 everything is normal H everything is normal. H5 - everything is normal.

H6? Is H6 here? If you hear it, please reply. Repeat, H60. Please reply. Beside the dirt road, between the woods and grass, Li Yexing grabbed the wet soil and roughly applied it to his face, which was slightly exposed. On his neck, three corpses dressed in black were piled up randomly on his body. The situation was urgent, and Li Yexing did not have time to hide the three corpses. Moreover, judging from the faint sound coming from the helmet, the black An Something is wrong with Brela. Suddenly, the communication on the helmet in Li Yexing's hand was cut off. You're a female horse, your reaction is quite fast. Seeing that the communication was violently cut off, Li Yexing, who wanted to find out the enemy's next move plan, was a little disappointed, so he put the helmet away casually. Li Yexing, who was wearing a belt and pocket, stood up and lifted the HK-46 with a frame launcher in his hand. Feeling the cold touch of the modern warfare weapon in his arms, Li Yexing finally felt a sense of security in his heart. After stuffing the pistol, dagger, ammunition and several rounds of ammunition found from the corpse into his belt and pocket, Li Yexing pointed his eyes at the corpse.

Li Yexing remembered clearly that in addition to ground troops, Black Umbrella's people also dropped a large number of BOWs. Judging from the specifications of those cans, they were probably monsters similar to Tyrant. In this case, the light frame launcher was It's not enough. Li Yexing needs weapons that can cause enough damage to BOW. And these

As for the bulletproof vests worn by these guys, Li Yexing decisively chose to give up. The reason was that they were too thick, which would make it difficult for Li Yexing to walk silently between the trees.

From the moment the gunfire started, his latent operation failed. Now, the enemy has noticed his presence. The unilateral closure of the H6 team's communicator is the best proof. If Li Yexing's prediction is correct, It won't be long before the teams closest to H6 will come to check the status of H6, and Li

Although this will slow down Li Yexing's speed up the mountain, there is no way. After all, weapons are a necessity for Li Yexing. As long as he has weapons in his hands, Li Yexing will have to fight with Black Umbrella's team. The bombing just now After that, as Li Yexing could see with his naked eyes, several teams fell to the ground. Who knows?

What's more, the combat quality of the enemy combatants was somewhat beyond Li Yexing's expectations. According to Li Yexing's original plan, he could have killed all three of them before they could react, but it was obvious that the other party's reaction speed was beyond his imagination. Under the circumstances, the soldier who seemed to be the leader still responded quickly. If it weren't for the fact that the guy was weighed down by the heavy armor, Li Yexing would have had to work harder. Black Umbrella's security forces should not have such fighting qualities.

situation, as he continued to think, his brows became tighter and tighter. After a moment, as if he thought of something, he suddenly stopped and raised his head. After looking around for a moment, he chose - a tall enough tree, and then quickly climbed up. It didn't take long for him to reach the top of the tree. He climbed up and looked into the distance. What he saw was the thick fog and the woods full of craters. A little further away, there were the beaches hidden in the fog and the sea in the distance. The vague black that is vaguely visible. is

That seems to be a battleship!

No wonder the scale of the operation was so large but it was still able to avoid the sight of the Queen's party. After doing it for a long time, it turned out that these guys were not from Black Umbrella at all. Looking at the familiar small-scale air strike, it was probably H.CF. But in this case, a new question will arise. Why do these guys use black Umbrella's standard equipment? In order to avoid the Queen's Party, F simply found it himself - helping others. Thug? Although he was not very fond of his unreasonable judgment, Li Yexing still increased his vigilance. If the ground troops that landed on the island before were really

After all, in Resident Evil Code Veronica, H.C.F.'s ground force directly paralyzed the USS troops on Rockford Island! Having judged the current situation in his mind, Li Yexing frowned and turned around. His body was hidden in the sea of ​​trees again. He slightly loosened his clamped legs and prepared to cry down the tree trunk. However, the moment his body passed over the layers of green leaves, Li Yexing's nerves suddenly became tense. , his expression changed drastically, and he suddenly tightened his grip and retreated, letting his body stay on the tree trunk.

Just below him, he saw three fully armed soldiers walking. Just because the leaves were too dense and Li Yexing was thinking about something, he suddenly

The upper part of the tree trunk shook slightly with Li Yexing's movements, and the leaves swayed and fell, floating silently behind the three black-clothed soldiers. At this moment, they did not find Li Yexing, but moved slowly and silently between the woods and grass. With.

Do I need to inform H7? A black-clothed soldier following behind asked in a low voice. H7's team seems to be heading towards the mountain. It's obvious.

They were in the wrong place. No, it's also possible that we found the wrong location... Another soldier in black who was following behind whispered: Otherwise, there is no way to explain why the traces disappeared here, unless the guy got into a tree. . Climb the tree? Do you think that guy is Rambo? The soldier who spoke earlier teased with some disapproval. As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the leading soldier Ruoyou.

He held the pistol and pointed it directly at the head of the soldier below. As long as he met his eyes, he would directly pull the trigger and shoot through the soldier's mask in an instant. Then, just as Li Yexing thought, their eyes met

together. Suddenly he realized that he was being pointed at a gun. The face under the mask widened his eyes. On the other side, Li Yexing's fingers pressed down lightly. However, just when Li Yexing was about to trigger the alarm, something strange happened. It suddenly bulged! Accompanied by a burst of shrill screams, as if something pulled his ankle, the soldier who met Li Yexing's gaze suddenly sank into the ground.

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