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Perhaps because of the thick fog outside the window, the light in the simple yet luxurious corridor seemed particularly dim. On the walls, oil paintings with strange and crazy lines seemed to outline faces, evil and evil. Weird, they are like soldiers, guarding the territory of the Ashford family, but they are also like spectators, mocking the panic and helplessness of the uninvited guests. There is a dead silence in the corridor, only the breathing under the black mask echoes. That ticking sound. That was the sound of drops of blood falling into a pool of blood. Above the dome, a thick jet black iron cone was hanging upside down, with a huge double-edged sickle engraved with the Ashford family crest hanging underneath. The blood filled in between the crest a little bit, and then fell down. On the ground, I saw a soldier wearing black heavy armor hanging on the blade of the sickle. His limbs were hanging down after his neck was pierced by the sickle. The iron chain swayed gently, letting the blood accumulate in the pool. Wealth lies beneath. The tactical flashlight emitted a strong white light, illuminating the hanging corpse. The black-clad soldier carrying the HK 46 stood in front of the corpse. He didn't know what he was thinking. After a while, he stretched out his hand and wiped it. The blood stained the mask, and then whispered: The castle, the mechanism, the female horse, this is really ridiculous. Just less than half a minute ago, their team was walking slowly in this dim and luxurious room. In the corridor of the bunker, suddenly, an iron awl with a huge sickle blade bounced out of the wall next to it, and the temporary captain of the team was taken away on the spot. The two team members who followed behind saw each other being pierced. The captain hung on the sickle blade by his neck and struggled feebly, but was powerless until he died. Are we... still going forward? After a moment, the soldier in black at the end asked in a low voice. Of course we must go forward. Suppressing his disgust at this weird atmosphere, the black-clothed soldier walking in front raised one hand, pressed the side of his helmet, and said in a deep voice, This is C, something is wrong, the leader is dead. There was a sound on the other side of the device. Response. There is a mechanism in the bunker. The soldier replied in a deep voice: A huge scythe popped out of the wall and pierced the leader's neck. How is the mechanism triggered? asked the other side of the communicator. I don't know... The soldier looked at his feet, thought for a moment, and then replied in a low voice: It shouldn't be because he stepped on something.

Understood... After a moment of silence, the other side of the communicator said in a deep voice: Attention, all teams, there may be various retro-style mechanisms in the bunker with unknown triggering methods. Pay attention to look for monitoring probes and sensors, and also pay attention to your steps. After a moment, the communication was cut off. That's it? After listening to the communication, the soldiers following behind couldn't help but complained in a low voice: Damn, why can't the warships or bombers blow this place up?! Because No one expected that they would hollow out the entire mountain. After all, the amount of work was too exaggerated, and our bombers did not carry special bombs that could destroy underground bunkers. The black-clothed soldier walking in front said solemnly: You plan to evacuate? Go out, then wait for the bombers to return to the headquarters and then fly back again? That sounds unrealistic. The black-clothed soldier behind him muttered in a low voice: Our commander is always in a hurry. So, don't I'm complaining here. The black-clothed soldier whispered: Go forward, I will check those oil paintings and bottles of shopping, maybe there is something hidden behind them. We agreed to go head-to-head with the monsters? Why did it turn into an adventure in an ancient tomb? The black-clothed soldier following behind muttered in a low voice: We are not an archaeological team.

Shut up. He was already a little uneasy, and because he was being nagged by his teammates, the black-clothed soldier in front subconsciously increased his tone. He slowly moved to the hanging body, and then gently moved it away. He picked up the enamel vase on the wall, and sure enough, there was a black sensor no bigger than half a fist hidden behind the vase. I found you, he stepped on the sensor to pieces, and the soldier walking in front whispered. :'That's it, check out those ugly and scary paintings on the wall

And those bottles and cans, we move on. This time, the black-clothed soldiers following behind did not speak, but followed silently. The two of them inspected the artworks that could be seen everywhere - destroying several sensors along the way. Gradually, the two seemed to gradually... Entering the beautiful scene. It doesn't seem to be difficult. After destroying a sensor hidden behind the oil painting, the black-clothed soldier following behind couldn't help but whisper. Don't let down your guard. We have only traveled less than twenty meters. , so many sensors have been found, hell, how many are there in this damn corridor. The black-clothed soldier walking in front was about to say something, but before he could finish his words, suddenly, there was a burst of miserable The scream started, and the scream seemed to come from above the head, but also seemed to come from the side. It was difficult to identify the direction. It echoed in the corridor for a long time and refused to dissipate. It was followed by a burst of gunshots, but soon, The sound of gunfire also disappeared. What's going on? After a while, the soldier in black who followed behind asked in a low voice: Which team's unlucky guy stepped on the trap? No, they encountered the enemy. The eyes under the mask gradually became sharp. The leading soldier in black whispered: Girl, the situation seems to be bad. We have to speed up! The soldier in black who was walking in front just finished speaking. , I heard the teammates behind me saying: What kind of question is this? What? Hearing his teammates' words, the soldier in black in front subconsciously turned his head and saw that his teammates had already unloaded a huge oil painting. Come down, and behind the oil painting, there is actually a big hole as thick as an adult's waist. It's so dark in here... Using a tactical flashlight, the soldiers in black who followed behind looked into the hole. , he whispered to himself: I can't see anything

Girl, stop looking... Instinctively, he felt that his teammates were acting inappropriately. The black-clothed soldier in front walked up and was about to pull his team away. Suddenly, he saw the dark hole. Something suddenly came out of the hole, and the next second, he fiercely turned towards the black-clothed soldiers who were looking inside the hole.

When he was pulled into the hole, there were bursts of painful groans. The black-clothed soldier whose waist was stuck vigorously kicked his legs that were left outside the hole. Female horse! Oga! The situation in front of him was too sudden. The black-clothed soldier in front was frightened. His body moved before he realized it. He immediately rushed forward to grab his teammates' legs. , but was unable to get close due to the vigorous kicks of his teammates. He finally seized the opportunity, rushed forward and hugged his teammates' legs, and then pulled them outwards desperately, as if in a tug of war. Hearing the groaning in the cave getting more intense, he gritted his teeth and exerted force suddenly. In an instant, the groaning disappeared and blood spurted out. The soldier in black staggered and fell to the ground. He quickly supported his body and stood up. But he saw that the teammate he had pulled out had turned into a headless corpse. Female horse! his eyes turned red, and the last member of the team yelled fiercely. He pulled out his gun and pointed it directly in front of him. There was a burst of fire at the dark hole. When the magazine was empty, he pulled out the grenade, pulled off the ring, and then threw it directly in with his back against the wall. A few seconds later, with a loud bang, a large area Smoke, dust and gravel spurted out from the hole, and even the wall shook. For the female horse! For the female horse! For the female horse! With his back against the wall, the soldier in black gasped and cursed loudly. With.

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