What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

7-10. Macho Man’s Murderous Intention in the Castle

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Did you hear the sound below? After a burst of gunfire and explosions, in the corridor, a soldier in black heavy armor whispered: It seems to be Mr. J. It's none of our business, take care of us. For now, this is enough. The leader walking at the front carefully moved the vase in front of him and said in a low voice. After discovering that the vase did not have a sensor, he breathed a sigh of relief. However, at this moment, suddenly , the communicator built into the helmet rang. This is the command, C3 team, please answer if you hear it. This is C3 team. He raised his hand and pressed the communicator next to the helmet, and the team leader said in a deep voice, Roger, please speak. The team was attacked, and only one team member survived. The other side of the communicator said solemnly: Now, I want you to change your plan, pick up the survivor of Team A, and meet with him as soon as possible. is team Is that so? Nodding subconsciously, the team leader whispered, Understood. Very good. The other side of the communicator said solemnly: 'Good luck to you, C3. The next second, the communication was cut off. After releasing the communicator on his helmet, the leader of the black-clad soldiers whispered: It seems that there was a slip of the tongue. A is no longer a team. After saying that, the leader turned around and said seriously to the two black-clothed soldiers following him. The voice said, You all heard it. The plan has changed. The search plan for this floor has been abandoned. We need to find the stairway, reach the lower floor, and then pick up the survivors of Team C. Then what should we do here? Shall we continue the search after we get the inverted thunder egg? A soldier in black asked. I don't know. It depends on the arrangement above. The leader said solemnly: The C2 team has already The whole army was wiped out, but we didn't even see the shadow of the enemy, a. is gone, I always feel... tsk, not good. Although I felt a little uneasy, the orders from my superiors still needed to be implemented. After complaining for a few times, the C3 team moved cautiously again. Due to the need to avoid the mechanisms in the castle, their advancement speed was unusually slow. The corridor structure was intricate, and it took them more than ten minutes to find the tight spiral staircase. is We have found it. The highly tense nerves relaxed instantly, and a soldier in black whispered: This ghost place is really disgusting, it's like a maze. It would be great if I could just take the elevator down. .

The elevator is closed, and the CB team is already trying to find the control room of the castle... the team leader said solemnly: At least now, we have no power.

Then, the three-person team arrived at the next floor along the stairs.

I think we can follow the explosion just now to find that house. After entering the corridor, looking at the layout that was almost the same as the previous floor, another soldier in black who had been silent said: This place is so bad, I guess That guy can't go far. That makes sense. Expressing recognition of his teammates' judgment, the team leader nodded and said, Let's do it. After deciding on the course of action, the C3 team took action again. They moved step by step along the intricate corridors, moving forward cautiously, carefully avoiding various potential mechanisms that might exist, until a moment later, they saw a tool that was ironed. A corpse hung from the ceiling with a chain and a scythe.

It's so tragic. It's the unlucky team leader C who was hit by a trap. Looking at the hung body, a soldier in black who followed behind whispered: Leader, you might end up like this in a while. Shut your crow mouth! He turned around suddenly and glared at his teammates through the mask. The team leader began to observe the surrounding situation, and found that all the paintings, vases and other artworks in front of him were inspected. After that, he said in a deep voice: It's safe ahead, speed up and follow the traces of Team C.

With the predecessors exploring the road, the C3 team moved much faster. They trotted along the traces left by C. It didn't take long before they found another corpse. The corpse had no head and was lying on the ground. In front of a large hole, the floor and walls were stained red by the blood flowing from the broken neck. Another unlucky guy. The soldier in black who followed behind whispered. Don't look at the body, the leader said solemnly, Look at the floor. There are the feet left by the survivors on the floor. Hearing the leader's words, the two soldiers in black immediately lowered their heads. Sure enough, only He saw blood-stained feet printed on the floor. Judging from the pace, it seemed extremely chaotic. In this case, he was either injured or in panic. Come on, let's follow the footprints. The leader said solemnly. With the bloody footprints on the ground, there was no need to observe the traces. The C3 team speeded up again. They followed the footprints and ran back and forth among the intricate corridors. Although starting from the middle, the inspection The traces left by the artwork disappeared, but the leader of the C3 team believed that since the unlucky guy did not trigger the mechanism, his team would definitely not trigger the mechanism. As the three of them went deeper into the center of the floor, even the window outside the window The last bit of poor light that penetrated the thick fog disappeared little by little. Under the instruction of the team leader, the C3 team turned on the tactical flashlight mounted on the HK-46 and illuminated the dim corridor in front of them. Perhaps it was because Due to the reduced visibility, they gradually slowed down and focused all their attention on the row of chaotic footsteps on the floor. For a while, they failed to notice the ink-like ink splashed on the wall. Black water stains. It's amazing... After a moment, the leader, who was following the footprints, couldn't help but whispered: Why are these footprints getting more and more messy? It looks like he is drunk. That guy was injured. Are you there? The soldier in black who had been silent couldn't help but said: Besides, captain, don't you think the footprints are a bit dark?

How serious does the injury have to be for your steps to be so messed up? The team leader shook his head and said, Also, if he was so seriously injured, why didn't he bleed? Why could he run so far? This is unreasonable. Come on. , the leader once again focused his attention on the footprints. Indeed, just as his soldiers said

In that case, the color of the footprints was wrong. It was pure blood red at first. From the beginning, the color seemed to have darkened a little, turning into a mixture of red and black. However, this is not unexplainable. After all, this island There was a lot of moisture on the ground. When we just landed, everyone's feet should have been stained with a lot of mud. With this thought in mind, the leader of the team suddenly stopped. He squatted down and shined the light of the tactical flashlight. On that footprint, then use your fingers to gently touch the fingertips through the Zhan K glove and slowly rub it. No, this doesn't feel like dirt...

Just when the team leader was wondering, behind him, a team member squinted his eyes slightly, as if he saw something in the darkness. Then, he raised his gun and passed the captain on the ground with a vigilant look, step by step Walking from the corridor ahead, as the light of the tactical flashlight focused little by little, he noticed sharply that at the corner of the corridor ahead, there seemed to be a few fingers stretched out, lying calmly on the ground. Who?! Come out! The soldier in black, holding a gun, shouted urgently as his nerves became tense.

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