What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

7-11.The evil of the macho secretary

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Attracted by the voices of his teammates, the team leader who was squatting on the ground immediately raised his head. Following the direction of the tactical flashlight, he could vaguely see the few fingers exposed at the corners of the sound surface, wrapped in the tactical gloves. It's C. That guy from the team! He quickly stood up and gently pressed the muzzle of his teammate's gun with one hand. There was still a trace of vigilance in the leader's eyes. He gripped the gun tightly, ensuring that he could raise the gun and fire at any time. At the same time, He walked up slowly. As he advanced, he pointed his tactical flashlight at the corner and said, We are C3, friends, can you hear me?

C...C3? seemed to be reacting to the words of the C3 leader. The fingers exposed in the corner of the wall moved slightly. Then, a shadow moved under the light of the tactical flashlight. There was movement in the corner, and the three The members of the C3 team narrowed their eyes slightly. The member standing at the end even pressed his finger on the radio. For a moment, there was silence in the corridor, only the sound of running footsteps was left. The next second , a man wearing a black combat uniform walked out with his body hunched.

Looking at the staggering oral team member, the C3 leader asked in a deep voice: What have you encountered? ...I don't know. Female horse, I'm not sure what it is. He covered his abdomen with his backhand, Shaking his somewhat weak body, the surviving member of A whispered: Maybe it's a trap, maybe it's a monster, that thing... it ripped off Oga's head. I threw a grenade, I don't know if there is any Blow it up

Are you injured? Seeing team member A staggering and having trouble standing, the leader of C3 asked in a deep voice. No, I'm not injured. The team member C lowered his head while walking towards team C3. He said: I don't know how it happened... That damn woman from the female horse, she poured those things all over me. Now, I just feel that my stomach is very swollen, and my body is a little unruly... until I hear C At the words of the survivor of the team, the leader of the C3 team suddenly realized that this survivor was wet all over, and there were several holes in the combat uniform, which looked like bullet holes. From his body, black liquid It was dripping on the ground little by little, but because the combat uniform was also black and the light was too dim, he didn't notice it at the first time. Stand there! Friend! Don't come here! He suddenly picked up the gun. Come on, aiming at the members of Team C who were staggering forward step by step, the leader of Team C3 shouted urgently. Leader? Seeing the leader raising his gun, the two black-clothed soldiers standing next to the leader also followed suit subconsciously. After raising his gun, one of the soldiers in black was confused, but heard the C3 leader whisper, He seems to be infected, and he is ready to confirm his condition. What? After hearing the leader's words, the black-clothed soldier immediately turned his attention to the walking survivor C, with a chill in his eyes. Stop! Otherwise I'm going to shoot! Seeing that the C team member was still approaching as if he didn't hear his words, the C3 leader couldn't help but glared and said: Female horse! Damn it! I let it happen You stand there! ...Aren't you here to pick me up? I heard it all. The commander gave the order, right? On the other side, the surviving soldiers who turned a deaf ear to the C3 leader's words suddenly quickened their pace. Like a zombie, he rushed towards the leader of C3 with staggering steps, and at the same time said urgently: Horse girl! Get me out of this hellish place! I've had enough! I...my stomach is going to burst. Damn it! He cursed fiercely, and the leader of C3 directly triggered the alarm. At the same moment, gunfire rang out, and bullets hit the heavy body armor. However, the C3 team members seemed to have lost their sense of fear. In general, facing the firepower of the C3 leader, he wailed and rushed forward. The black-clothed soldier standing next to the C3 leader gritted his teeth and fired the alarm directly at the head of the C3 leader. The next second, the mask shattered and blood splattered. The C team member who was on the front fell at the feet of the C3 leader. The blood flowed out little by little and was stained on the soles of the shoes. Looking at the blown head under his feet The leader of the C3 team turned his head and glared at the black-clothed soldier beside him. Seeing the black-clothed soldier shrugging, he raised his hand, pressed the communicator on his helmet, and then lowered his head. The voice said: This is C3, please answer when you receive it. This is the commander, reporting your situation, C3. Immediately, a response came from the other side of the communicator. We found the survivor from C. His condition is very wrong. I think he has been infected... He took a deep look at the black-clothed soldier beside him. The leader turned his head and said solemnly: So, I shot him. Ming... After a moment of silence, the other side of the communicator said in a deep voice: Keep going, Team C3. You can take over from Team C and continue the mission. Don't worry, your backup is on the way. .Understood. The team leader nodded. The communication was cut off, and the team leader took a deep breath. Then he turned to the black-clothed soldier next to him who had just opened fire and whispered: You bitch, you know Christo What that bastard hates most is shooting friendly troops! It's urgent. He shrugged at his leader. The black-clothed soldier didn't take it seriously. He raised his leg and lightly kicked the corpse with its head smashed twice. Feet, and then whispered: Besides, there is something wrong with this guy at first glance. Look at the bodies of those two unlucky guys C, and look at him again. How do you think he survived? Maybe I shouldn't. I'll take the blame for you.' Shaking his head at the soldiers beside him, the leader turned around and said in a deep voice: You also heard it. We have taken over the task of the friendly forces. Now, let us find it carefully. Look, where is that blond little wild horse? I like this topic. The black-clothed soldier behind the leader smiled. He opened his legs and was about to keep up with his teammates. Suddenly, he saw The body lying on the ground suddenly stretched out its hand and grabbed the soldier's ankle. Damn it! The soldier in black was obviously startled when he was grabbed by the ankle. On the other side, the leader and the -

The soldiers in black who had rarely spoken quickly turned their heads. Seeing their teammates being caught, without saying a word, they directly raised their guns to the corpse and triggered the alarm. Suddenly, there was a loud sound of gunfire, and the sun was shining brightly. The fire instantly illuminated the corridor. In this flickering light, the members of the C3 team watched black liquid like blood being scattered in all directions by the bullets. The next second, they saw the corpse violently twitching. , large areas of black juice continued to seep out from the corpse, and then, worm-like black tentacles, accompanied by slippery black fluid, wrapped the corpse bit by bit from the inside out, and then tied the corpse - Diandian stood up, like a big ball of walking noodles. As it moved, the soldier in black who was grabbed by the ankle fell to the ground, and let out a heart-rending roar while turning on the fire. Howl. 8 sounds of scuffles and screams instantly filled the entire corridor. At the corner outside the corridor, Bai Muqing, wearing an 0L uniform and her legs wrapped in black stockings, stepped on high heels and crossed her arms in silence. Leaning against the wall, behind her, a group of poor people were fighting for survival, but at this time, she only felt noisy, with an indifferent expression, and was in the darkness. Her delicate and charming face was burgundy. His eyes still exude a faint fluorescent light.

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