What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

7-12. The hunky secretary and the hunky lady

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It wasn't until there was no sound in the corridor behind her that Bai Muqing stood up straight. She turned her head and walked step by step towards the dark corridor. At this moment, HK.46 with the tactical flashlight on was lying in a pool of blood. The black liquid and blood splashed on the wall were illuminated. The three corpses were in terrible death, covered with black mucus. You could vaguely see black worms running back and forth between the broken black combat uniforms. And in the middle of the three corpses, stood a large group of black worms that were constantly squirming. They were squeezing, crawling, twisting, and intertwining, and they were constantly drawing black juice from each other's bodies and the wrapped bodies. It squeezed out between the living corpses, and then dripped onto the floor, mixing with the blood. Ignoring the large group of ouroboros monsters, Bai Muqing squatted down in a pool of blood and pulled off a helmet from the corpse. Ignoring the ferocious expression on the corpse, she gently shook her hand and removed the black worm on the helmet from the corpse. She shook off the mucus and then brought it to her ear. Sure enough, just as she expected, there was a commotion in the communicator at this moment. This is C5! Repeat! This is C5! We are joining up with C6! We were attacked by B0Ws one by one with the appearance of human girls! This is C8! Request for support from nearby teams! Repeat - - side! Request for proximity team to support! This is C6! We can't complete the merge plan with C5! We are attacked by BOWs using giant axes! Repeat - over and over again! We are attacked by BOWs using giant axes! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ahhh! Monster! Go to hell! This is the command, H4. H9. HI3. HI5. Enter the bunker immediately for support!

Shouts and screams came one after another in the communicator, and gunshots and explosions came from the surrounding floors. ... With a contemptuous smile on his lips, Bai Muqing casually placed his helmet on the corpse. To be honest, Bai Muqing didn't want to tangle with these armed men in black clothes. However, in the corridor across the floor, A desperate soldier in black

Stumbling in front of her, Bai Muqing rewarded him with a large piece of ouroboros without much thought. Immediately afterwards, the support troops arrived. Although I don’t want to bother you too much, if it comes to my door, there is no reason to let it go. He raised his head and focused his eyes on the wriggling black shadow in front of him. Now, all the teams that came to support had been wiped out. Most of the other teams were too busy to care about themselves. Bai Muqing could take back the group of ouroboros attached to the body. , but Bai Muqing does not intend to do this. After all, she is not Rita. Unlike Rita, who can obtain power from various genes, Bai Muqing's ability is more focused on screening, that is to say. Withdraw this group of screening changes. The Ouroboros of four genes does not mean much to Bai Muqing. What's more, Bai Muqing felt a chill at the thought of taking the Ouroboros that had once possessed other men back into her body. She was not in her maid room where she could eat randomly, so that even the necessary etiquette could not be maintained. Bai Muqing, who always shakes hands with only her fingers as much as possible, will only feel disgusted when she takes back the street snake that has been nibbling on other men's bodies. The core is wrapped by a heavy body armor. The disadvantage is that it cannot penetrate as pervasively as a liquid. Looking at the large group of Ouroboros monsters in front of him, Bai Muqing said with an indifferent expression: That's all. Just go with the change. Deal with all the guys you meet along the way... As she said that, Bai Muqing turned her head and walked out of the corridor step by step. With the soft sound of her high heels hitting the ground, she said with a cold face: Heli. Unlike towers, my time is valuable, so I'm not going to waste my time cleaning up trash. After receiving Bai Muqing's order, the large group of ouroboros immediately started to move. It stretched out the black worms, letting them reach the three corpses on the ground like tentacles, and then pulled the corpses and dragged them into its body. , and after a while, the Ouroboros monster that Bai Muqing left in the darkness actually grew in size. It twisted its body, squeezed all the fabric and body armor out of its body, and then jumped suddenly. It stood up like a large ball of slime stuck to the ceiling. In just a few seconds, it completely disappeared into the darkness, leaving only a mess. Even though the floors were temporarily cleared, Bai Muqing was not able to clear her head. As other girls encountered enemies one after another, the entire castle began to become extremely heated. Gunshots and explosions rang out repeatedly from nearby floors. , even the ceiling began to tremble slightly, and even the glass pendants in the chandelier began to collide together, making crisp sounds.

Perhaps affected by the endless calls, Bai Muqing's brows furrowed a little. She subconsciously speeded up her pace, making the ta-da-ta sound of high heels hitting the ground become more rapid. Just as she was about to When she walked out of the dim corridor and returned to the side by the window, she suddenly stopped, then raised her head and looked at the ceiling of the corridor above her head. Dong accompanied by a loud impact, the corridor shook slightly, the ceiling suddenly cracked, dust flew freely, and fell on the top of Bai Muqing's head. Vaguely, Bai Muqing seemed to hear a familiar voice shouting ...Next Seconds later, the ceiling suddenly shattered and collapsed. Large pieces of gravel and gravel fell together, showering Bai Muqing with a loud noise. The falling ceiling hit the floor in front of Bai Muqing heavily. Between the gravel and rubble, A silver-haired girl wearing a white dress and a black fur-collared jacket descended from the sky. She grabbed the collar of a black soldier with one hand, swung their bodies and smashed them to the ground, with an expressionless face as she did so. Said: Zhaopa, Zhapa,

Miss Tililis stretched out her hand to wipe the dust from her face, and gently swept her black hair. The gray-faced Bai Muqing said indifferently, I don't think you need to bother these two pieces of garbage. She knew that Bai Muqing was passing under her feet. She just didn't expect that the ground in the corridor of the castle was so untouched. Under her blow, it turned out to be

It collapsed! Before the ground beneath her feet collapsed, Tililith casually threw two black-clothed soldiers who had broken bones and muscles and bleeding from their orifices. One soldier rolled and fell on the ground. On the ground, the other one hit the wall hard, and then fell down with an abstract oil painting. There was a crisp sound of the glass being broken, and the blood dripping from the corpse was soaked in the unprotected body. on canvas.

Xiao... turned around, looked at Bai Muqing expressionlessly, and Tililith asked in a deep voice: Do you want to change the route with Tililith? Sorry, I'll forget it, I always feel that The chance of encountering wild dogs on my route is slightly higher. Bai Muqingjing was not too polite to the petite old woman in front of her. Just like she usually did at home, she glanced at the woman who was walking quickly. Vacheron Constantin turned on his watch, and then said in a deep voice: Miss Tilylis, I think we should move on. You know, time waits for no one like a wild dog... After a slight pause, Bai Muqing continued: Also, if you can If so, try not to damage the castle and the things inside it. Even if we sell the Huanya Armed Forces, we probably won’t be able to afford the compensation. Alexisa is family, Tililith said expressionlessly: Family members don't care about each other. Realizing that Tililith really didn't care, Bai Muqing always felt that he should persuade the other party to prevent any harm to that Ashford What kind of bad impression did the aristocratic lady of the De family leave? After all, it would be unseemly to demolish someone's house for the first time. Thinking of this, she was about to open her mouth when suddenly a roar suddenly sounded, two floors away. They could all hear it clearly. Bai Muqing seemed to hear a burst of delicate laughter. It's over. I can't afford to pay for it. His expression completely changed from indifferent to hopeless. Bai Muqing said with a look of despair. It's Ti. Miss Lillian's coffin.

Raising her head and looking at the hole in the ceiling, as if her sight could penetrate the floor, Tililith whispered: 'Stupid Tililian

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