What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

7-16. The macho man’s ultimate pleasure

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Although the office is spacious, it is not bright. Under the dim light, a vigorous old man wearing a suit with silver-white hair sits silently on a solid wood desk. He wrinkles slightly. He frowned, with a hint of gloom in his eyes. Through his gold-rimmed monocle, his gaze crossed the chess board on the table and locked onto the young man opposite him. Victor. After a while, the old man said in a deep voice, Explain? Explain why I am here? He tilted his head slightly and casually made a bad move. Victor, wearing a white suit, had an inexplicable smile on his face. He tapped his fingers lightly on the table of the desk, crossed his legs and chuckled: I am the speaker of the Black Umbrella Joint Committee. Is there any problem with me coming here? As he said that, Victor snapped his fingers lightly, - Face happy: Oh I understand, Minister Alzeric, you don't recognize me, right? Of course not, as you said, you are the Speaker, you have the right to appear in any Black Umbrella Place... Caressing the monocle that had fallen off, Marduk Alzerich, the head of the Black Umbrella European Division, said in a deep voice while moving the chess pieces on the chessboard, But you should fight me. Hello, the European branch is not ready to welcome you yet.

This is a surprise inspection, Minister Alzerich. After making another bad move, as if he didn't care about the outcome of the game at all, Victor chuckled and said: Recently, there have been some bad rumors within our organization. In order to verify the authenticity of these rumors, I need to come and see for myself. The person with H.CF? After easily taking Victor's chess piece, Alzeric asked in a deep voice. If possible, I don't want to , After all, the relationship between us and H.C F is not harmonious, but because of this, I hope to use this operation to clear up some misunderstandings with our friends. I am completely dissatisfied with the captured chess piece. Mind you, Victor smiled as he moved the pieces on the chessboard randomly: And, to be honest, I don't trust the Joint Committee. They were selected by you. Another chess piece has been eaten, Alzerich said in a deep voice. Yes, they are great actors and can bring me a lot of happiness. Playing the chess piece randomly, Victor smiled and said: But if I want If you want to do something, there is absolutely no need to go through them, right? The hand that touched the chess piece stagnated slightly, and Alzeric was speechless. To be honest, when I first learned that the queen was still alive, I was quite shocked. . Seeing that Alzerich didn't move, and Victor didn't move either, he just smiled and said: However, overall I'm quite happy, after all, the current black Umbrella seems to have been slept with. Like women, I have become a little bored. If the queen comes back, I can have a lot of new fun. Just like this time, I directly. Before I could finish speaking, suddenly, the phone in my pocket rang, Victor Weiwei was startled, and then he took out his mobile phone. After seeing the caller ID, he smiled at Alzerich and said, Sorry about some personal matters. After saying that, Victor answered the phone. He smiled and said: The main road Miss Courtyard? How are things going?... It doesn't matter, it's not strange, after all, it's the queen... Are you already debugging? That's good, just to see the effect... Huh? Silver hair? Is there any problem with this? As if listening to the voice on the other side of the phone, Victor stopped talking, but the corners of his mouth were rising little by little at a speed visible to the naked eye. After a while, he smiled and said: Well , I understand, Miss Qiandaoyuan. After hanging up the phone, Victor turned his head and focused his eyes on Alzeric again. For some reason, looking at Victor's weird smile, a trace of emotion came into his heart. Feeling of unease. Okay, Mr. Alzerich, don't always talk about me. I think we can talk about other topics... His fingers tapped on the table with a brisk rhythm, and Victor leaned forward little by little, pressing He looked at the old man in front of him, then smiled and whispered: For example, the first agency. That organization did a good job and generated a lot of profits for us. Alzeric said in a deep voice, Are there any problems? Of course there is no problem, or on the surface, most of the problems can be ignored, Victor smiled. Dao: But, there is one thing that I don’t understand very much.) \\Years ago, you submitted a research and development plan for the latent tyrant to the Joint Committee. You even had a finished product, but the finished product was raided by BSAA. It was lost, right? According to your statement, it was taken away by the BSAA. Yes, we also suffered a lot of losses in that operation, and Supervisor Freeman even died in the line of duty. Alzerich He said in a deep voice: Then what? What do you want to say?

Actually, it's nothing. Victor shrugged and said, Actually, in addition to your surprise inspection, we also sent people to attack the secret hiding place of the Ashford family, with bombers...seeing Al The muscles on Zelic's face twitched slightly, and Victor's mood became even more joyful. He chuckled and asked in a low voice: The people over at H.C.F., they saw a petite girl on the island, with silver hair, and... Tyrant-like power. At the same time, there is a very interesting name on the island - Li Yexing. He is a mercenary. He is from Lopulus and is an armed instructor in Asia. Yes, he is the one who cooperates with the first agency. Sub-armed... At this point, Victor narrowed his eyes slightly and asked in a low voice: To be honest, I don't think that mercenary can afford your things. In other words, you... give the things that should be handed over to the headquarters. The thing was given to a mercenary for free? I don't know. Alzerich said in a deep voice: Regarding the incident a year ago, all the information I received has been handed over to the Joint Committee. That's right, I believe in Mr. Alzerich's loyalty to Black Umbrella. Although you have been making false accounts, I believe that you will not deceive the joint committee in the face of such a big right and wrong.

I know. The smile on his face became even brighter, and Victor whispered: It must be all the fault of your subordinate. He deceived the superiors and deceived the subordinates, pocketed the research funds, and also used Black Umbrella's The valuable property was handed over to a mercenary, or to the woman behind the mercenary, right? Suddenly, Alzeric's pupils narrowed. Ha, it doesn't matter, Mr. Alzeric, I I've always been fair, and since it's none of your business, I'll go find your research manager to solve the rest. Standing up, Victor turned to leave, but before he took a few steps, he turned back. He came back and stood in front of the table, ignoring Alzeric's ugly face. He picked up a chess piece and gently knocked away Alzeric's king piece, ignoring the rules of chess.

General. Looking into Alzerich's gloomy eyes, Victor said happily.

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