What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

7-17. The macho father-in-law almost missed

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After closing the delicate wooden door of the office and letting Alzerich, who was staring closely at him, stand in the crack of the door, Victor raised his hands, gently adjusted the collar of his suit, then turned his head and said to He nodded while looking at the black-clothed soldiers guarding both sides of the office. Then, he ignored the black-clothed soldiers who were frightened by the nod from the chairman of the Black Umbrella Joint Committee, and looked at the man with the same body. The middle-aged man wearing a black combat uniform, with short brown hair, and his face covered by a black hood chuckled and said, I'm sorry, Commander Albero, for keeping you waiting. You didn't wait long, Mr. Victor. Without too much politeness, Commander Gioia Albero from H.C.F. directly asked how long it will take to complete the matter. It mainly depends on the progress on the other side, Victor replied with a smile: I came here mainly to confirm some things. Saying that, Victor chuckled and asked: What? Commander Albero, do you think there is something wrong with what I did? This is your freedom. Shaking his head at Victor, Albero said in a deep voice. Dao: 'The order we received is to obey your deployment and execute your

An order? How can it be an order? H.CF is an important ally of our Black Umbrella! Everything I do is just a request. Victor smiled and said: I am asking you, do you understand? Understand... Unintentional Struggled with Victor's meaningless word play, Albero said in a deep voice, Then, what is Mr. Victor going to ask us for next? Don't say it, there is really a request. His eyes were on Albero's waist. Sweeping the silver-white handaxe, Victor smiled and said, I need you to do me a little favor. That research director before, do you know where he is being held? Yes. Albero said in a deep voice, You need me to take you. Are you going? That's my trouble. Victor responded with a chuckle.

Under the dim light, the European branch of Black Umbrella was completely silent, with only bursts of footsteps left. Victor followed Albero, ignoring the H.CF soldiers guarding the corridor or cleaning up the corpses. Passing through the long and narrow corridor, after a while, they stopped in front of the office door. In front of the office door, R saw not only two H.C.F. black soldiers standing guard, but also standing in front of the office door. A beautiful woman in business attire. Looking at the indifferent woman, Victor thought of his secretary Qian Daoyuan for no reason. Hello. Smiling at the indifferent woman, Victor asked softly: Excuse me, this beautiful lady, may I know your name?

Kalia. The woman in business attire replied in a deep voice.

Oh, I remembered, that female seductress from the security department. Victor lightly hit his palm with his fist, rolled his eyes, and continued to laugh.

Suppressing the annoyance in her eyes, Jia Liya responded in a deep voice: Sorry, I don't know. Okay. Victor shrugged his shoulders and said: If Miss Jia Liya is not clear, then I will visit in person. With that said, Victor stepped forward quickly, pushed open the door of the office in front of him, kicked away the anti-monitoring device on the ground that was blocking the way, and smiled at the man who was tied to a chair and wearing white trousers. The man in the box smiled and said: Hello! Director Casimir! Not very good, Mr. Speaker. Sitting on the boss's chair behind the desk, Director Casimir twisted his body slightly twice, and then squeezed Victor put on a smiling face and said: I'm not used to being tied up. It's not comfortable at all, and it's not good for my blood circulation. It doesn't matter, as long as you cooperate, we will untie you soon. Victor He smiled and said, Don't worry, Speaker, I'll tell you everything I know. After hearing Victor's words, Minister Casimir nodded hurriedly and replied, That's great, let's start with the first topic. Turning his head, he hooked his fingers at Albero behind him. Albero immediately walked up and placed a black cloth bag hanging behind him on the desk. Victor turned around and crossed his legs. Opened facing Director Casimir

Then he took out a silver metal tube from the cloth bag and placed it in front of Director Casimir. He smiled and asked: What is this? Looking down at the silver metal tube, Casimir The supervisor shook his head and asked with confusion on his face: Pump Jane? Yes, you guessed it right, it's a pump! Applauding gently, Victor pointed to the smiley face logo on the silver metal tube. This is still a pump. Where are the pumps manufactured by your company? It's unbelievable... Director Casimir said with some disbelief: It's only been a few days? They have begun to transform from medicine to light industry. The span of business scope is also too broad. Okay, let's not worry about the fact that your company secretly manufactured pumps without your knowledge and went against the headquarters... Seeing that Casimir was about to pass the blame, Victor didn't care. He chuckled and said, Let's ask again. A question, a more important question. For example, eight years ago, where did the prototype tyrant code-named TLih, which was ready to be submitted to the headquarters, go?' Of course it was

Take it! - Hearing Victor mention his baby daughter, Director Casimir immediately gritted his teeth and said, She's a bitch! Kelly's female cousin! - I get angry when I mention her! Is silently admired Director Casimir's words. During the performance, Victor still had an indescribable smile on his face. It wasn't until Casimir realized that his performance seemed to be a standstill that silence returned to the office. For a moment, the two people looked at each other, with inexplicable smiles hanging on the corners of their mouths. , but they couldn't figure out each other's thoughts. That's it, I know it. In the end, Victor broke the silence first. He chuckled at Albero behind him and said: Chop off one of his fingers. Ah? Speaker? Why? Seeing the man in black combat uniform walking up, Casimir finally couldn't hold back the smile on his face. He hurriedly said goodbye, Speaker! Let's talk again! Let's talk.

Let’s talk! Let’s talk about the pump, okay? No, the Biochemical Sea Stick, not the Fist of the Saint! Yes! The Fist of the Saint!

On the other side, Albero had already come to Casimir's side. He pulled Director Casimir's arm out of the knot, causing Casimir to scream. Then, he pulled Casimir's arm out of the knot. Casimir's arm was firmly pressed on the desk, and at the same time he took out the military ax from his waist, and was about to cut off Director Casimir's index finger, only to hear that Director Casimir was as big as a slaughtered pig. Hou Zeng:, I sold! I sold TLith! Words! He suddenly raised his hand and stopped Albero. Victor leaned forward and looked into the eyes of Director Casimir. He smiled. asked:

Sold, sold, really sold... Director Casimir said in a cold sweat. Who sold it to? Victor narrowed his eyes slightly and asked. I don't know that person! It's a woman! Casimir gasped, with a look of horror on his face: Blonde hair, tear mole, eyes like snakes, and a good figure. She said that she would exchange a sample of T-Veronica virus for t-Lith, I I couldn't help it, so I changed with her! You don't know me, how dare you sell me? Victor narrowed his eyes slightly and asked. I am an intuitive person! Director Casimir said: I believe in intuition! I don't think she will. Lie to me! Really? Seeing that the information revealed by the other party seemed to be basically consistent with the information he knew, Victor asked with a smile. Really! You believe me, Speaker! Casimir said urgently, Virus sample It's in the Level 4 danger zone! I was in over my head at the time! After switching with the woman, I found out that even though this thing was used to develop BOW, I didn't dare to sell it or report it, so I took that thing Saved it! But, after working on it for a long time, it turned out that you were the one behind it, Director Casimir, but I underestimated you. After arranging and combining a series of information in his mind, Victor smiled anxiously. He was surprised to find that the research director in front of him seemed to be suitable for having fun, so he said to Albero: Forget it, let's keep his fingers for now, maybe they can be used later. .

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