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After some rummaging, Li Yexing replenished a magazine from the corpse, and got a few rounds of amplitude ammunition and special ammunition for the stun gun. Unfortunately, he couldn't find the C4 explosive. He raised his head and looked at the insect-type BOW lying in front of him. With dark green joints covered with barbs, he stood up and whispered to the monster lying on the corpse, Then I won't resist your meal. Turning a deaf ear to Li Yexing's words, the dark green insect monster kept tearing at itself. The body beneath him. After getting some supplies, Li Yexing started moving again, grabbed a handful of dirt from the ground, and smeared it on his face and neck. He squeezed away from the grass and left the insect-shaped BOW who was dining behind. , and then headed towards the top of the mountain again, but this time, his route was a lot more twists and turns. With the cover of grass, trees and thick fog, he began to follow the gunshots and explosions ahead, and then walked through the forest. Like a beast, he cooperated with the Veronica monsters hiding on the island to harvest the lives of the enemies. Not long after, he killed two teams again and found the C4 explosives as he wished. He took out the C4 explosive from the waist bag of the corpse at his feet and stuffed it into his snatched waist bag. Li Yexing felt that he no longer needed to deliberately collect ammunition. According to the current situation, the enemy would always send more than he shot out. He couldn't run out of bullets. After arranging the equipment, Li Yexing lowered his head and looked at the corpse of the monster next to the corpse. It was a mutated earthworm that he had seen before. Half of its body was buried in the ground and the other half was slumped in the grass, with bullet holes all over its body. with scorch marks and black smoke. It seems that after the initial offensive, faced with these black-clad soldiers who were armed to the teeth and equipped with BOW stun guns, Alexa's BOWIn began to become more and more weak. Because those stun guns were equipped with similar Since the scanning system of BSAA Genesis can scan across the terrain at medium distances, the mutated earthworm's underground ambush has begun to fail. Are there only grasshoppers and earthworms? Thinking of this, Li Yexing couldn't help but whispered: I remember that the Veronica virus should be able to do a lot of good things, or in other words, Lisa needs me to propose Any constructive suggestions? Because of the thick fog, Li Yexing was somewhat unable to judge his current position, but looking at the terrain, he estimated that there was still a long way to go. In his ears, gunshots and explosions came from the forest. The sound was still lingering, as if urging Li Ye to take action, so Li Yexing picked up the HK-46 in his hand and continued walking towards the top of the mountain. Perhaps because the destination was getting closer and closer, there were gradually more and more corpses belonging to the black soldiers and Veronica monsters on the road. Li Youxing was just like before, rummaging through the corpses he encountered. After putting Yiyao first aid spray in his pocket, it didn't take long for Li Yexing to encounter a huge dark metal can again. This time, Li Yexing did not speak. He just quickly moved closer. When he saw that the metal can had not been opened, he first looked around to make sure there were no enemies, and then he dug out the C4 explosive he had just found and the explosives he had brought with him from his pocket. The labeled detonator raised his head and looked for the tightly closed lock next to the metal can. Li Yexing was about to install the C4 explosive on the lock. However, just as Li Yexing had installed the C4 explosive and was about to distance himself, Suddenly, the hatch of the metal can suddenly turned on with a green light and opened a gap. Then, with a chi sound, a burst of water mist sprayed out with a somewhat cold temperature. His pupils suddenly shrank, and Li Yexing had no time to dodge, so he had to hide behind the huge metal flash one by one. The next second, the metal cabin crashed to the ground with the C explosive stuck to the lock. , smashed into a patch of grass, and then, a tall and slender black figure stepped out of the hatch. Hiding behind the huge metal can, Li Yexing clung to the slightly cool metal can, letting it be contaminated The water droplets on it soaked into his clothes with a coolness. He frowned and tilted his head slightly, but did not dare to look behind him. He could only use the sound to judge the situation on the other side of the metal beam. Vaguely, he could I heard a soft sound of metal exoskeletons hitting each other, and a sound like mechanical operation. Along with this sound, bursts of breathing came from the white mist. The sound became louder and louder, as if It was the sleeping giant that was waking up little by little. It seemed that the thing hadn't left yet... In an instant, Li Yexing made a judgment. He suddenly pressed down his body and sat in the grass with his back against the metal light. Then, He directly pressed the detonator in his hand. Following Li Yexing's movements, a loud boom sound came from behind Li Yexing. The cold metal light clinging to Li Yexing's back trembled suddenly, and large pieces of soil were mixed with it. The blades of grass were thrown into the sky by the explosion, scattered in all directions, and then fell on Li Yexing like rain. Li Yexing gritted his teeth, stared, and his face was extremely ferocious. He endured the pain caused by the close explosion. With the buzzing lingering in his ears, Li Yexing picked up the HK-46 and rushed out from behind the metal flare. When he looked up, he saw the apostle who had just crawled out of the metal flare being locked in the metal tank cabin. The C4 explosive that was buckled was blown to the ground. He was supporting his body and trying to get up. It seemed that because it had just left the metal tank, it did not look as flexible as the ones seen in the submarine oil field before. I noticed it. In front of Li Yexing, it began to twist its somewhat stiff neck, trying to point the cracked mask towards Li Yexing, but saw Li Yexing directly pull the trigger of the ammunition launcher.

With a soft sound, the weapon was ejected from the barrel, trailing smoke and tearing through the mist, and headed straight for the apostle. The apostle, whose limbs were slightly uncoordinated, had no time to dodge, so he had to subconsciously block his face with one arm. The next second, there was an explosion. The fire roared, and the strong wind blew the grass blades with heat, washing Li Yexing's cheeks. In the flames, the apostle was knocked to the ground, and the mask that had been cracked by C4 was completely brittle, revealing a The expressionless black face is just that the top of the monster's head has long been no longer protected by the skull, and the exposed half

Next to the brain, a mass of red and pink parasites had replaced the other half of the brain and was waving its tentacles. Death! Against the heat that had not yet dissipated, Li Yexing directly raised his gun and fired at the exposed array of parasites. Suddenly, red and yellow liquids scattered in all directions, and the bullets penetrated the parasites on his body. The insect let out a strange cry. It controlled the apostle's body, trying to make the monster raise its arm to cover itself. Unexpectedly, Li Yexing took the opportunity to raise its arm and threw a grenade directly, and the grenade was torn off. He grabbed the ring and flew directly under the apostle's raised arm into its arms. Li Yexing turned around and fell into the grass with a swoop. The next second, the explosion sounded again, and the lanky apostle was knocked directly to the ground. The parasite that replaced half of the apostle's brain had completely turned into a shriveled mass of flesh riddled with holes and constantly leaking fluids. Seeing this, Li Yexing stood up suddenly and ran straight towards the apostle who collapsed on the ground. He pointed the gun at the apostle's head and activated the alarm frantically until the parasite and the remaining half of the apostle were killed. His brains were all smashed into a ball of rotten flesh before he stopped. Huh. With a heavy breath, Li Yexing changed the magazine, his brows became more solemn. What he was most worried about had happened. These monsters trapped in metal yoko are finally coming!

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