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Near the bottom of the castle, the corridors are no longer as luxurious as before. With the reduction of decorative art, the old but neat corridors look more primitive. I only went downstairs. Because the light wells were not lit, the corridors were It was pitch black, and naturally no one could appreciate this simplicity. What's more, there seemed to be some other sounds hidden in this simplicity. It was the sound of drops of water dripping and hitting the pool of water. It was the sound of flesh and blood melting and skin tearing. It was the sound of bones breaking and teeth rubbing together. In this silence and darkness, the sound was so... Abrupt, but when the sound of slight footsteps came, the sound disappeared. As the light of the tactical flashlight dimly lit up, it seemed that a black shadow was crawling across the ceiling of the corridor, but those who came late did not pay attention. arrive. Oh my God, the tactical flashlight hanging on the HK-46 swept across the quaint corridor, dispelling the darkness, illuminating everything in the corridor, looking at the blood splashed on the walls and floor like an oil painting And the minced meat, as well as the black cloth mixed in it, the soldiers in black twitched their facial muscles slightly, and their faces turned ashen. Rao has been working in H.C.F for many years, and he has never seen such a scene. This can no longer be described as disgusting, it simply makes people feel chilly! Leader, then... Following behind the team leader, - The soldier in black seemed to be frightened by the sight in front of him. Another soldier in black reacted even more violently. He directly pulled off his mask, then bent over and vomited. With the loss of the protection of the mask, the disgusting smell in the air The fishy smell penetrated directly into his nasal cavity, and suddenly he vomited even more violently. Large balls of dirt mixed with gastric juice were spit out continuously. In a daze, he felt as if he was about to vomit out his tail. Girl! Keep your voice down! Seeing his teammate vomiting like crazy, the team leader quickly turned his head and scolded in a low voice. Although he could understand his teammates, at this moment, in this situation, there was such a movement. Come on, this is simply courting death! I, I, his female horse, took a long time to straighten up. The soldier in black looked a little pale. He wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his combat uniform, and he put the mask on again. face, and then whispered: I don't think this is anything, it's just a B-level horror movie, but... I just want to vomit.

I want to vomit too. Resisting the feeling of churning gastric juice, the leader whispered, Stop taking the gun and take out that 'Thunder God'. It seems that the monster we are about to face is not comparable to those outside. . Not long ago, after fighting various monsters on the mountain outside the castle, the H9 team finally successfully entered the interior of the bunker through a window next to the cliff. According to the commander's order, their mission was Support the team that had previously entered the bunker, and then work with them to find the control room that should be located at the bottom of the bunker. Initially, based on the intelligence that had been obtained, the leader of the H9 team speculated that the situation inside the bunker should be slightly safer than outside. The mechanisms are complicated, but they can be avoided by moving forward cautiously. There are powerful B0Ws wandering in the corridor, but the number is very small. The probability of a head-on collision in this huge bunker is not high. But now it seems that the leader of the H9 team made a mistake in his guess. Go up and have a look. Using the light of the tactical flashlight, he scanned the tragic situation in front of him. After a while, the team leader gritted his teeth and whispered: We need to confirm which friendly force this is so that we can understand the situation. After saying that, the team leader directly Walking towards the road covered with blood and flesh, behind him, two soldiers in black followed reluctantly. When the soles of their shoes stepped into the pool of blood and minced meat, the feeling under their feet was Occupied by the wetness, the team leader took out the Thor from behind and turned on the scanning system. As he moved forward, he used the scanning system on the screen to observe the surroundings, searching for any living things hiding behind the walls. After confirming that it was safe, he sped up his footsteps and walked to the middle of the corridor despite the coldness in his heart. Then he squatted down and used his fingers to gently pick up the black rags mixed in the flesh on the floor to see the leader. He was messing with the pile of minced meat on the ground, and the two black-clothed soldiers following him frowned, and the black-clothed soldier who had vomited just now turned blue, so he raised his head and took the Thor glanced towards the ceiling. Even though it was through a night vision screen, he could still clearly see the ceiling.

It was as stained with flesh and blood as the floor. Suddenly, the soldier in black was stunned. Through the night vision screen, he seemed to see something, but he couldn't see it clearly. Seeing that there were no enemies around, the black-clothed soldier bravely put away the Thor and put on his HK-46. He turned on the tactical flashlight and shined it on the top of his head. As the light moved little by little, suddenly, - The corpse appeared in his sight, and he saw that only the upper body was left. The skin, muscles and even internal organs had all disappeared, leaving only bones covered with minced meat. And, the most chilling thing was, For some reason, the blood-stained bones clung to the ceiling as if they had been drained and flattened, so that the three of them didn't even see it at all. He suddenly bent over, and this time, the black-clothed soldier vomited into his mask. Girl, what are you doing?! It seemed that he finally couldn't bear his teammates anymore. The soldier in black couldn't help but raise his tone. Just when he was about to get angry, he rummaged for the scraps of meat. The leader of the team reluctantly said in a low voice: Don't worry, I found it. His attention was attracted by his leader. The soldier in black did not curse in the end. He turned around and walked quickly towards the team leader. On the other side, the vomiting soldier pulled off his mask, wiped his face stained with sour liquid with his sleeve, and then followed suit. Look at this certificate. See your own. Two teammates came closer. The leader took out a mutilated card from the blood-stained wallet in his hand, and then said through the light provided by the teammate's tactical flashlight, These guys, they are the first ones in the bunker. The C2 team was wiped out. No one knows what happened to them. But now, we know. Saying,

The team leader stood up, pressed the communicator next to his ear, and said in a deep voice: Commander, this is H9, we have found the body of the C2 team. The commander has already led people to intervene in the battlefield, and this is the acting commander... Immediately, the communicator replied: 'Now, H9, report your findings.

Has the commander personally resigned? Feeling a little surprised by the news coming from the other side of the communicator, the team leader said solemnly: Their bodies are on the lower level of the bunker, near the center. They seem to have been ground up by some kind of BOW. The damage to clothing and equipment is very serious. Understood, all teams, please pay attention. There is a high-risk BOW wandering in the lower level of the bunker. It may be relatively large and can easily withstand light fire. Please pay attention to safety... The voice on the other side of the communication said: H9 Team, continue to move forward, looking for the control center of the bunker. Please report any situation as soon as possible. Understood nodded subconsciously, the team leader cut off the communication, then turned his head and said: Okay, let's move on. Halfway through the words, the team leader suddenly froze. Behind him, only the teammate who had vomited twice before was left. Why is there one less person?! is

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