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In the dark corridor, the death-like silence and the blood-colored simplicity push the atmosphere to a weird extreme. The mask can block the smell of blood and stench in the air, but it cannot cover up the slippery touch and touch under the feet. Half of the corridor was covered with blood and minced meat. Unknowingly, cold sweat trickled down from his forehead. The leader's heart began to tremble. He suppressed the uneasiness in his heart and frowned at Heilongjiang who had taken off his mask. The soldier in black asked in a low voice: Where is that guy? That guy? Hearing the leader's question, the soldier in black was slightly startled, and then turned his head subconsciously. After realizing that there was no one around him, he The already livid face turned even uglier.

He's right next to you, and you didn't even notice that he was gone? Seeing the ugly expressions on his teammates' faces, the team leader understood everything. He widened his eyes and wanted to get angry but didn't dare to speak too loudly, so he had to suppress his voice. Cursing: What do you do with your female horse?! Even though he was scolded by the leader, the soldier in black did not refute. On the other hand, the leader seemed to realize that something was wrong with his mood, and the leader shook his head slightly. head, and then lowered his head to look at the ground. Through the lights on his teammate's HK-46, Leader B could clearly see the footprints left by the disappeared teammate. At this moment, his footprints stayed at the position where he just stood. , but the person disappeared out of thin air. Overwhelmed by the feeling of uneasiness, the team leader felt that his tense nerves were about to break. He seemed to let go of his voice and called out loudly to see if his teammates would respond, but his reason desperately stopped him. , He knew very well that the more he was in this situation, the less he could make a sound! Thinking of this, the team leader became more and more agitated. Damn it, no sound was made, and he was not dragged, and he just disappeared out of thin air? No, that's not right. , it’s not that there were no traces of being dragged... As if he thought of something, the leader of the H9 team quickly carried the Thor behind him, raised the HK-46 again, pointed the muzzle above his head, and used tactics With the light of the flashlight, he could see at a glance the body on the ceiling of the corridor that looked like it had been skinned and drained, as well as the bloody traces on the ceiling. The traces looked unusually sticky, coming from between the minced flesh and the pool of blood. Spreading out and getting further and further away, it was as if someone was dragging a mop stained with blood from the ceiling. It's up there. Before the leader could speak, the soldier in black who had taken off his mask lowered his voice. The voice said. At the end, he turned his head and asked in a low voice to the leader:

Are we...going to look for him? No, our mission is to find the bunker control center. Shaking his head decisively, the leader whispered to the black-clothed soldier, As for him, he is dead. Next, we avoid those traces of the phase. .. He nodded slightly and looked at the leader who turned around. An inexplicable emotion flashed in the eyes of the black-clothed soldier, mixed with a hint of luck, but mostly something else. Inexplicably, a teammate was lost. After the team leader reported the situation to the superiors, the H9 team began to move forward again. This time, the team leader walked in front and used the Thor to scan, while the black-clothed soldiers guarding the back carried the HK -46 illuminated him, and the two of them moved forward slowly, keeping a distance of two steps. After leaving the corridor filled with minced meat and blood, and the surrounding scene became normal again, the two were hanging. Finally, he felt a little relieved and leaned against the wall. The leader carefully moved the vase on the wall and saw that there was nothing under the vase. He was slightly relieved and stood up. As soon as he turned around, he saw his A teammate stared directly at him. What are you doing here? the team leader asked in a deep voice. Go and check the corridor on the other side to avoid being plotted by the agency. I... I think it's better to get closer. The soldier in black said with an ugly face: That's it. No more, no sound at all, I feel a bit unacceptable. Coward! Looking at his teammate who first vomited twice and then clung to him out of fear, the team leader finally couldn't help but cursed R. He frowned and whispered: Go and get checked. The furnishings on the other side of the corridor! I will keep an eye on you! Then watch my back. Hesitantly nodded, the black-clothed soldier took a deep breath, and then walked towards the corridor step by step. On the other side, as if he was worried that the leader was not staring at him, he shrank and turned his head. Seeing this, the leader glared at him fiercely through the mask, and at the same time shook the Thor in his hand. To be honest, the leader He didn't want to force his teammates, but he could see that the soldier was frightened. In this case, it was impossible to carry out the mission. He had to use this method to cheer up his teammates.

Finally, the soldier in black gritted his teeth and turned his head. He lowered his steps and came to the huge vase. Then he moved slightly, for fear of making any noise. Before the vase could be moved, he He suddenly turned his head and looked at the leader behind him. Oh my God, for the sake of God, move faster and move faster, the leader urged in a low voice. After hearing the leader's urging, the soldier in black turned his head again and began to move the vase away bit by bit. I saw a black sensor the size of a matchbox placed on the wall behind the vase. I don’t know what mechanism it was connected to. I finally let go of my hanging heart, and the soldier in black breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn’t care less. Dirty, she wiped the cold sweat from her forehead with her vomit-stained sleeve, then bent over and turned off the sensor on the wall. After doing all this, he turned his head with a smile, and then, he The smile froze on his face, because behind him, there was only an empty darkness. The leader was gone! His facial muscles began to twitch, cold sweat began to drip down, and the soldiers in black backed up with a look of horror. Until his back was pressed against the wall, he suddenly raised his gun, and while scanning around with the light of the tactical flashlight, he said with trembling lips: Leader? No response. Leader! Where are you?! Leader! Fear gradually dominated his brain. In this dead silence and darkness, he stared at the bloodshot eyes like crazy, panting heavily while searching.

Holding on, every time he moved his muzzle and tactical flashlight, the unilluminated darkness around him bit like maggots in the bones of time, gnawing at the remaining sanity of the soldiers in black. Just when he couldn't bear it anymore As he was shooting, suddenly, a sweet and elegant female voice came from above his head... Excuse me, sir, are you looking for someone? Yes, I am looking for someone. Hearing this gentle voice And the soft female voice made the frightened soldier look happy and answered subconsciously, but the next second, he froze. Why was it above his head? With a stiff neck and cold sweat flowing, the soldier's eyes widened. He raised his head little by little, and the light spot of the tactical flashlight reflected on the wall. He moved toward the ceiling little by little, and the speed was extremely slow, as if there was something hidden in the darkness, so evil that even the light felt resistant. , as the light spot slowly dragged, finally a ferocious streak of blood caught the eyes of the black-clothed soldier.

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