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It is difficult to understand. At this moment, the soldier in black has difficulty understanding what appears above his head, the ferocious bloody flesh mass, the turbid eyes of different sizes, and the mouths and mouths full of jagged teeth. The bloody tentacles intertwined and squeezed each other, using their sharp bone spurs to outline scars on each other's bodies. The poor language of the black-clothed soldiers was simply not enough to describe this terrifying monster that was difficult to describe in words. What's wrong? Sir, why don't you speak? On the other side, I saw the soldier in black standing there with his head raised blankly, and the mouths on the meat ball began to squirm, spitting out elegant yet sweet words. The voice, if uttered by a young girl, will definitely make any man feel uneasy, but this voice

When a weird monster says this, everyone will feel terrified. Are you really looking for someone? A huge mouth full of sharp teeth squirmed, but there was only one voice. Obviously those mouths were not the monster's vocal organs. In front of the black-clothed soldiers, the huge bloody flesh suddenly opened It started to squirm, as if it was squeezing something. The next second, the monster suddenly opened its mouth and spit out a large pool of blood mixed with residual limbs and minced meat. The blood sloped down and poured into the black The face and body of the soldier in black were stained with blood. The soldier in black, whose face was hardened by fear, slightly twitched his facial muscles and lowered his head little by little. He saw the body mixed with the broken limbs and meat being poured over him. Half of his head was lying silently in the pool of blood on his body, and the half face on that half head came from his first teammate who disappeared! Yes, even if only half of his face is left, even if his hair It became a little sparse. Even though the features of the face were distorted and the eyes were rolled, the soldier in black still recognized the owner of the half head at a glance! What's wrong? Isn't this gentleman him? Seeing the black man The soldier's eyes widened, as if he was frightened. The huge piece of meat stuck to the roof chuckled and said: Sorry, sir, please let me look for it again. There are many people here today. There is someone missing in this castle. As he said that, the big ball of flesh squirmed again, making a weird sound of flesh and blood squeezing. Hearing this sound, the black-clothed soldier subconsciously raised his head. But just now Focusing on the weird monster, large pieces of minced meat and stumps mixed with the smelly blood were splashed down again. After receiving the shower of flesh and blood for the second time, the black-clothed soldier lowered his head little by little. This time, the stumps under his feet There were more, and in the pool of blood, there were 7 more black helmets with masks. Oh, I'm sorry, you might not recognize it like this. Accompanied by the elegant and sweet female voice above her head, Two tentacles hung down from the ceiling. They crawled towards the helmet standing on the ground in front of the soldiers in black. One tentacle wrapped around the helmet, and the other tentacle plunged into the helmet. A piece of blood was squeezed out, and then, with a slight exertion of the barbed tentacles, a head was pulled out of the helmet. As if fearing that the soldiers in black could not see clearly, the tentacles touched the heads of the black-clothed soldiers. In front of the soldier, at the same time, the sweet female voice asked softly: Excuse me, sir, is he the one you are looking for? Look at the bloody head in front of you that has completely lost its hair, opened its mouth, and rolled its eyes. , the face of the black-clothed soldier could no longer express any expression. His face was that of his team leader, but his team leader seemed to be a very calm person and should not show such an expression. The soldier in black wanted to vomit, but couldn't. He could only twitch slightly and retching. Don't you want to talk to him? I thought he was an acquaintance of yours. Greeting each other is the most basic etiquette among acquaintances. Accompanied by the sweet voice of the weird monster, barbs suddenly stood up. It rose up and instantly exploded the distorted head at the top of the tentacle. Broken bones mixed with flesh and blood shot out, splashing on the face of the black-clothed soldier. Then, the monster above the head was heard whispering: But Don't worry, sir, if not, I can help you look for it. The next second, another large pool of blood mixed with minced meat poured down. Is it him? He's not talking. It doesn't seem like... What about this guy? You should know this gentleman, right? Don't you know him yet? Please wait while I look for him again. Where's this guy? I see that he is wearing the same clothes as you, huh? Isn’t that right? Then look at this, this must be an acquaintance of yours, right? Along with that voice, there are piles of stumps one after another. Blood and flesh were repeatedly poured down from the ceiling, while the soldier in black, bathed in flesh and blood, stood blankly, his eyes blank. Gradually, the mass of flesh and blood stopped talking, and was replaced by bursts of delicate smiles. The sound was not only sweet, but also cute and cute, like a girl who had succeeded in playing a prank. As the monster spat out more and more pieces of meat and stumps, the simple, luxurious yet elegant corridor began to twist little by little, becoming as if In the hell on earth, the soldier in black stood in the center of the hell, covered in blood, like a doll whose husband had lost his soul, motionless. I don’t know how long it took, but finally, the eyes in the black clothes were focused. The soldier lowered his head indifferently and looked at his raised palm. The palm was covered with smelly and black blood. ... Suddenly, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and the soldier in black smiled. , with his eyes widening a little bit, he put his hands on his cheeks, smearing them randomly, while letting out intermittently nervous laughter, until the whites of his eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, and the corners of his mouth almost tore his cheeks. , the intermittent laughter finally turned into unstoppable laughter, with his back rubbing against the wall that was slippery with flesh and blood. The black-clothed soldiers sat in the blood, kicking their stumps and covering their faces as they groaned. The man's wild laughter, under the palm of his hand, his blood-stained facial features became extremely distorted, almost torn apart. After a while, the laughter gradually became hoarse, but still did not stop. The soldier in black held up with one hand He leaned against the wall and seemed to want to stand up, but he didn't know whether it was because the wall was too slippery or because he had lost the strength to laugh. He tried to stand up several times without success, but luckily it stuck to the ceiling.

The monster on the board was gentle and considerate enough. It stretched out a tentacle full of barbs and handed it to the soldier in black. The soldier in black grabbed the tentacle and pulled it. Xia reluctantly stood up, even if his palm was penetrated by barbs, he was not aware of it. Holding the gun, with a twisted smile on his face, he stumbled and ran, pulling the trigger randomly while laughing wildly. He rushed out of the corridor. It wasn't until the sound of gunfire and wild laughter faded away that the large mass of flesh and blood gathered at the top of the phase began to move again. It twisted its body, retracted its tentacles one by one, then entangled and squeezed each other, and moved towards each other bit by bit. The ground fell heavily, until it fell between the bloody stumps. The strange and ferocious piece of flesh turned into a gray-haired woman wearing a blue-gray tights with purple viburnum patterns all over her body. She had blue-gray sharp claws. Her slender fingers came together and gently brushed her abdomen. Rita, who had a red face, tilted her head, chuckled and said to herself: Really, I ate too much today, but luckily I vomited it all out, otherwise If so, my husband will definitely complain that I have gained weight.

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