Direct access via mobile phone:

This is H5, we have arrived at the bunker... This is HI2, one person has been reduced and we have successfully arrived at the bunker... This is the pre-war command. I have led the team into the battlefield. Now, provide the coordinates...

Various communication sounds alternated in the communicator in the helmet, but the leader of Team O turned a deaf ear to it. As the team went deeper, there were fewer and fewer windows in the bunker, and the light in the surrounding corridors finally dimmed a little bit. Come down. Don't use the black Umbrella toy to sweep around, it can't find the sensor. After discovering that a teammate was sweeping the Thor throne against the vase, the team leader stepped forward and removed it with his feet. He jumped away, then reached out and moved the vase away. Seeing that there was nothing behind the vase, he stood up straight and whispered to his two teammates: My eyes were wide open. Team H9 is the successor to team C2. The second team penetrates the bunker, both teams are now united, and soon we will be where they were before. Didn't you say that the H3 team will arrive on our floor soon? A soldier in black asked in a deep voice: According to the instructions above, we should meet up with the H3 team... I didn't say that we won't follow. The H3 team will meet. I just want to tell you that from here on, our situation is no longer safe. The team leader said in a deep voice. According to the intelligence, we can roughly know the floors and patrol ranges of the monsters above us. We can try our best to It is possible to avoid them, but from below, the situation is different. We only know that there are two teams below. We don’t know what they encountered. Is it a trap or a B0W? If it is a trap, what does it look like? What kind of mechanism is it? If it is a B0W, what kind of BOW is it? Will it run out? The commander speculates that the control center of the entire bunker should be on the bottom floor, but the problem is that we don’t even know what is down there. It seems that you are right, boss. The resentment from above is not small. Another soldier in black murmured in a low voice. Because I know some bad things from above. The team leader asked me in a low voice, We should not get involved in this operation, female horse. Yes, remembering food and not remembering 2 dozen, it doesn’t last long at all! Even though they complained, the operation continued. After roughly figuring out the basic structure of the bunker, Team 0 was about to follow the plan, near the stairs in the other area. Receiving the H3 team, other than them, the subsequent teams that enter the bunker will regroup with other remaining teams and become their backup force, and go deep into the bunker with him. As more and more teams gather in the bunker , unknowingly, the strategic focus of this capture operation began to shift. So, what are the people above trying to do? After clearing a corridor, a black soldier finally couldn't help but asked in a low voice: Aren't we sent here to find people? Why did the search turn into capturing the control center? At the beginning, the higher-ups must have wanted us to find people, but you also know what happened later. This place It seems that there are many incredible BOWs hidden. With our capabilities and equipment, someone needs to arrive at the control center of this bunker, stop the mechanism, turn on the power and bring the bunker under control. At least on the surface, this is how they will explain it.

What about secretly? the black soldier asked in a deep voice. You still have to ask? Of course you want to monopolize the information here and... The leader subconsciously answered, but before he finished speaking, he suddenly closed his mouth. As if he suddenly realized something, after a moment, he said in a deep voice, Don't ask questions that you shouldn't ask, and do the job at hand. For this reason, even if the leader doesn't finish speaking, the soldiers in black below should understand. , there was a trace of surprise on the face under the mask, they wanted to ask again

What, but they couldn't ask, after all, the team leader had already blocked their mouths with what they just said. After cautiously walking through the corridor according to the structure of the previous floor, the C0 team finally arrived at the scheduled meeting stairwell. This is Co, we have arrived at the scheduled location... Press the communicator on the side of the helmet with one hand , the soldiers in black said in a deep voice, HI3, please tell me your location. We are still on the way and are expected to arrive within five minutes. Soon, H3's reply came from the other side of the communicator. Just wait. Putting down the hand pressing the communicator, the leader turned his head and whispered to the two black-clothed soldiers behind him: They still need It took a while and it was estimated that the other agency had tripped him up. Then shall we go and respond? Looking at the dim corridor with a small number of artworks in front of him, a black soldier was about to speak when suddenly, he heard a burst of footsteps. It came from the stairway under him. Judging from the footsteps, there should be only one person below, but the footsteps seemed unusually chaotic. Along with the footsteps, there were also faint bursts of strange laughter in the darkness. It sounded extremely scary. Something is coming up. Another soldier in black whispered urgently, and the leader reacted the fastest. He did not speak, but frowned and pointed the gun directly at the bottom of the stairs, accompanied by The footsteps became clearer and clearer. A few seconds later, a beam of red light shone out from the darkness in the corridor. Then, a figure stumbled into the sight of Team 0. Looking at that The figure suddenly emerged from the darkness, and all three members of the Co team were stunned. They saw that the man was wearing a helmet and combat uniform provided by black Umbrella, but without a mask, and the black combat uniform had , actually covered with sticky blood, and even small pieces of meat hanging on it, the whole person seemed to be fished out of the blood pool. On the other side, he found that his way up the stairs was blocked, and the man from The black-clothed soldiers who rushed out from the stairs below were also stunned. It's from the female horse! It's one of our own! After staring for a long time, the black-clothed soldiers in the team cursed in a low voice with a look of shock. Damn it! Brother! Hurry up! Come! What on earth have you experienced?! Stop! Don't come up! Just stand there! As soon as the soldier in black finished speaking, he was stopped by the leader of the team. He pressed his finger on the radio and narrowed his eyes under the mask. Looking at the soldier in black who was covered in blood and whose expression was difficult to see clearly, the leader asked in a deep voice: Which team are you from? H9 or C2

? There was silence in the corridor. The soldier in black, covered in flesh and blood, did not answer the C0 leader's question. is What did you encounter down there? the leader continued to ask.

Monster... the bloody soldier under the stairs whispered. What kind of monster? frowning slightly, the leader asked in a deep voice. Monster, monster, monster... As if stunned, the blood-clothed soldier murmured in a low voice, but the tone became higher and higher. As he grew older, Wan Bing raised his head, revealing that crazy smile with distorted facial features. He raised the HK.46 in his hand to the three people in the corridor, while laughing wildly and yelled: Monsters! Give them all. I'll die! Die! Die! You damn bitch! Seeing this, the leader subconsciously wanted to pull the trigger, but at this moment, he suddenly realized that the finger of the soldier in blood was actually pressed against the bullet. The transmitter's alarm was on, so he turned around suddenly, slammed the two soldiers beside him into the other side of the wall, and shouted: Get down.

The next second, with gravel and rubble flying everywhere, thick smoke and dust instantly filled the entire corridor.

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