What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

7-24.Under the abyss of macho man

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Holy shit, what are you doing... Lying on the ground, his sight was obscured by a large amount of thick smoke, looking at his two teammates who had not yet gotten up. The leader of the C0 team stood up despite the roar in his ears. Before he could wait, He picked up the gun and stood up, and saw the bloody soldier in black - laughing maniacally - as he rushed up the stairs, ignoring the C0 team who had not yet stood up, while he nervously muttered unknown words. He stumbled to the other side of the corridor, leaving his back to Team 0

The team leader pulled his teammates and said anxiously, Get up! Chase after him quickly! That bastard is running in the direction of H3!

.. It seems that he was blinded by the explosion. Under the mask, the face of the black-clothed soldier was still a little confused. The leader cursed when he saw this, then turned around and chased after him, following the undisguised footsteps. With wild laughter echoing in the corridor, he held up the H-46 in his hand and walked quickly through the corridor. Although the artworks and furnishings on both sides of the corridor made him feel very uncomfortable, he knew that if there was an agency, That guy will definitely step on him first

He could see that the soldier covered in blood had gone crazy. What on earth could scare a H.CF guy who dealt with B0W on a daily basis to the point of going crazy?

As the ringing in his ears gradually disappeared, the team leader could hear bursts of footsteps coming from behind. Just by relying on these footsteps, he judged that the person behind him was the teammate he had left behind before, so he did not Looking back, I just kept moving forward until I heard a voice from the corner of the corridor ahead: Put down the gun! It's a friendly force!

There were various noises, and it seemed that they were in chaos. The C0 leader gritted his teeth and rushed out without hiding. Sure enough, what he was most worried about happened. He saw the soldier covered in blood laughing wildly - While firing randomly, directly in front of the blood-clothed soldier, a black-clothed soldier had fallen, while the other two were pulling the fallen soldier back while trying to fight back. Fuck you bitch! He raised his gun directly at the back of the blood-clothed soldier's neck. Leader 0 pressed the alarm without hesitation. Immediately, blood exploded and the soldier fell directly to the ground with his limbs still intact. Zai Aowei twitched. Don't shoot! This time it's a friendly force! Seeing the two black soldiers on the opposite side who were dragging their teammates with their guns raised, the C0 leader immediately raised his head and said: This is C0 !

H3.. After confirming that the C0 leader was not hostile, the two black-clad soldiers on the opposite side who belonged to the HI3 action team hesitantly put down their legs and arms. The most serious part of the bullet was in the neck. , even if the soldier next to him tried his best to hold it down, it was still bleeding. Listening to the O-O-O-O-O sound under the mask, which seemed to be out of breath, the team leader shook his head and said: It's hopeless. After squirting for a moment, he seemed to accept the fact that his teammates were no longer able to be saved. - The black-clothed soldiers standing next to him all stood up, and one of them pulled out his hand and pointed it at the dying black-clothed soldier, and asked in a deep voice, Do you have any last wishes? His chest was heaving violently. The soldier in black struggled to speak, but before he could utter the first word, the soldier in black next to him pulled the trigger and shot him dead. I'm just asking, no one can help anyway. You do it. Putting away the pistol, the black-clothed soldier turned around, stretched out his hand to the C0 leader and said to the H3 leader, I won't introduce the name, anyway, I won't need it in the future. 0 leader. Put his hand with the The H3 leader held it in his hands. The leader glanced at the body on the ground, and then asked in a deep voice, Is it okay? You know, killing teammates is a taboo.

He was killed by that madman covered in blood... The H3 leader said solemnly: After you failed to stop him, you had to shoot him. That's fine. In just a few seconds, the two people who shot their teammates reached a consensus. The leader of HI3 glanced at the corpse of the soldier lying on the ground, covered in blood, and then asked the boss in a deep voice, So, this What happened to this guy? God knows, we waited by the stairs as planned, and then he rushed up from below and gave us a round of singing without saying a word. The a0 leader frowned and said: That's really not true. Knowing what he encountered down there, this poor guy was frightened to death... So he's not yours. Hearing the C0 leader's words, the H3 leader was slightly startled and then said, You've actually lost staff.

The conductor didn't tell me about this before.

Before he finished speaking, the leader of C0 was stunned. Behind him, there was only a soldier in black. Why are you the only one left? After a brief surprise, the C0 leader asked hurriedly: Where is the other guy? The soldier in black also looked confused. He turned around subconsciously, and after realizing that there was no one around him, He quickly said: No! I helped that guy up! He should be right behind me! Handsome! Go back! Without any hesitation, the 0 leader directly raised his gun and ran along the way he came from. , and the black-clothed soldier belonging to C0

We arrived at our teammate who had fallen behind. At this moment, his upper body was lying on the floor of the corridor, and his lower body was propped up on the stairs. He was motionless and his life or death was unknown. Team Co saw this and was about to rush forward. Suddenly, they saw the motionless man. The soldier in black suddenly slipped down the stairs, as if being dragged away by something.

In an instant, the leader of C0 stopped. He raised his hand to signal the team to stop advancing. At the same time, he raised his gun and fired, aiming at the stairs in front. Did you see it? Leader 0 asked in a deep voice. See it? The guy seemed to have been dragged down by something... Standing next to the C0 leader, the H3 leader also raised his gun and asked in a deep voice: Did you see what it was?

It's not very clear... Recalling that his teammate was dragged away just now

When going down, there was a flash of blood red between the hollow staircase handrails, and the C0 leader whispered

The nearest team is three floors away from us. We can't afford to wait. He directly removed the Thor throne behind him, and the leader of H3 said in a deep voice, Let go.

This thing is quite useful. No matter what kind of monster it is, it can't withstand a high-voltage electric shock. Come on, let's go meet that thing. So brave... As a veteran of H.CF, the team leader knew very well that he should always be in awe of these monsters. After a few seconds of confusion, he still contacted the conductor, who said that all team members should be in awe. After moving as far down as possible, the backup force is still sufficient, and those highly controllable B0Ws provided by Black Umbrella are about to enter the bunker, requiring C05H3 to directly enter the lower level. Female Horse's t cut off the communication, and C0 led the team While removing the Thor throne, he muttered in a low voice: 'If it were Christo, he would never give such a reckless order, an idiot acting as the commander.

In this way, after confirming that the order remained unchanged, the remaining two people from C0 and the two remaining people from HI3 formed a four-person team. They walked down the stairs little by little into the dark abyss, where they couldn't even see their fingers. In the darkness, there seemed to be a girl's sweet laughter floating faintly.

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