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Sitting among the grass, with his back against the rough and moist bark, Li Yexing took off his shirt and smeared mud on his upper body, holding a gun and suppressing his breathing. In the silence, he squinted slightly. , listening to the sounds coming from the surrounding grass, until he confirmed that the enemy was not outflanking him from below, he straightened his chest and turned his head slightly, and followed his sight - little by little across the trees behind him. In the white mist, something seemed to be moving. The gunfire suddenly exploded, and Li Yexing jerked his head back. The bullets penetrated the air one after another and passed over the side of Li Yexing's face, sending sawdust flying from the tree behind Li Yexing. I can see you! Mad dog! - A roar full of energy and a bit of passion came from the array, penetrating the thick fog and echoing in the mountains and forests, the voice shouted: Come on! Stop hiding! Aren't you the strongest mercenary in the northern hemisphere?! Come with me! Let's have a good fight! Actually, I really don't mind! Li Yexing said trash talking while counting the supplies on his body. Under the cover of white mist, he casually threw a piece of C4 explosive into the grass far above, then held the detonator and shouted loudly: The key is, who knows how many people are there on your side?! It's just me! Immediately, the energetic voice said: Come on! Don't be shy! Come out and touch me! Sorry, I have a lovely wife at home and I don't want to fence with men! Li Yexing loudly replied to the message from the other side. He started to move. Between the white mist and the grass, he turned his back to the tree that he used as a cover. He lowered his body and moved forward slowly. When he was a little distance away from the tree, Li Yexing completely He lay down in the grass and said nothing. Don't you want to fencing? How about the dagger?! The man opposite smiled and asked loudly: You killed so many of my men, you must have a dagger, right? ?We can have a hearty dagger duel! This time, Li Yexing didn't reply. He just waited silently, waiting for the fish to take the bait. Why don't you speak? Mr. Li? You speak! On the other side, Li Yexing did not get a reply, and his strong voice penetrated the thick fog and shouted, Mr. Li, you can't be... sneaking away. Right? His finger pressed lightly on the trigger. Li Yexing knew that soon, the other party would come here to check the situation, and,) \\Cheng would come from above. At this time, he only needed to detonate the C4 that was thrown before. The enemy was instantly reduced in number. Before that, the only thing he had to do was to wait patiently, waiting for the enemy to lose their composure. In the previous ambush, Li Yexing would pick up the enemy's helmet almost every time and pass through the enemy. The sound in the communicator can be used to judge the enemy's movements. Judging from the communication status in the communicator, although the enemy's external legion has gradually stabilized, the battle in the Ashford family castle is not going smoothly. In other words, the enemy's external legion is not going smoothly. He should be more anxious than Li Yexing. Li Yexing believed that if he was more patient, the other party would not be his opponent. Because Li Yexing did not reply for a long time, the enemy on the other side of the thick fog seemed to have given up communication. In this silence, Li Yexing was like a calm hunter, silently waiting for the enemy to take the bait. Until a moment later, there seemed to be some movement in the grass above his head. Although the movement was small, Li Yexing was keenly aware of it. So he held the gun with one hand and gently pressed the button of the detonator with his thumb with the other hand, ready to detonate at any time. However, at this moment, Li Yexing suddenly heard something like a sound in the thick fog ahead. There was a familiar soft sound. Li Yexing's pupils suddenly shrank. Damn it! It looked like a bullet! The moment Li Youxing realized what happened, he saw a bunch of tail smoke quickly pushing away with the airflow. The thick fog penetrated the air and slammed into the tree where Li Yexing had been hiding before. With a loud bang, the fire and smoke dispersed instantly, and the towering trees were directly destroyed by the explosion. It broke and hit Li Yexing who was not far away. In order to avoid the tree, Li Yexing had to grit his teeth and turned over to hide to one side. On the other side, it seemed that he had observed the tree that followed Li Yexing. The grass was shaking, and the powerful voice shouted: I saw him! Below you! You want to do this with me?! Hearing the powerful roar and the fierce gunfire, Li Yexing, who was lying in the grass to avoid stray bullets, hurriedly pressed the detonation button. Suddenly, a burst of explosions mixed with screams came from above. Li Yexing had no time to confirm the results of the battle. He carried the C4 explosive and threw it into the sky. The soil that fell like raindrops rolled up and climbed up, - while trying to keep his body low - he directly pressed the alarm at the bright light on the other side of the thick fog. When neither of them could see each other, Li Yexing Moving his body while shooting at the enemy, he stopped and hid behind the tree until he found a suitable tree. He sat down against the tree as before. Li Yexing began to change the magazine. The thick fog was on the other side. , realizing that Li Yexing had found a bunker, the other side immediately ceased fire. What a trick! You are indeed the mad dog of Lopulus! After a while, the energetic voice came again from the other side of the fog. The man opposite smiled and shouted, I like to hunt opponents like you! It is because of your existence that I can feel how fulfilling and interesting life is! Then your life is really without pursuit.

Quickly analyzing the surrounding terrain, he threw the last few pieces of C4 explosives in the direction where two enemies might sneak attack. This time, Li Yexing did not close the bag, but directly opened the lid and threw it according to the instructions. In the order of C, he stood up a row of detonators, leaving half of their body exposed. After finishing everything, he turned his face and said loudly: Besides, don't you think you said too much?

Sorry! Mr. Li! I am a person who likes to talk! The other side of the thick fog responded loudly: If you have disturbed Mr. Li, then I cannot apologize to you! I will not shut up! Haha. !Since you like to talk, let's talk about something meaningful! Knowing that the other party wants to relax his vigilance through dialogue, he makes sure that he

Recognizing his approximate location, Li Yexing simply used the trick. After all, he also needed time to slightly adjust the arrangement and pulled off the grenade from his waist. While tying the thread pulled from the frayed trousers around the grenade's ring, - While observing the surrounding environment, he also raised his voice and said: Are you interested in reporting your family name? After all, you have almost checked my household registration! Call me Christo! Mr. Li! Dense fog On the opposite side, H.C.F. frontline commander Mallet Christo laughed loudly and said: Same as you, Mr. Li, I am also a person who relies on fighting to make a living! It's just that I'm not as famous as you, that's all! Well, I can see... He pressed the detonator on his waist and listened to the screams mixed with the explosion. Li Yexing smiled and said loudly: You are obviously talking to me again, but your little actions are still the same. One after another, your uneducated appearance is no different from our group of mercenaries.

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