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I'm handsome! With a scream and curse, a large piece of soil was thrown away with the light of fire, and the weeds mixed with sparks fell on Christo's head. In an instant, Christo understood the situation. , Li Yexing actually fired a boom bullet at him based on his voice! The most damning thing is that the boom bullet almost hit him! Can this bastard really be able to identify the location by hearing the sound? Right? Taking off the black peaked cap on his head and shaking off the dirt on it, Christo was about to fight back when suddenly bursts of gunfire rang out in front of him. Along with the gunshots, the fog was illuminated by the firelight, Christo Gritting his teeth, he ducked, leaned out and pulled the trigger directly in the direction of the gun Huo Gangshuo. However, before a few shots could be fired, another soft sound was heard. Female horse, Endless... Realizing that Li Yexing had fired a bomb, Christo immediately hid behind the tree, but the next second, the bomb directly hit the big tree where Christo was hiding, accompanied by Fire, thick smoke, and sawdust scattered in all directions. The big tree was broken in the middle by the explosion, and hit Christo directly. In desperation, Christo had no choice but to rush out from behind the tree to avoid the sudden collapse. He held down his hat with one hand while walking low through the grass. At the same time, relying on his extraordinary arm strength, he held the gun with one hand and shot against the fire on the other side of the thick fog. He was about to When they arrived at the next bunker, they saw a figure rushing out of the thick fog! He was wearing tattered trousers, and the shoes on his feet were stained with mud. His upper body was naked, covered in mud, and it spread to his face. , at first glance, the figure seemed to be a clay figure, but at this moment, the clay figure's face was extremely gloomy. Even though he did not show any ferocious expression, Christo still felt frightened. He opened his hand holding the hat and was about to Holding the gun in both hands, suddenly, a huge force slammed into his body armor. In an instant, Christo felt suffocated. He staggered and fell among the grass. Seeing the clay figure getting worse and worse, He was shot so close that he could only endure the pain from his chest and forcefully pointed the gun at Li Yexing, who was covered in mud. The alarm was suddenly clicked, and the bullet pierced the chest. At this distance, ordinary people There was no time to react, but Li Yexing was not an ordinary person. With the help of inertia, he fell directly into the grass and let the bullet grazed his shoulder. Then he did not stand up, but lay on the ground like a wild beast, moving. His limbs moved through the grass at high speed, heading straight for Christo. On the other side, Christo, who had run out of bullets, saw the grass trembling. He was about to struggle to get up, but saw Li Yexing suddenly jump out and hit his head. On his stomach, the blow directly knocked Christo to the ground again. Taking advantage of the inertia of the collision, the female horse turned over and forced Christo to stand up. He knew very well that at this distance, he wanted to It was impossible to reload the HK-46 in his hand, so he used a secret movement to pull out the pistol from his waist at the moment he turned over. However, before he could lift the pistol, Li stepped forward. Ye Xing pushed the pistol in Christo's hand away, and at the same time pressed down on Christo's wrist. Christo was in pain and couldn't help but let go. The moment the pistol slipped from his hand, he was heartbroken. With the next move, he turned around and thrust his shoulder into Li Yexing's arms. This blow not only knocked away Li Yexing, but also knocked away the fallen pistol, cutting off Li Yexing's attempt to snatch it away. Pistol thoughts. Seeing Li Yexing gritting his teeth and staggering back, a ferocious smile appeared on Christo's face. The scar on his face was affected. He pulled out the black dagger from his waist and ran straight into Li Yexing's arms. , but unexpectedly, Li Yexing was faster than him. He saw a flash of cold light, and the same black head was already placed on Li Yexing's chest. At the moment the dagger hit, he deflected the angle to remove Christo's impact. , amidst the metallic sound of sparks, Christo was stabbed in the air,

Li Yexing took advantage of this inertia to stagger back again and distanced himself from Christo. You dare to charge directly. You are truly a wild man from Lopulus... After moving his wrist that still had a faint feeling of pain, Christo held the dagger in his backhand and put on a fighting posture and said with a deep smile. :' It seems that you are very angry with me. Indeed, I am angry. He did not shy away from his anger. Although Li Yexing looked indifferent, his eyes were unusually cold, as if he wanted to eat Christo alive with his eyes. This is yours. That's not right, Mr. Li. The smile on his face became more and more sinister, and the scar connected to the corner of his mouth made it extremely ferocious. Christo smiled and said, The more irrational a person is, the easier it is to make mistakes. You will be sorry for your recklessness. Pay the price. Hearing Christo's words, Li Yexing just raised his eyebrows and threw the dagger in his right hand into his left hand. Li Yexing casually pressed the half-exposure detonator on his belt bag. Suddenly, there was a burst of explosions accompanied by screams. Come on. Christo's facial muscles twitched hard. You're right, Mr. H.C.F. who can't remember his name... Li Yexing said coldly: You have to pay a price for being reckless. No matter what your plans are, you shouldn't hit me on the head. You shouldn't come here. Mine. Are you always so confident? to dispel the gloom on his face. Christo asked with a sneer: Maybe there is someone behind you? As soon as he finished speaking, there was another burst of explosions. Come on, with this explosion, the smile on Christo's face finally couldn't hold back. The tripwire grenade is quite a retro thing. If your team follows my traces and takes a detour, it will definitely hit... Li Yexing said expressionlessly: Now, you have no cards. Are you really like that? Madin? Christo asked. I have estimated your approximate number of people based on the gunfire when we first encountered each other. In the round of fire after the frame bombs were fired, I killed two bombs. After turning over two, counting the ones that were dealt with before and those that just stepped on the thunder, it should have just... After easily figuring out the opponent's trump card, Li Yexing said indifferently: Here, most of the teams are probably about to arrive at the castle. Change In other words, you don't even have a chance to call for reinforcements.

Girl, you can actually hear the sound and identify the location. Seeing that his bluff didn't work, Christo's face turned completely dark, while the other Li Yexing was still gently throwing the dagger, As if he didn't take Christo seriously at all, with a trace of contempt in his eyes, he said solemnly: Don't you want to play with a dagger with me? Now, I've given you a chance, what are you waiting for here? Oh, that's not bad, just let me see how big you are... Observing Li Yexing's body covered with mud, Christo breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Li Yexing's figure was not burly. As a veteran, he knew very well that in this kind of close combat, posture was very important, and he was much bigger than Li Yexing. In other words, he didn't think he would lose to Li Yexing. The footsteps moved slightly, making bursts of soft sounds in the grass. Christo slowly approached Li Yexing while slowly waving the dagger in his hand. On the other side, seeing Christo getting closer and closer, Li Yexing smiled slightly. He narrowed his eyes, and when the dagger he threw fell back into his palm again, he suddenly held the knife in his backhand and took a stance.

For a moment, except for the rustling in the grass and the flickering gunfire from above, the woods shrouded in thick fog fell into silence again.

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